No Evidence for Dinosaur-to-Bird Evolution
Some folks insist on proclaiming that dinosaurs evolved into birds, and say it as if that's the fact, Jack. Although dinosaur-to-bird evolution is a popular dogma, it is not settled science. Some evolutionary scientists do not even accept that opinion. Also, there is considerable disagreement about which dinosaurs evolved into birds. Some say that there is insufficient evidence for a view, so they postulate another candidate for bird ancestry, which also has no evidence. Then there are the evolutionists who go the opposite way, and say that some birds evolved into dinosaurs!
If you reign in and spend a few moments pondering, you can see that there are many serious problems with the dino-to-bird concept. These include the fact that fossils of modern birds and dinosaurs have been found together, there is no evidence of bird evolution, evolutionists haven't a clue about alleged bird-to-dino changes, the incredible variety of birds, and so on. Then you have all the massive physiological changes that need to occur, such as flight and breathing. These need to have occurred at the same time, else the critter would ring down the curtain and join the choir invisible. No, dinosaurs and birds were created, and Darwin's disciples cannot change that fact.
In related and more recent news:
Finally, here is a combination screenshot from an atheopath that is so determined to contradict creationists, he makes a fool of himself, showing his ignorance of the subject and apparently making up his own "facts" through arbitrary assertions. This character demonstrates my contention that he does not even read the material he "debunks", and supports my contention that rabid anti-creationists are afraid to read creationary articles or watch videos because then, they may realize that God is the Creator and Judge, and they are facing a terrible eternity.
Archaeopteryx lithographica credit: Wikimedia Commons / Ballista (GFDL 1.2) |
A review of the extensive literature covering the more popular theories of the evolution of birds was completed. Of the numerous theories proposed, all were found to be problematic, and for this reason most are now rejected by evolutionists. The most popular current theory, the evolution of birds from dinosaurs, was briefly reviewed, and also found to suffer from major problems, some of which were discussed. The major problem is the differences between birds and both reptiles and mammals, and the fossil record has not been of much help in solving this evolutionary problem. Nor have genetic or biochemical comparisons.To read the rest, click on "Dino-bird theory—a flight of fancy". Also, you may want to read about soft tissues that were discovered in bird fossils.
In related and more recent news:
A new discovery forced a rewrite of bird evolution. Chinese fossil discoveries ballooned the number of birds found among dinosaur-containing rocks. Until now, the oldest Chinese fossil birds, found in Lower Cretaceous deposits, had unique anatomies that seemed better suited for climbing or occasional gliding than for powered flight like most modern birds. However, Upper Cretaceous deposits have long revealed modern-looking bird anatomies. The supposed time difference between Lower and Upper layers permitted around 40 million years for modern bird anatomy to evolve. But it only takes one good fact to shoot a bad story out of the sky.For the rest of that article, click on "Bird Evolution Story Crash-Lands".
Finally, here is a combination screenshot from an atheopath that is so determined to contradict creationists, he makes a fool of himself, showing his ignorance of the subject and apparently making up his own "facts" through arbitrary assertions. This character demonstrates my contention that he does not even read the material he "debunks", and supports my contention that rabid anti-creationists are afraid to read creationary articles or watch videos because then, they may realize that God is the Creator and Judge, and they are facing a terrible eternity.