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Concerning the 40th Anniversary of Roe V Wade? Both Roe and Wade are against abortion!!! Yet another reason Atheism is bad for society!
The following is inspired by a letter sent out by Dr. Charles R. Wood:
Yesterday was the fortieth anniversary of the infamous
Roe vs. Wade decision. In honor of that milestone, John Piper has written a
most interesting post on the subject. It’s long but worth taking the time to
read. Charles Krauthammer, no social conservative, says that this is the one
social battle that Liberals and Progressives are not winning. Here’s what John said:
One biblical principle of justice is that the more knowledge
we have that our action is wrong, the more guilty we are, and the more
deserving of punishment (Luke 12:47–48).
The point of this blog post is that we know what we are doing — all
America knows. We are killing children. Pro-choice and Pro-life people
both know this.
But before I show that, let’s clarify what the Supreme Court did forty years ago today. In Roe v. Wade the Supreme Court in effect made abortion on demand untouchable by law. The way this was done was with two steps.
One step was to say, laws may not prevent abortion, even during the
full nine months, if the abortion is “to preserve the life or health of
the mother.” The other step was to define “health” as “all factors —
physical, emotional, psychological, familial and the woman's age —
relevant to the well-being of the patient.”
For forty years this has meant that any perceived stress is a legal
ground for eliminating the child. We have killed fifty million babies.
And what increases our guilt as a nation is that we know what we are
doing. Here’s the evidence that we know we are killing children.
1. Anecdotally, abortionists will admit they are killing children.
Many simply say it is the lesser of two evils. I took an abortionist
out to lunch once, prepared to give him ten reasons why the unborn are
human beings. He stopped me, and said, “I know that. We are killing
children.” I was stunned. He said, “It’s simply a matter of justice for
women. It would be a greater evil to deny women the equal right of
reproductive freedom.” Which means women should be no more encumbered by
the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy than men. That equal freedom
from the burden of bearing unwanted children is the basis for abortion
that President Obama refers to again and again when he talks about equal
rights for women. We know we are killing children.
2. States treat the killing of the unborn as a homicide.
We know what we are doing because 38 States
(including Minnesota) treat the killing of an unborn child as a form of
homicide. They have what are called “fetal homicide laws.”
It is illegal to take the life of the unborn if the mother wants the baby, but it is legal
to take the life of the unborn if she doesn’t. In the first case the
law treats the fetus as a human with rights; in the second case the law
treats the fetus as non-human with no rights.
Humanness is defined by the desire of the strong. Might makes right.
We reject this right to define personhood in the case of Nazi
anti-Semitism, Confederate race-based slavery, and Soviet Gulags. When
we define the humanness of the unborn by the will of the powerful we
know what we are doing.
3. Fetal surgery treats the unborn as children and patients.
High risk pregnancy specialist, Dr. Steve Calvin, in a letter some
years ago to the Arizona Daily Star, wrote, “There is inescapable
schizophrenia in aborting a perfectly normal 22 week fetus while at the
same hospital, performing intra-uterine surgery on its cousin.” When the
unborn are wanted, they are treated as children and patients. When they
are not wanted, they are not children. We know what we are doing.
4. Being small does not disqualify personhood.
The five-foot-eight frame of a teenage son guarantees him no more
right to life than the 23-inch frame of his little sister in her
mother's arms. Size is morally irrelevant. One inch, 23 inches, 68
inches — does not matter. It is morally irrelevant in deciding who
should be protected. We know what we are doing in killing the smallest.
5. Not having developed reasoning does not disqualify personhood.
A one-month-old infant, nursing at his mother's breast, does not have
reasoning powers. But only a few dare argue that infanticide is
therefore acceptable. Most know better. Outside and inside the womb the
infant cannot yet reason, but is a human person. We know what we are
6. Being in the womb does not disqualify human personhood.
Location or environment does not determine a right to life. Scott
Klusendorf asks, “How does a simple journey of seven inches down the
birth canal suddenly transform the essential nature of the fetus from
non-person to person?” We know what we are doing.
7. Being dependent on mommy does not disqualify personhood.
We consider persons on respirators or dialysis to be human beings.
The unborn cannot be disqualified from human personhood because they are
dependent on their mother for food and oxygen. In fact, we operate on
the exact opposite principle: The more dependent a little one is on us,
the more responsibility we feel to protect him, not the less. We know
what we are doing.
(Those last four observations, #4-7, were summed up by Scott
Klusendorf under the acronym SLED: Size, Level of development,
Environment, Degree of dependence — none is morally relevant for the
definition of human life.)
8. The genetic make up of humans is unique.
The genetic make up of a human is different from all other creatures
from the moment of conception. The human code is complete and unique
from the start. Once that was not known. Now we know.
9. All the organs are present at eight weeks of gestation.
At eight weeks of gestation all the organs are present. The brain is
functioning, the heart pumping, the liver making blood cells, the kidney
cleaning the fluids, the finger has a print. Yet almost all abortions
happen later than this date. We know what we are doing.
10. We have seen the photographs.
The marvel of ultrasound has given a stunning window into the womb
that shows the unborn, for example, at 8 weeks sucking his thumb,
recoiling from pricking, responding to sound. Watch this four-minute video of the developing unborn child. We know that they are children.
11. When two rights conflict, the higher value should be protected.
We know the principle of justice that when two legitimate rights
conflict, the right that protects the higher value should prevail. We
deny the right to drive at 100 miles per hour because the value of life
is greater than the value of being on time or getting thrills. The right
of the unborn not to be killed and the right of a woman not to be
pregnant may be at odds. But they are not equal rights. Staying alive is
more precious and more basic than not being pregnant. We know what we
are doing when we kill a child.
For Christians who believe the Bible, we could add at least ten more reasons why we know what is happening in abortion, and why it is wrong. But the aim here is threefold.
To make clear that we will not be able to defend ourselves with the claim of ignorance. We knew. All of us.
To solidify our conviction to resist this horrific evil.
To intensify our prayer and our preaching toward gospel-based
soul-renovation in our land, because hardness of heart, not ignorance,
is at the root of this carnage.
WASHINGTON, D.C., January 17, 2013, (
– In the debate over abortion in the United States, two women’s names
appear more frequently than any others: Jane Roe and Mary Doe, the
plaintiffs in the companion 1973 Supreme Court cases that legalized
abortion in the country.
As the 40th anniversary of those two cases - Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton
- approaches later this month, news media is already filling up with
retrospectives from leaders on both sides of the issue about the past 40
years and the state of the abortion debate.
In the midst of this flurry of media coverage a woman named Sandro Cano
has quietly issued a media release on a Christian newswire service
calling for the two Supreme Court cases to be overturned. This in itself
might seem unremarkable, until you learn Cano’s other name: Mary Doe.
Yes, that Mary Doe.
Sandra Cano is none other than the plaintiff in Doe v. Bolton, the lesser known of the two Supreme Court cases that opened the floodgates of abortion in the U.S.
In 1970, a 22-year-old Cano was pregnant with her fourth child, after
having lost custody of two of her children and adopting out the third.
Abortion was illegal in Georgia, the state where Cano was living, except
in extreme circumstances, but lawyers argued that she should be allowed
to abort. In a decision released on the same day as Roe v. Wade, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed.
While the better known Roe v. Wade struck down all state restrictions on abortion pre-viability, Doe v. Bolton extended the right to abort through all nine months of pregnancy.
But Cano has since claimed that the whole foundation of Doe v. Bolton
was a lie: that she never actually wanted nor requested an abortion and
that she was tricked into signing an affidavit about abortion in the
process of filing for divorce from her husband and seeking to regain
custody of her other children.
According to Cano she actually fled the state when her mother and lawyer tried to force her into getting an abortion.
In 2003, Cano launched legal proceedings to try to overturn the case that bears her name. “I was nothing but a symbol in Doe v. Bolton with my experience and circumstances discounted and misrepresented,” she wrote in an affidavit at the time.
But while her attempt to have the case reheard failed, this hasn’t
stopped her from working to overturn the case in other ways. In her
statement this week, Cano reiterated her belief that she was
“fraudulently used by the Court system to bring abortion to America.”
“No one should have a right to kill their children. No mother should
ever want to do so,” she said, describing her case as a “covenant with
Meanwhile, another women, Norma McCorvey, briefly captured headlines
during last year’s election cycle when she released a pro-life ad
featuring graphic pictures of aborted children and accusing President
Obama of “killing babies” by his support for abortion.
Most won’t recognize McCorvey’s real name, but will instantly recognize her pseudonym: Jane Roe. Yes, that Jane Roe.
Though McCorvey worked as an abortion activist for years after Roe v. Wade
was handed down, she announced a conversion to the pro-life cause in
the mid 1990s. The conversion came after the pro-life group Operation Rescue moved in next door to the abortion clinic where she worked, and she came personally to know several pro-life leaders.
“I was persuaded by feminist attorneys to lie; to say that I was raped,
and needed an abortion,” Norma stated in last year’s ad. “It was all a
“Since then, over 50 million babies have been murdered. I will take this burden to my grave,” she said.
In 2003, Norma filed to re-open Roe v. Wade, a petition that was dismissed. Much like Sandra, however, Norma continues to speak out about her involvement in the case.
“I'm 100 percent sold out to Jesus and 100 percent pro-life,” Norma
writes in a testimony published on her website. "No exceptions. No
To many it will come as a shock that neither of the two women whose
names are practically synonymous with legal abortion in America
actually had an abortion, and that borth are now both
passionately pro-life and have dedicated their lives to trying to
overturn the cases that bear their names.
That very few know about Norma and Sandra is thanks no doubt in part to
the silence of abortion activists and a largely liberal and
pro-abortion mainstream media, for whom the defection of the pair is an embarrassment to be swept under the rug - especially given the women's
unflattering descriptions of the deceptive techniques abortion activists
used to get them on board in the first place.
Both of the women were young, uneducated, poor, and ripe for
exploitation at the time they became the center of a national firestorm.
And both of them say that their cases were based upon outright lies: in
Norma's case, the lie that she had been raped, and in Sandra's case,
that she ever wanted an abortion in the first place. These are facts
that are best kept quiet if Roe v. Wade is to stand.
But according to Troy Newman of Operation Rescue, the pro-life movement
could also do a better job of telling their own history and reminding
people of the precarious foundation of abortion in America.
“Most of the pro-life movement is new,” Newman said in an interview
with, “and the mistake of leaders like me is that we
don’t talk much about” the history of the movement. “I was with Norma when she converted to Christian, and then later to
Roman Catholic,” said Newman. “I’ve been in contact with Sandra Cano.
And it’s like because I know it, I don’t repeat it.”
The challenge of educating the younger generations was driven home by a
Pew Research poll released this month that found that only 44 percent
of people under 30 even know that Roe v. Wade dealt with abortion.
But according to Newman, it’s critical that people know the facts about Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. “The foundation of Roe
is cracking and crumbling all around us and the ones who prop it up do
so artificially by ignoring the facts and the evidence,” he said.
“The abortion industry decided they know how to win on abortion, and
that’s not to talk about abortion, and don’t talk about history. But
when we look at the objective facts, like Sandra Cano and Norma
McCorvey, so many others who were involved or had abortions, they’re
against it now," he said.
“And the only way pro-aborts seem to be able to propagate it is to hide
the ugly truth of abortion," he added. "Never talk about abortion.
Don’t talk about those who converted, and don’t allow any intellectual
The stories of Norma and Sandra are important, he said, because they
demonstrate how "people that have had any experience with abortion or
who have thought about it for any length of time, naturally become
"Sandra Cano and Norma McCorvey are no different," he said. "They’ve
seen the terrible side effects of Roe v. Wade, and what it’s wrought on
society. Countless seas of wounded poeople. The horrible tragedy of
Cue the Radar rant about abortion and the devaluation of human life in America today. I submit to you that, had we continued to value the basic underlying morality of the America that was formed in the 18th Century, we would not be plagued by so many diseases and crime and especially so many baby murders today!
Many people who were involved in Planned Parenthood (the renamed offshoot of the American Eugenics Society) have changed sides to fight for life.Abby Johnson was a rising star in Planned Parenthood before she realized what she was actually doing.
Brandi Swindell is part of the younger generation who is speaking out against murdering babies.
Abort73 is a fact-filled site about what abortion really is and what it does. For instance, more women die as a result of abortions now than ever! Legalizing it didn't make it safer. Also, women who have abortions are more likely to have breast cancer than those who do not. You'll not notice many organizations fighting breast cancer mentioning that fact. In fact they try to deny it (realizing that funding might drop if the fact was widely known). Cue the naysayers who will say that the WHO and the American Cancer Society deny the link between cancer and abortions. They deny it for political, philosophical and monetary concerns.
Abortion Changes You is a site devoted to informing people of the effects of abortion on both the mother and other family members.
I am biased on the subject. My mother knew having a baby would be difficult for her because she was so petite. My Dad was much larger than my Mom (6'2" versus 5'0" if she was wearing shoes) and she had a chance to have a career as a singer that possibly would have taken her to Hollywood or Broadway. But my parents wanted children and my mother wanted marriage and family more than fame. Since I was a large baby my birth was not a lot of fun for her and the doctors warned her that having more children was risky. Fortunately for me I was physically more like Dad (almost 6 feet tall) than Mom in height while inheriting her ability to sing, albeit in a lower range. Thanks, Mom, for having me anyway and thanks, Dad, for giving me enough of your genetic material to grow to a bit taller than average! Yes, I am very proud of my wonderful Mom, who is still beautiful while having passed the age of 80 awhile back.
She is awfully happy about having had that one son. I have managed to provide her with six grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, so she has a big family anyway now.She loves to tell me how happy she is about that and how glad she is to have had me. Every year on her birthday I thank her for bringing me into the world. Life is so darned interesting, I would have hated to have missed it!
What if she had aborted me?
Well, there would be one less blogger who was irritating to Darwinists and a whole bunch of children, teenagers and adults who would not have been taught by me, many thousands of songs I would not have sung with bands and choirs, many ministry positions I would not have filled and quite a few people who prayed with me to accept Christ or who prayed to receive Him as Savior during one of my messages perhaps would not have been saved? Lots of friends I would not have had great times with, lots of jobs would have had different employees, the Army would have had one less troop and so on and so forth.
What is the value of one life? I am just one of millions of George Baileys who is just doing the best he can without fame or fortune. I think the majority of people I have met in this life would like to think they have done more good than harm and, if they have concerns about it, they probably have. But the Creator God is not only loving, He is also Just. Being Just, He gave mankind Law to obey when mankind chose to know the difference between good and evil. Any failure to keep the Law means death and Hell. But He is also Merciful, so He gave His Son to mankind, Jesus Christ, the Messiah Who did all things well and never sinned, yet suffered the price of torment and humiliation and death and took upon Himself the sins of the entire world so that He could redeem us and by conquering death and, in raising Himself back to life, He gave us the right to live in eternity with Him after our natural life ends.
God could have found someone else to do what I have done. But I am glad He was patient with me and kept calling me until I heard him so that I could begin doing more good than harm. A few years of drinking and drugs and riotous living have hopefully been overwhelmed by decades of being a Jesus Freak. But there was a period of time when I was certainly NOT a good citizen!
But I do not expect God to weigh good deeds on one side and bad on the other. Jesus has cleansed me of all of my sins, whether I would have worked for one minute in any ministry at all. Salvation is all about Jesus doing the work and man accepting the gift of His Salvation. Any good I have done has been powered by God and He gets the glory.
But what if I had been aborted?
My children and grandchildren would not have been born. I am glad to say that my children are all good citizens and Christians and my three grandchildren are great kids, talented and also apparently believers. The world is a better place for their being in it. Although I worked hard at being a party animal for a few years, once God got ahold of me back in 1978 I was absolutely rebooted and began fulfilling the role He planned for me to the best of my ability. A result of that has been children and grandchildren who are a great blessing to me and the rest of my family.
The world is full of better singers, better actors, better writers, better public speakers, better athletes, better followers of Christ than am I. I do not always follow God perfectly and I have many things I could have done better or faster or longer than I have done. Probably I have been pretty good at being a father and a husband at least. Most importantly, I have found a reason for living and causes for which to live within the time I have been a Christian and I have goals to fulfill for the future. I intend to keep serving God for as long as I live. I hope my descendants all follow Christ and that an army of Radar descendants will grow and grow until God decides the time to end the world has come.
Some commenters may come to rant and rave about a woman's right to choose. I say that the life of a child trumps the convenience of amother. Do we give women the right to shoot down anyone they do not like? Do we let men kill off the people they do want hanging around? No. So why do we allow our most innocent and helpless of citizens be brutally murdered in the place they should expect to be safeguarded and protected, the womb?
In counseling, often women will talk about having aborted a child and how they cannot forget about him or her, how they select a birth date for the baby that was not born and mourn for him or her now that the deed was done. Women who have abortions often fight depression as a result. Plenty of women who walked into an abortion clinic wanting to avoid a pregnancy would give anything to change that one decision that cannot be undone. Plenty of others become alcoholics or drug addicts in an attempt to drown the sorrow in a sedated haze or a riot of bad behavior. But the next day always comes. The memory doesn't go away.
Others will talk about how many people commit suicide because they do not find life worth living. Well, in a society where life is rumored to be a random event with no real purpose or value, in a society where the idea of having a responsibility to God to live your life with meaning and purpose is scoffed at, in a society where many sins are not only allowed but encouraged, it is not surprising some peoplethink they can turn off the pain by ending their life. This is more likely to happen in today's world of instant gratification and irresponsible media concentrating on the negative side of events and catering to prurient tastes.
Suicide is NOT painless. The people you leave behind are going to be hurting. But the temptation to end your life comes especially during the crazy transition from childhood to adulthood when your body is changing and your emotions are easily jarred and your hormones are out of whack and small slights can throw you into a deep pit of emotional agony - teens and tweens end their lives over things as temporal as being accepted at a lunch table or because of being cast our of a group of peers. If you are an adult now, do you remember how high the highs and low the lows could seem when you were 13? How about 17? How many parents just let their kids watch what they wish or go where they want to go because they don't want to take the trouble to teach and watch over and really care about them? We live in the age of instant information and communication. If you do not care about what your kids watch on television or where they go on the internet or whose house they hang out at or what they can do with their cell phones, you can really hurt your child by doing absolutely nothing!
Don't tell me you don't know there are lines of couples seeking to adopt babies because they cannot have them for one reason or another. There are organizations who take in pregnant
mothers and help them through pregnancy and find homes for the child if
the mother will just give that child a chance to live! There are homes out there waiting for babies, prospective parents hoping to adopt children, often resorting to reaching out to third world countries to find a baby to raise. Go ahead and Google "adopting a baby" and you will find that you have to get on a waiting list and jump through hoops to adopt a baby. There is more demand for babies from couples hoping to adopt than there is supply of babies that the mothers will give up.
What if YOU had been aborted?
Would it have been okay? Do you curse the day you were born? Do you not find life to be a truly interesting and fulfilling experience? Do you really think it would have been fine if your mother had allowed you to be cut up and sucked out and cast aside like garbage? Maybe you will surprise me, but I have not run into many people who didn't want to be alive. Most people will fight tooth and nail to remain alive! If you don't think so, go ahead and jump into the deep end of a swimming pool holding onto a fifty pound weight and let it hold you down at the bottom with no air to breath. You and I both know you'd be dropping that weight and swimming desperately back up to get a breath of air within a minute or two of going into the water!
God gives life and He is not fond of those who steal that gift away and dump it into trashcans or sort it into pieces of flesh to market to laboratories and makeup manufacturers! There is nothing good about murdering babies. The United States needs to repent and put an end to this holocaust of the unborn! It is the greatest shame of our nation's history and will be until enough voters make their voices heard and politicians decide to hear the will of the people. I do hope I am still alive to see the day legalized baby murdering is ended!
Remember this: If you had been aborted, you would not be here to read this and you would not be alive to comment. You would not have the chance to laugh and to cry, to have friends or enemies, to experience love or heartbreak, to accomplish things or to fail to do them. Life is a gift given once. Be thankful that you were the recipient. Don't be part of the crowd who wants to kill off others before they even get to experience all the joys and sorrows and failures and triumphs that is living.
Because of God I know my final destination. But the rest of the
journey ahead remains a delicious mystery to be discovered.
Today I say to you, enjoy your journey in life and please don't
support those who want to deny others their right to be born and have
the chance you have had to live in this world.