Is the Constitution a roadblock? Is this the scariest video you have ever seen?

Hawkeye has made a masterpiece.

Please share with your friends! The elections of 2010 may save us from becoming another socialist state but it will not be because the President cares about the will of the people.

Socialists have been the cold-blooded ruthless killers of mankind. Consider the top killers of civilians in the 20th century (not including civilians killed by "collateral damage" during warfare):

Mao (60-75 million?) - a communist
Stalin (22-30 million?) - a communist
Hitler (11-12 million?) - a socialist (a communist with racial dominance thrown in)
Tojo (5-6 million?)- a royalist and believer in racial dominance
Pol Pot (1.7 million?)- a communist
Kim Il Sung (1.6 million?) - a communist
Fidel Castro and Che Guevera (1 million?) - communists

Only Tojo was not a communist/socialist. If you do not believe Hitler was a socialist, you have not read much of Mein Kampf nor noted that the German flag was primarily red. His Brownshirts won the day in Germany but the communists in Germany allied themselves with Hitler, believing that his government would eventually turn completely communist. Their slogan was "First brown, then red." Hitler believed in a national medical system, welfare, practically all aspects of communist regimes save that he placed the Aryan race above the Party.

We can be thankful that a fanatical Hitler believed that the Bolsheviks of Russia were too kind to Jews and other "inferior races" (Hitler must not have heard of the word "Pogrom"?) and decided to attack his allies at the moment the Axis powers were poised to take over much of the world.

Now another communist/socialist finds himself at the head of a powerful nation. What do you think will happen if he continues to consolidate power? The Vice President was quoted last week as saying, at a fundraiser, that the Constitution is "a dangerous new roadblock in the way of American government." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Constitution is a roadblock?! Yes, it is, a roadblock set in place by our founding fathers to keep tyranny and communism and corruption OUT of the government!