
Showing posts with the label Geology

Reshaping the Earth with the Genesis Flood

Deep Time and Powerful Magnets from Outer Space?

Overestimating Chicxulub for Tsunamis, Earthquakes

Secular Geologists Invoking Flood Explanations

The Unnatural Evolution of the Geologic Column

Biogeography Challenges and Land Bridges

The Great Unconformity is Greatly Unconforming

Surprised by Venus Volcanoes

Cooper Dinosaur is Super Duper

Extinct Radioisotopes and the Age of the Solar System

Eye of the Sahara and Flood Geology

Wave Rock and the Genesis Flood

Yellowstone Supervolcano and the Genesis Flood

Just So Stories and Mass Extinctions

Laminae in Shales and Flood Deposits

Continental Plates and the Genesis Flood

Creationists Contesting Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Deep-Time Geology Losing its Impact

Wood Chips Buried in the Ocean Floor

Wollomombi Gorge and the Genesis Flood