Follow-up To Thermodynamics - Debunking Evolution with Real Science
It is amazing that laws like the Law of Biogenesis and the Laws of Thermodynamics are ignored by Darwinists! These are well-established laws that have never been shown to be violated and yet Darwinists just pretend they do not exist or do not apply when they assert that evolution is established fact. The truth is that evolution is an unproved hypothesis that has failed every test it has been given. We never see it happening in the real world. We have researched organisms and found them to be obviously designed and irreducibly complex. We have found no way for life or information to have come from natural sources and in fact it is very difficult to find any material substance to either information or life. They are non-material in form and substance, existing within material containers but not found to be produced by random chance at all.
The basic argument of Darwinists is that chance must have created all things because they do not care to consider the possibility of a Creator God. They do not really have scientific arguments because their scientific arguments are either preposterous or actually religious or philosophical in nature. Thus we have the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Darwinism violates it. Darwinism also violates the Law of Biogenesis. Does that bother Darwinists? Apparently not.
But you have a brain and you can think for yourself. Thus we continue with the presentation of Thermodynamics as established law and impossible for Darwinism to avoid. Anytime a Darwinist claims that energy from the Sun makes the 2LOT moot, I ask him what would happen if he would pile up a lot of two-by-fours and bags of cement and plywood sheets and nails and shingles and other raw materials used to erect a house and left them laying out in an empty lot. Would the house build itself? Or would the materials begin to fall victim to the elements and decay/rot/become a pile of junk? In fact, wouldn't the Sun actually degrade the materials? Well?
Second Law of Thermodynamics - Does this basic law of nature prevent Evolution?
Evolutionary tree—scene from the ORIGINS motion picture series.
Evolution versus a basic law of natureScores of distinguished scientists have carefully examined the most basic laws of nature to see if Evolution is physically possible - given enough time and opportunity. The conclusion of many is that Evolution is simply not feasible. One major problem is the 2nd Law of of science: basic, unchanging principle of nature; a scientifically observed phenomenon which has been subjected to very extensive measurements and experimentation and has repeatedly proved to be invariable throughout the known universe (e.g., the law of gravity, the laws of motion).
Decaying buildings. Massive structures
may appear to be capable of lasting almost forever, but they will not.
The need for ongoing repairs stems, in part, from the 2nd Law of
Thermodynamics. (Scene from the ORIGINS motion picture series.)
Each year, vast sums are spent to counteract the relentless effects of this law (maintenance, painting, medical bills, etc.). Ultimately, everything in nature is obedient to its unchanging laws. 2nd law of thermodynamics: Physicist Lord Kelvin stated it technically as follows: "There is no natural process the only result of which is to cool a heat reservoir and do external work." In more understandable terms, this law observes the fact that the useable energy in the universe is becoming less and less. Ultimately there would be no available energy left. Stemming from this fact we find that the most probable state for any natural system is one of disorder. All natural systems degenerate when left to themselves.3 with time.4
Evolutionism claims that over billions of
years everything is basically developing UPWARD, becoming more orderly
and complex. However, this basic law of science (2nd Law of
Thermodynamics) says the opposite. The pressure is DOWNWARD, toward
simplification and disorder. (Illustration from the ORIGINS series)
Naturalistic Evolutionism requires that physical laws and atoms organize themselves into increasingly complex and beneficial, ordered arrangements.6 Thus, over eons of time, billions of things are supposed to have developed upward, becoming more orderly and complex.7 However, this basic law of science (2nd Law of Thermodynamics) reveals the exact opposite. In the long run, complex, ordered arrangements actually tend to become simpler and more disorderly with time. There is an irreversible downward trend ultimately at work throughout the universe. Evolution, with its ever increasing order and complexity, appears impossible in the natural world.
No experimental evidence disproves it, say physicists G.N. Hatspoulous and E.P. Gyftopoulos: "There is no recorded experiment in the history of science that contradicts the second law or its corollaries…" 9Creationist Duane Gish comments: "Of all the statements that have been made with respect to theories on the origin of life, the statement that the Second Law of Thermodynamics poses no problem for an evolutionary origin of life is the most absurd… The operation of natural processes on which the Second Law of Thermodynamics is based is alone sufficient, therefore, to preclude the spontaneous evolutionary origin of the immense biological order required for the origin of life." (Duane Gish, Ph.D. in biochemistry from University of California at Berkeley) 10Emmett Williams, Ph.D: "It is probably no exaggeration to claim that the laws of thermodynamics represent some of the best science we have today. While the utterances in some fields (such as astronomy) seem to change almost daily, the science of thermodynamics has been noteworthy for its stability. In many decades of careful observations, not a single departure from any of these laws has ever been noted." 11If Evolution is true, there must be an extremely powerful force or mechanism at work in the cosmos that can steadily defeat the powerful, ultimate tendency toward “disarrangedness” brought by the 2nd Law. If such an important force or mechanism is in existence, it would seem it should be quite obvious to all scientists. Yet, the fact is, no such force of nature has been found. A number of scientists believe the 2nd Law, when truly understood, is enough to refute the theory of Evolution. In fact, it is one of the most important reasons why various Evolutionists have dropped their theory in favor of Creationism. open systems/closed systems: open thermodynamic systems exchange heat, light, or matter with their surroundings, closed systems do not. No outside energy flows into a closed system. Earth is an open system; it receives outside energy from the Sun. Is Energy the Key?To create any kind of upward, complex organization in a closed system requires outside energy and outside information. Evolutionists maintain that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics does not prevent Evolution on Earth, since this planet receives outside energy from the Sun. Thus, they suggest that the Sun's energy helped create the life of our beautiful planet. However, is the simple addition of energy all that is needed to accomplish this great feat?12Compare a living plant with a dead one. Can the simple addition of energy make a completely dead plant live? A dead plant contains the same basic structures as a living plant. It once used the Sun's energy to temporarily increase its order and grow and produce stems, leaves, roots, and flowers - all beginning from a single seed. If there is actually a powerful Evolutionary force at work in the universe, and if the open system of Earth makes all the difference, why does the Sun's energy not make a truly dead plant become alive again (assuming a sufficient supply of water, light, and the like)? What actually happens when a dead plant receives energy from the Sun? The internal organization in the plant decreases; it tends to decay and break apart into its simplest components. The heat of the Sun only speeds the disorganization process. The Ultimate Ingredient: Designed and Coded Information"What is the difference then between a stick, which is dead, and an orchid which is alive? The difference is that the orchid has teleonomy in it. It is a machine which is capturing energy to increase order. Where you have life, you have teleonomy, and then the Sun's energy can be taken and make the thing grow - increasing its order" [temporarily].13 teleonomy: Information stored within a living thing. Teleonomy involves the concept of something having a design and purpose. Non-teleonomy is “directionlessness,” having no project. The teleonomy of a living thing is somehow stored within its genes. Teleonomy can use energy and matter to produce order and complexity.14Where did the teleonomy of living things originate? It is important to note that the teleonomy (the ordering principle, the know-how) does not reside in matter itself. Matter, itself, is not creative. Dr. Wilder-Smith: "The pure chemistry of a cell is not enough to explain the working of a cell, although the workings are chemical. The chemical workings of a cell are controlled by information which does not reside in the atoms and molecules."15Creationists believe cells build themselves from carefully designed and coded information which has been passed from one life to the next since their original inception. [See below for further evidence that the 2nd Law is a major problem for Evolution] [Learn more about the origin of life] References and Endnotes1
8Frank Greco, "On the Second Law of Thermodynamics," American Laboratory, Vol. 14 (October 1982), p. 80-88 (emphasis added).9E.B. Stuart, B. Gal-Or, and A.J. Brainard, editors, Deductive Quantum Thermodynamics in a Critical Review of Thermodynamics (Baltimore: Mono Book Corporation, 1970), p. 78 (emphasis added).10Duane Gish, "A Consistent Christian-Scientific View of the Origin of Life," Creation Research Society Quarterly, Vol. 15, No. 4 (March 1979), pp. 199, 186 (emphasis added).11Emmett L. Williams, editor, Thermodynamics and the Development of Order (5093 Williamsport Drive, Norcross, Georgia 30092: Creation Research Society Books, 1981), pp. 7-8.][Also, see: Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L. Bradley, and Roger L. Olsen, The Mystery of Life's Origin: Reassessing Current Theories (New York: Philosophical Library, 1984), pp. 113-165.] 12The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is just as valid for open systems as it is for closed systems, says John Ross, Harvard University:"…There are no known violations of the second law of thermodynamics. Ordinarily the second law is stated for isolated systems, but the second law applies equally well to open systems." 13Arthur E. Wilder-Smith in Willem J.J. Glashouwer and Paul S. Taylor, The Origin of the Universe (PO Box 200, Gilbert AZ 85299 USA: Eden Films and Standard Media, 1983) (a Creationist motion picture).14
For further evidence that the 2nd law is a major problem for Evolution (including rebuttal arguments against claims that this law is wrongly applied against Evolution or that it is contradicted by growth, living systems, crystal formation, etc.)
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Author: Paul S. Taylor, Eden Communications. Adapted from The Illustrated ORIGINS Answer Book.
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