The New Great Depression brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Democrats!

So the Democrats got control of Congress in 2006 and would not deal with the ACORN-led destruction of Fannie and Freddie and other mortgage companies by repealing Gramm-Leach-Bliley or in some other way fixing the Glass-Steagall revision that was allowing ACORN and other groups to steal the country blind. George Bush did not fight off the spending and even McCain (who warned that GLB was destructive long before) was of little use. Then Obama comes into power and spending quadruples? Click on the link below to see the results (hint - unemployment doubles)!

The Obama-Democrat Depression

It ain't pretty. Obama is elected, country goes to pot...If we do not kick out all the Obama-friendly politicians on both sides of the aisles in 2010 then we'll be growing turnips in the back yards and fighting off our neighbors for any loose rabbits that can be shot or trapped.

PS - Faith & Family

"Pop quiz: What billion-dollar multinational receives hundreds of millions in tax dollars even though it is enormously profitable? If your thoughts turned to defense contractors, you would be right about the purpose -- killing -- but wrong about the recipient. The answer, in fact, is Planned Parenthood.

According to its most recent annual report, in fiscal 2008, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation's largest abortion provider, had annual revenue of more than $1 billion. Of this, about 34 percent was made up of government grants. In other words, almost $350 million of American taxpayer dollars supported the work of Planned Parenthood from October 2007 to September 2008.

And, according to tax records from the same time period, this 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization had a net income $85 million greater than its expenses. That looks suspiciously like a profit.... The enterprise of abortion in America is big business. It turns a profit, and for the American taxpayer, the bailout of a financial behemoth -- one engaged in an activity most Americans find troubling -- is obviously unnecessary. Even without pondering such moral questions as 'When does life begin?' and 'What is happening in a woman's body that abortion stops?' the fact that this billion-dollar industry needs no tax support should be enough to stop taxpayer handouts." --Jeanne Monahan of the Family Research Council