Creationist view of the fossil rocks short and sweet. Tas edition.
No, not THAT one
See here how easy it is to develop a simple, powerful model for classifying rock formations within a biblical framework.
A biblical geological model? What is a model? Is a biblical geological model scientific? More.
The linking problem. A biblical geological model links two sources of information, namely, the written biblical history and the observed geological data. It is vital to get the link right. More.
Major Dimensions. When we start with the Bible we can work out a broad framework for Earth history. And we can be confident it is correct because we believe the biblical record is accurate. More.
Biblical chronology. Before you or I or anyone else can develop a geological model we need to know what happened on the earth in the past—we need an earth history. The Bible is accurate record from which we can obtain a detailed chronology. More.
Development of the model. Drawing on our understanding of geological processes we will think about the biblical text from a geological point of view. In particular we will ask the question "What would we expect to find?" More.
Overview of the model. The basic concept of the geological model is quite simple and transforms the way we look at geology. More.
Detail of the model. To be useful for scientific research, the broad framework must be expanded to provide detail of specific events and processes and their time relationships. More.
Classification criteria for conntecting to geology in the field. Past geologic processes varied in nature and intensity at different times. We can use this to identify geologic characteristics will help classify rocks in accordance with the biblical geological model. More.
Geological environments and processes. Different phases of Earth history experienced different geological environments and processes. What characteristics would we expect for rocks deposited during each phase? More.
Application to the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. Now that the biblical model is finished we can classify rocks in the field. Every rock formation on the earth can be placed somewhere within the biblical model because the model covers the entire geological history of our planet from its initial creation to the present time. Let's see how it works on the rocks of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. More.
This one!
This will not be a long post. Darwinists set up strawmen to knock down when discussing Creationist beliefs and one of those is related to the Noahic Flood and the sedimentary rocks. I can point out to the reader that Tas Walker has a blog that will cover various points in detail. I will get back to his blog in a minute. To make things quite simple, Darwinists like to claim that Creationists say that all the surface features of the Earth and all the sedimentary rock layers and all the fossils were caused by the Flood and were formed during the Flood. This is quite false. Sedimentary rock layers and fossils were formed by the Flood, yes, and also during the time following the Flood when a completely new planet's surface was covered by unstable mudrock, glaciation was formed by super storms that resulted from the new conditions. I've blogged on the conditions previously that led to the formation of massive glaciers, sometimes buried animals as large as mammoths in sudden loess storms that preserved them frozen standing up as subsequent storms left them buried in permafrost. Massive glaciers soon began to melt, formed huge lakes and then dike breaks formed massive formations such as Devil's Canyon, the Badlands and at least in part the Grand Canyon. There are many other aspects of the Flood, like rapid tectonic plate subduction, intense volcanic activity, hydroplate theory...the Flood itself is just part of a few hundred years of processes that reshaped the Earth.
Darwinists like to make fun of the concept of the Flood-era events forming the rock layers, but in fact it fits the evidence. If you were able to hear about all the discoveries made in recent years by Creationists, if there was not an entire system of censorship in place trying to keep the dead corpse of Darwinism from revealing its morbid state, you would already know that amber has been shown to have formed on floating mats riding on the surface of the Flood. You would know of all the holes in the fossil stories told by Darwinists, holes big enough to drive trucks through. You would also understand how irrelevant some of their questions are. Why, for instance, aren't there any dolphin fossils found? The likely answer is that there were no dolphins at that time, dolphins have speciated from other whale kinds since the time of the Flood. In fact we know that organisms can speciate very rapidly, testing has proven this. Thus, from a small population of animals released from the Ark came numerous varieties of the core kinds because speciation is a design feature of organisms. Darwin thought finch beaks were evidence of evolution. Actually, finch beaks vary back and forth depending upon conditions and there is even a switch within the organism that can fast-track changes in beaks. Anyway, think about it. Billions of tons of sedimentary rocks? Not happening from long ages of gradual accumulations of dirt, folks, and fossils only happen with rapid burial under certain conditions.
Having promised a short blog post, I will also present a short Tas Walker article. It is neatly linked, so you can learn more as you so choose. Why not find out what the NCSE doesn't want you to know?
Biblical Geology
Properly Understanding the Rocks
by Tas WalkerA biblical geological model? What is a model? Is a biblical geological model scientific? More.
The linking problem. A biblical geological model links two sources of information, namely, the written biblical history and the observed geological data. It is vital to get the link right. More.
Major Dimensions. When we start with the Bible we can work out a broad framework for Earth history. And we can be confident it is correct because we believe the biblical record is accurate. More.
Biblical chronology. Before you or I or anyone else can develop a geological model we need to know what happened on the earth in the past—we need an earth history. The Bible is accurate record from which we can obtain a detailed chronology. More.
Development of the model. Drawing on our understanding of geological processes we will think about the biblical text from a geological point of view. In particular we will ask the question "What would we expect to find?" More.
Overview of the model. The basic concept of the geological model is quite simple and transforms the way we look at geology. More.
Detail of the model. To be useful for scientific research, the broad framework must be expanded to provide detail of specific events and processes and their time relationships. More.
Classification criteria for conntecting to geology in the field. Past geologic processes varied in nature and intensity at different times. We can use this to identify geologic characteristics will help classify rocks in accordance with the biblical geological model. More.
Geological environments and processes. Different phases of Earth history experienced different geological environments and processes. What characteristics would we expect for rocks deposited during each phase? More.
Application to the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. Now that the biblical model is finished we can classify rocks in the field. Every rock formation on the earth can be placed somewhere within the biblical model because the model covers the entire geological history of our planet from its initial creation to the present time. Let's see how it works on the rocks of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. More.
This one!