London Riots, Socialism, the result of Darwinist belief systems and the denial of God
Sky News.
Alex Sarson: "They didn’t riot before because they were still having it handed to them on a silver platter."
You know, the fact is that ideas have consequences and since we are talking about Naturalistic Materialists and their Atheistic Hedonist Humanistic philosophies, I think we should remember that they were the underpinnings of the Third Reich and the Soviet Union and such liberalism is now destroying England...literally!
I don't just attack Darwinism because it is wrong and bad science, I attack it because it has deadly implications for mankind. You see, Darwinism is associated with liberal socialist policies, communism, fascism, eugenics, abortion and the welfare state policies that wind up keeping the poor poor and destroying the family in poor areas.
A kid on the South Side of Chicago will be darned fortunate if he can get an education and live through his childhood without being forced into joining a gang and introduced to a life of crime, drugs and violence. I used to walk those streets armed only with a Bible, talking to gangbangers and old people and young couples and kids and drug addicts. Now the places I walked as a 30-something guy are even more dangerous now. The gangs will often let the gifted sports stars be and maybe a talented singer will skate by but everyone else either joins the gangs or lives in fear...or dies.
The Robert Taylor homes have been torn down, but don't be fooled, the poor and desperate are still there, they just aren't as obvious to the tourists driving into the city to walk by the State Street stores, visit the museums or sample the night life on Rush Street. They come to see sporting events and maybe the zoo or even the lakefront beaches. But if tourists wander a dozen blocks off the beaten track they might well find themselves in a war zone. Bullets fly every night in Chicago. How many unreported deaths of gangsters and their victims are there? How many of the homeless die of exposure or malnutrition and go unidentified and unclaimed?
The son of one of our church families and his wife and children have moved into a poor Hispanic area of Chicago and established a minstry there. The ministry also provides teaching for young people and food and clothing and even shelter for some. This young couple could live a good life in a safe area near their parents and be concentrating on making a nice bank account and spiffing up a nice, new home. He had a degree and had a nice job in a marketing capacity. But Matt and his family became missionaries to Chicago instead. They are making a difference in their area. He is the Director - Urban Life Skills Program at New Life Centers of Chicagoland. I'll probably blog about the things that he and his fellow missionaries are doing to bring help to the inner cities.
Communists like Barack Obama came to Chicago to rally people to learn to hate and rail against America and capitalism and take to the streets with one hand held out and one fist held up. How much has Chicago's Democratic Machine helped the poor and needy? Rahm Emmanuel became mayor, put his kids in private schools and began laying off city workers. So I guess he "helped" the poor by producing more of them! Yet the same folks who barely scrape by year after year will go vote a straight Democrat ticket in exchange for a ride, a ten dollar bill or maybe a little baggie full of white powder.
You want to know why there are riots in London? Let me quote a commenter from the British Guido Fawkes Blog...
("Michael Gove told Harriet Harman on Newsnight…
“…if there is anyone responsible for how these children were brought up, it is the Labour party”. )
~~~~~~~~~~Yes, Britain is learning the hard way about allowing Communism and Liberalism and Socialism and the whole sorry lot to have their way at the expense of traditional values and mores. Wealth redistribution is nothing but government-sponsored theft from the people who produce and then giving it to people who will then have no respect for either the fundage or the source or anyone or anything other than their own sorry selves! Giving Islamists a free hand will do nothing but lead to more subways being bombed and more rioting yet to come...
Man, 21, arrested on suspicion of arson attack on historic family-run furniture shop that survived the blitz
- House of Reeves, established in 1867, is now just a charred shell
- Family owners say 'Our lives have been ruined by the fire'
By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:43 PM on 10th August 2011
Police have arrested a 21-year-old man over the fire that destroyed the 140-year-old Reeves furniture store in Croydon at the height of the riots.
House of Reeves has stood on the same corner for more than a century but was targeted by rioters as violence spread across the capital on Monday evening.
Flames ripped through the historic building and spread to neighbouring businesses as firemen battled desperately to quell the inferno.
But it is now likely that the damage which was 'worse than the blitz' would force the ravaged building to be demolished and rebuilt.
As London cleans up after the riots, an internet group has been set up with people pledging to donate £10 to help Reeves rebuild their shop. This afternoon 81 people had offered to give money. However, the donations will only be handed over if 1,000 people contribute.
Heartbroken: Reeves furniture store owner Maurice Reeves arrives today at the store's ruined 140-year-old building in Croydon
Wreck: The burnt out shell of the 140-year-old Reeves Furniture store in Croydon is littered with charred rafters and bricks today after being set alight in the riots last night
Aftermath: Firefighters continue to pour water onto the smouldering remains of the family-run independent store this morning. The iconic building is now likely to be demolished
Lives ruined: Reeves owner Maurice Reeves, left, is devastated as he returns to his shop this morning to see the damage inflicted by the rioters, and right, the sign on the road which has been named after the iconic store
Destroyed: An aerial shot shows the extent of the damage to the Reeves building from the fire last night
The owners of the family furniture store were devastated after seeing the charmed remains of the building that fell victim to the riots last night.
Owner Trevor Reeves said: 'It has just provided (for) my family and the 15 or 20 staff and families that were supported, it's just completely destroyed.
'Words fail me. It's just gone, it's five generations. My father is distraught at the moment. It's just mindless thuggery.'
His brother Graham told Sky News: 'Our lives are destroyed, it will probably be someone else next week. It's horrendous, 35 years I have been down here.'
He said the business was established in 1867, but he now had 'nothing', adding: 'Everything is just gone, we have just got nothing left.
'I was in the Brixton riots but this is worse. My life is destroyed.'
One eye witness said: 'The building has survived the test of time. The damage last night was worse than the blitz.
Croydon town centre was still smouldering this morning as firefighters dampened down a building amid burned out cars
Firefighters are seen on a roof in Croydon trying to make the building safe after it was damaged by fire. The street is littered with glass but is practically deserted
Devastated: Several buildings smouldering in Croydon with roofs completely destroyed in this aerial shot
Before and after: Reeves furniture store just a short while before the riots, and right, engulfed in flames
Historic: A black and white picture shows how Reeves used to look
'The area was known for the Reeves furniture store, and that part of the street had been named Reeves Corner.'The escalating disorder in London began in Tottenham on Saturday evening. The iconic Carpetright building which had also survived the ravages of war and time was destroyed.
Last night saw violence flare across the capital with Croyden being one of the worst towns to be hit.
A man was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries after being shot during the chaos.
After the storm: Fire crews douse out burnt out buildings on London Road in Croydon this morning following the worst night of rioting
The fires burned through the night as Croydon was hit by rioting and looting
Ablaze: Fire rips through the London Road shops as desperate firefighters attempt to extinguish the flames
Bonfire: Hot are sent spluttering into into the air as fire takes a hold of the Reeves building in the midst of the riots that swept through the town last night
Eaten by flames: Two firemen look on from the street as the scale and size of the fire at Reeves provides frightening scenes even after two previous nights of fire and looting
Helpless: A riot officer watches the building burn, but by the time overworked firefighters arrived on scene the battle was already lost
Police struggled to contain the chaos as hooded youths tore through the region smashing anything in their path and hurling bricks, petrol bombs and missiles into the air.
Croydon Central MP Gavin Barwell said: 'I'm sickened to see this happening in my town. My first instinct is sympathy for the businesses and residents who have been directly affected by what's happened.
'The main building which was seen on fire at Reeves Corner is a family business called Reeves, which has been there for a century, and it's been completely destroyed.
'The people responsible for this wanton violence need to be brought to justice.'
Mr Barwell, who has lived in Croydon all his life, said he was trying to speak to the Home Secretary to urgently discuss police resources.
He said: 'The Met Police and fire brigade need to be given resources from other parts of the country to make sure that another night of this violence does not take place.'
Overpowering: A fireman stands with his hands on his hips as the raging inferno tears through Reeves, and right, a colleague emerges from the smoke
Such a waste: The carpet store and apartment complex that was burned down in Tottenham on the first night of rioting was also a Victorian era building that had survived the war
Several blazes were seen across Croydon, with plumes of smoke rising from the buildings, prompting outrage from local residents.
Pub landlord Alan McCabe told the BBC: 'I have never seen such a disregard for human life. I hope they rot in hell.
'The grief they have caused people, the fear they have put in people's hearts, decent people who have done nothing to anyone.'
Simon Hoar, cabinet member for community safety at Croydon Council, said: 'It is an absolute disgrace. It has nothing to do with any issues these people have. These are pure common thieves more interested in getting a free telly.'
Mike Fisher, leader of Croydon Council, said: 'I am disgusted by the mindless hooliganism displayed by the criminal element that has come to Croydon.
'Businesses that have been around in Croydon for more than 100 years have been destroyed just because these morons think it is all right.
'The council will do all that it can to assist the police in bringing these people to book. It is simply not acceptable.'
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The London Riots? Symptomatic. England booted God out of the schools and houses and even out of their own Anglican Church years ago. Now they have Moonbattery! In fact riots in London by the mindless propagandized youth run amok are becoming habitual...
March 26, 2011
London Riots Illustrate the Decline and Fall of Britain
Posted by Dave Blount at March 26, 2011 10:54 AM
Anarchists today broke away from one of the largest protests Britain has ever seen to bring chaos to the streets of London.
The Ritz hotel and Fortnum & Mason were among the buildings targeted in the capital after groups of rampaging youths intent on spreading havoc left the mass anti-cuts demonstration.
Around 500,000 activists and campaigners descended on London this morning to protest at the Government's drastic cuts programme.The cuts were as inevitable as the riots. As the last great British leader Margaret Thatcher observed, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money. "
Here's what liberalism looks like when it reaches full flower:
Next comes authoritarian collectivism, a totalitarian form of serfdom.
If this could happen to Britain, it could happen to America — and it will, if the disease is not cured quickly.
On a tip from mega.
Godfather Politics chimes in. Help yourself to the implications thereof...Socialism ALWAYS fails and ALWAYS winds up with a small group of rich guys in charge. Guess what? Obama is a rich guy. He sends his kids to a pricey private school. A mob boss helped him buy his million-dollar plus property in Illinois and yet it is hard to pinpoint where he actually comes from and who he actually is. Why does Barry Otero have a faked birth certificate and a Connecticut social security number and how did he get into Harvard anyway? Where are his school records? Why are all his so-called Obama relatives living in abject poverty out of his sight?
Before you call me a nut, answer the questions!
Evolution, Richard Dawkins, and the London Rioters
Two girls who took part in Monday night’s riots in Croydon, a town in South London, England, have boasted that they were showing police and “the rich people that we can do what we want.” They said it calmly and matter-of-factly. Has Richard Dawkins contributed to a change in moral philosophy among London’s youth with his atheist bus campaign?
London buses have been outfitted with the following banner ads: “There’s Probably No God. Now Stop Worrying and Enjoy Life.”[1] The sponsors hope the postings will get people to question the existence of God: “This campaign to put alternative slogans on London buses will make people think — and thinking is anathema to religion,” the promoters argue. “[Richard] Dawkins said that as an atheist he ‘wasn’t wild’ about the ad’s assertion that there was ‘probably’ no God.”[2] He wanted them to say, “There is no God.”
If there is no God, then who gets to say what constitutes enjoying life? Are there any restrictions on enjoying life? If there are, then who gets to set the restrictions and why?
There’s no God, Dawkins and his fellow atheists have been telling Londoners, so stop worrying and enjoy life. The rioters are enjoying life at the expense of others, and who are you or anyone else to say that they shouldn’t be enjoying life this way?
- See Gwynne Dyer, “The Atheist Buses” (February 8, 2009). [↩]
- “Atheists Plan Anti-God Ad Campaign on Buses” (October 23, 2008). [↩]
Is Martial Law and Dictatorship Around the Corner?
These are indeed scary times for many Americans and the future is full of chaos and uncertainty.
But is it really uncertainty or is this part of a scripted plan being played out in the nation’s capitol?
In the three years since Obama took office, he has pushed legislation that has disregarded the US Constitution, given the federal government more power over businesses and the financial market and placed the nation on the verge of financial collapse. The head of one of China’s largest credit rating agency has said that the US dollar is being dropped as the reserve currency of the world’s economy. After the credit downgrading, the markets took a drastic drop on Monday.
Obama has instituted one socialist policy after another. The Communist Party USA has officially endorsed him for the 2012 election.
If you truly look at Obama’s life and the influence of numerous Marxists and socialists from his youth to the Oval Office, everything he has done starts to make perfect sense. His trillion dollar bailouts, Obamacare, and every other program that has resulted in the economic disaster we are in were done intentionally.
All that is needed at this point is for the rest of the economy to begin to collapse for President Obama to declare a state of Martial Law throughout the United States. Once Martial Law has been established, Obama will continue to disregard the US Constitution and establish more government control over every aspect of life. Then before we know what happened, he disbands Congress and assumes complete and absolute control of the government and nation, establishing the first dictatorship in American history.
Will this happen? I sure hope not. Could it happen? So far, everything Obama has done is pointing in that direction.
It’s up to the American people to stop him, if it’s not too late already.
Read more: Is Martial Law and Dictatorship Around the Corner? | Godfather Politics
The Stalinist Instincts of Michael Moore
According to an apocryphal joke popular in the Soviet Union in the 70s and the 80s, at one of the first Party Congresses presided by Joseph Stalin in the 1920s some of the delegates arrived carrying a huge poster, “Our cadre are the decisive factor.” Stalin pointed it to Lavrentiy Beria and said, “Take this in account, Comrade Beria.” Beria did, and in the next decade all the revolutionary cadre of the Communist Party were destroyed in staged trials, murders, and long sentences in the concentration camps. The policy came to be known by the saying ascribed to Stalin by Rybakov, “Yest’ chelovek, yest’ problema; nyet cheloveka, nyet problemy” (“There’s a man, there’s a problem; there isn’t a man, there isn’t a problem”). (Radar - "If there is a man, problem; If there is no man, no problem" would be a more accurate translation)
Or, according to another phrase ascribed to Stalin, “Death solves all problems.”
At the end, the only decisive factor was Stalin himself.
Michael Moore, apparently, has instincts that are not very different from those of Joseph Stalin. He has a solution to the problem with the credit downgrade of the US government by the S & P: “Obama, show some guts, arrest S&P head.” It’s simple: “There’s S&P, there’s a problem; there isn’t S&P, there isn’t a problem.” America’s downgrade is an issue of who the decisive factor is. If the decisive factor is the S&P head, arrest him, and Obama will be the decisive factor. What other solution can there be?
Of course, Moore doesn’t say much more but we can imagine what follows next: A simple arrest won’t suffice. A public trial, forced confession, and then the S&P head against the wall, and . . . boom! For the edification of the others, as Lenin liked to say. Until the final victory of communism.
I’m glad that years ago Moore didn’t advise Bush to “show some guts” and arrest a fat rich lying pig who made false documentaries about America, capitalism, and the health care system of Cuba. We wouldn’t have the cheap entertainment Moore is offering us today. (Radar - I'd live without it!)
In any case, Moore is only honest to show what future expects America if we allow liberals and “progressives” to control our political system and our courts; under the Democrat Party we can expect nothing less than repressions, persecutions, arrests, staged trials against everyone who disagrees with the government in Washington DC. Left alone, the Leftists soon show their true Stalinist face.
Which is another reason the Democrat Party should be removed from our political life. The earlier, the better.
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Or, according to another phrase ascribed to Stalin, “Death solves all problems.”
At the end, the only decisive factor was Stalin himself.
Michael Moore, apparently, has instincts that are not very different from those of Joseph Stalin. He has a solution to the problem with the credit downgrade of the US government by the S & P: “Obama, show some guts, arrest S&P head.” It’s simple: “There’s S&P, there’s a problem; there isn’t S&P, there isn’t a problem.” America’s downgrade is an issue of who the decisive factor is. If the decisive factor is the S&P head, arrest him, and Obama will be the decisive factor. What other solution can there be?
Of course, Moore doesn’t say much more but we can imagine what follows next: A simple arrest won’t suffice. A public trial, forced confession, and then the S&P head against the wall, and . . . boom! For the edification of the others, as Lenin liked to say. Until the final victory of communism.
I’m glad that years ago Moore didn’t advise Bush to “show some guts” and arrest a fat rich lying pig who made false documentaries about America, capitalism, and the health care system of Cuba. We wouldn’t have the cheap entertainment Moore is offering us today. (Radar - I'd live without it!)
In any case, Moore is only honest to show what future expects America if we allow liberals and “progressives” to control our political system and our courts; under the Democrat Party we can expect nothing less than repressions, persecutions, arrests, staged trials against everyone who disagrees with the government in Washington DC. Left alone, the Leftists soon show their true Stalinist face.
Which is another reason the Democrat Party should be removed from our political life. The earlier, the better.
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Read more: The Stalinist Instincts of Michael Moore | Godfather Politics
What happens in America if the Obmamites get half the people on the government dole? What happens to ambition and hard work? As Ayn Rand asserted in "Atlas Shrugged" it is the producers and the workers upon whom society depends and when the people who aspire to greatness decide to quit working the rest of the people will find themselves without resources.
Obama and the Democratic Party take aim at "The Rich" even though pretty much every Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank and Harry Reid and Al Gore and Barack Obama could buy your house and your car and not even shrug. A hundred thousand bucks is chump change to Al Gore. Yet they blame "The Rich" for the state of the economy.
No, "The Rich" are actually the producers, the people who form companies and hire workers and produce goods and services and give you a chance to earn a paycheck. Class warfare 101, how can any of you fall for this? The Democrats play the class card and the race card while doing their best to be sure there are lots of poor people who are taught how to remain poor and in their place. Every ghetto school with broken windows and worn-out teachers who work just to live through another day, every street gang living large in Philadelphia where the cops won't even go, every dumpster in Chicago with another body stuffed into it that no one notices because another gang killing took another poor person away, every squad of shuffling homeless in the back alleyways where you dare not go and do not care to look? Democrat constituency. Yes, the dead vote in Chicago and Gary. The shiftless bummery get paychecks in San Francisco. Don't dare walk down by the Chicago River at night unless you are a ninja with a couple of 9 mm Lugars in your pockets.
Meanwhile you pompous pontificating Darwinists claim to own science and know better than those who know God, your empty worldview is causing Hell on Earth in England today and possibly America tomorrow. I hate Darwinism because it not only claims that man is King but also that blind stupid chance designed a world far too complex for man to entirely comprehend it. Darwinism is a great evil, a pox on humanity, the worst thing to happen to mankind since the Black Plague. The Plague was spread in part because ignorant people thought washing was dangerous and had no idea that microorganisms existed nor that bedbugs and ticks and fleas could spread deadly diseases. Ignorance begot death.
Now people like Dawkins and Hawking are the KINGS of IGNORANCE, proclaiming asinine theories as factual and completely missing the boat when viewing the world around them. Hawking is somehow an aldulterer and a cad even strapped to a machine and living primarily AS a machine. Dawkins couldn't win a debate with me in a fair fight let alone someone like Ken Ham or Jonathan Sarfati. Would I debate Richard Dawkins on national television? Hey, I would ask someone wiser than me like Jonathan or Gary Bates or Ian Juby or Karl Priest but if I was the only choice, you better believe it! I would kick his butt from here to Corydon! Because Richard Dawkins thinks himself wiser than God he is a fool. His stupid signs on the sides of busses driving by as London burns is a very apt picture indeed.
Darwinism isn't just wrong and ignorant, it is evil. Evil! It leads man away from God and towards anarchy and destruction. I will gladly point any person to God and lead the way step by step if I can. That is the most important thing I can do. But second to that is the exposure of the emptiness of Darwinism and the evil that attends the philosophies it has spawned. Is that clear enough for you? Just because I am in pain doesn't mean my brain has turned off nor does it mean I have lost my stomach for the battle. I will fight Darwinism at every hand!
PS - from a Facebook post:
However, the changes in society over the last 14 years have created a specific section of society, which although there has always been a troubled element, anti-social and disconnected, this has been “fine tuned” by certain rule-sets of the rest of society to create the conditions for these violent looting sprees to occur. These changes in society are as follows.
-removing discipline from schools for fear of damaging children’s self esteem.
-encouraging parents to have soft discipline at home. Smacking your child is frowned upon. (sadly, a tiny minority of children need this sanction, as nothing else will work on them. I know, I was one)
-giving children their full adult rights, when they are too young to comprehend responsibility. -undermining marriage. Making single parenthood acceptable and financially penalising couples, rewarding marriage break-ups through the benefits system.
- The government and media’s sexist portrayal of men as being either stupid and useless to be pitied or ignored, or potentially aggressive violent rapists to be feared.
-Father’s being prevented access to their children and the state automatically taking the woman’s side. -A sustained left wing politically correct attack on men generally and the relentless feminisation of society.
-compensation culture breeding a health and safety nightmare preventing the police from taking risks, for fear of compensation lawsuits filed by the police.
-politically correct policing turning a blind eye to some communities and their criminal activities for fear of being branded racist. -The state neutering communities and creating a dependency culture which creates communities full of people who believe that they need not get involved, that they are powerless and the state should solve all our problems. We are fearful to help people in need because we may be sued for any inadvertent injury caused.
-Creating massive tensions by massively and deliberately increasing immigration in order for the left to “rub the right’s noses in diversity” bringing huge numbers of people in from foreign cultures who have no natural understanding of our traditional values of fairness and justice and the rule of law (the ones which have been relentlessly undermined for over a decade) Without giving them time to adjust and integrate into our society, they create their own societies in their own ghettos where they live by their own rules.
-Constantly weakening the justice system so that there are no real punishments anymore. Theft from a shop does not result in prison for example.
All the above have been relentlessly eroding the fabric of our society and all have been deliberate labour policy in their irresponsible and catastrophic social experiment.
Do not let the liberals blame “deprivation and lack of opportunity” for these riots. We have poured millions and millions of pounds into run-down areas over the past 15 years. It has not worked. If after 13 years of labour governments, these predominantly labour areas are STILL full of deprivation, you have to ask WHY? Is this not a catastrophic failure by labour over their 13 years to raise the living standards of their core demographic?
These riots are not caused by cutting a few youth clubs. They are caused by years and years of liberal social conditioning to create a criminal element that now KNOWS that the state cannot control them anymore."