Who is doing the hating here? Homosexuals and their campaign of hate and violence? Time to stand up before you are run over!!!
Before part three of the evolution versus design series, automobile edition...this critical problem is at the heart of what is destroying America as we know (knew) it!
It is the small minority of homosexuals, the anti-theists and the government officials who are doing the bullying and hating!
"There is no human rights based on behavior...All people are equal...but not all types of behavior are equal" - Jamaican attorney (from video, below). Cultural Imperialism? Preventing AIDS/HIV for 50 cents per person is as simple as ABC!!! Watch the video. Watch the video to truly understand what is going on around the world.
Christians and conservatives and ordinary families are under attack. The numbers pertaining to Africa prove that the direction the USA is going in now is towards death and destruction!
While homosexuals may be two or three percent of the population, the general degradation of morality has produced more bisexual and omni-sexual activities as pornography becomes acceptable and fornication and adultery are now common plot devices in sitcoms. Leave It To Beaver becomes Modern Family. My Three Sons becomes The New Normal. But aberrant behavior is neither new nor normal!
Why is sexual morality important to a stable society? Because sex without responsibility leads to sex without limits. The sexual omnivores that are the LGBT and NAMBLA have partners with even more evil ideas - Bestiality, Transexuality, Necrophilia, Pedophilia...where does it end? Why should we even consider allowing such ideas to be legal possibilities in a civilized world? What happens to children when they become legal sex objects? Why is the United Nations and the United States trying to dictate immorality to the entire world? Encouraging prostitution is supposed to help prevent AIDS/HIV? Promiscuity is supposed to help prevent AIDS/HIV? The African official who considers this behavior "imperialism" is right on the mark!
There is a large segment of the population today who were molested as children and then find themselves fighting all sorts of battles as a result. My years in working with addicts as part of a 12-step Christian-based recovery organization proved to me that child molestation tends to produce drug addicts and child molesters and people who are headed for jail or the grave early in life, because so many people with various addictions or co-dependency problems had been molested as children and very often by a same-sex relative or family acquaintance. Children are NOT equipped to deal with being physically and emotionally and intellectually overwhelmed by an adult with an evil agenda. I thank God it didn't happen to me, but I have met so many people who did get violated as children and they fall into three basic categories - those who have been scarred and seek to self-medicate, those who turn around and do onto others as they had done to themselves and those who have overcome the pain and learned to have a great life despite what had been done to them. We need to work to STOP these violations, not encourage and celebrate them!
Last weekend, Indiana Pacers basketball player Roy Hibbert was fined $75,000 for using a four letter slang word for a homosexual. The First Amendment was ignored yet again and political correctness (what an oxymoron) has yet again infringed on freedom. Are you really okay with this?
What did he do, did he attempt to deliberately injure an opposing
player with a horrible foul? Did he punch a referee? No. He made
an "vulgar and inappropriate" comment in which he used a four letter
word which is a shortened form of the word, homosexual! Yes, he used
slang language...in a sport where we who have been to a basketball game
or can read lips know that cursing is commonplace on the court and off
as well. All Roy Hibbert did was say a word that homosexuals consider
inappropriate. He was forced to apologize and fined more than the average American family makes in a year...for what? The Left and the Homosexuals and the Omnisexuals and the Pedophiles want Heterosexuals to apologize for being normal and Christians to apologize for having a belief in God and the Bible. The George Washingtons and Ben Franklins and Paul Reveres must be spinning in their graves like a box fan set on high!
So when did the First Amendment get
completely ripped from the Constitution? Have you forgotten what it
says? Have you forgotten the men and women who worked so hard to
establish "the land of the free and the home of the brave?" Was this
not one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of
speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to
assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I must say, that they coerced Hibbert into apologizing after taking enough money from him to support the normal family for an entire year is completely insane! But no more insane than any so-called "hate crimes!" How many "love crimes" are we fighting at the moment? Why does the Supreme Court not even comprehend the document they supposedly conserve? There is no place for a so-called hate crime in a free society. It is a crime or it is not a crime, period. If we allow this to continue, the Thought Police will be knocking on your door to arrest you for what you believe. America was made specifically to avoid this kind of thing! Wake up!!!
Who is Doing the Hatred?
It is a strange fact of life that those groups who most go on and on about love, acceptance, tolerance and peace can often be the most intolerant and hate-filled folk around. Those who are most vocal about demanding that they be accepted and embraced often seem to think it should all be one-way traffic. They can often be the most abusive and nasty people around.
Consider but one recent example. The late Jerry Falwell of Moral Majority fame was committed to standing up for what he felt was right. That made him the enemy of many. One group that especially loathed him was the radical homosexual lobby.
These activists made their feelings quite clear as to how they felt about Falwell just after he died. Janet Folger has assembled some of their choice quotes in a May 29 2007 article. Here are some of the more printable blog postings from the homosexual activists after his death:
“What an absolutely putrid little excrescence of vomit he was.”
“R.I.P., and after watching Falwell I know know (sic) why the Romans threw the Christians to the lions.”
“Oh, thank non-god. One down, 28 percent to go.”
“I’d pee right on his corpse if I could.”
“Dance first, then pi– …”
“I’m saving the real party for Jesse Helms’s exit. I’ll be dancing that day.”
“R.I.P., and after watching Falwell I know know (sic) why the Romans threw the Christians to the lions.”
“Oh, thank non-god. One down, 28 percent to go.”
“I’d pee right on his corpse if I could.”
“Dance first, then pi– …”
“I’m saving the real party for Jesse Helms’s exit. I’ll be dancing that day.”
Says Folger, “No surprise – this is exactly how homosexual activists treated Rev. Falwell when he was alive. Homosexuals more than hated Jerry Falwell, whom they attacked, maligned, ridiculed and threatened. He didn’t make it widely known, but homosexual activists even attempted to kill him. And through it all, he met hate with love.”
As a Christian, he could respond to their hatred with love. When “homosexuals protested Dr. Falwell, they were surprised to look up and find the reverend hugging his harassers. He overcame hate with love … and truth. Truth was the part they didn’t like. As 75-year-old grandmother Arlene Elshinnawy’s sign read before they hauled her off to jail for displaying it: ‘The Truth is Hate to those who Hate the Truth’.”
Indeed, we live in a pretty screwed up world. We have become expert at calling good evil, and evil good. And we have managed to convince ourselves that murderers are the good guys, while little old ladies are the bad guys. For example, when homosexual Matthew Shepard was murdered in the US some years ago, about 80 trillion media stories appeared about the crime. Yet when a homosexual murders a mother, hardly a word of it makes it into the media.
“Ever hear of Mary Stachowicz? Didn’t think so. Mary Stachowicz, a 51-year-old wife and mother of four, was described by friends as soft-spoken, ‘concerned about the good of her parish, always seeking things for the poor as well as spiritual welfare for people.’ Mary Stachowicz also believed what the Bible and the Catholic Church taught about homosexuality. She verbalized her belief, and for that crime, she was murdered.”
“Mary was murdered by 19-year-old homosexual Nicholas Gutierrez in Chicago for the crime of disagreeing with his lifestyle. According to police reports, Stachowicz asked Gutierrez, who lived in an apartment above her, ‘Why do you [have sex with] boys instead of girls?’ That was when he ‘punched, kicked, stabbed and strangled’ her before stuffing her body into a crawl space under the floor of his apartment, where it remained for two days until he confessed to police.”
So how did the media play this story? “Chicago media reported these events, choosing headlines devoid of words like ‘gay’ or ‘homosexual.’ While I and pro-family leaders repeatedly went on national television to repudiate the death of Matthew Shepard, there was no such condemnation of Stachowicz’s horrific murder from the homosexual community. Perhaps more telling was what they did say:”
“I really don’t feel sorry for her. She paid a very steep price for being an arrogant religious fascist. Too bad for her.” (“Iris,” in a posting on the ACLU Online Forum)
“Quite frankly, if anyone in this case was being ‘persecuted’ it was Mr. Gutierrez. … Maybe this will give pause to other people who similarly try to ‘help’ homosexuals.” (“Silence Dogood,” on ACLU Online Forum)
“Maybe [Stachowicz's murder] will strike fear in the hearts of a few fundamentalists. … Where do I send a check for his (Gutierrez’s) defense fund?” (James Wagner’s boyfriend, Barry’s posted response)
“The b—h had it coming to her. I’m glad he killed her. … I’m glad he killed her. The b—h deserved to die.” (San Francisco man on Yahoo)
As Folger puts it, “Instead of condemning this horrific murder, homosexuals danced on her grave, also.” So much for love and acceptance. While not all homosexuals are so ugly and poisonous, unfortunately many are.
But things will only get worse as Western nations pass various sorts of “hate crimes” legislation. “Those kind of hateful statements [made by homosexuals]are perfectly acceptable, free from any repercussions of any kind. They get their own forum at the ACLU. However, if two 16-year-old Crystal Lake girls say an unkind word about homosexuals and pass out a few flyers to their classmates, they are in ‘violation of an Illinois state hate crime statute.’ They face felony charges and are locked up in juvenile detention while bail is denied. Felony for a flyer or a forum for defilement? It’s not equal rights these people are after; it’s tyranny.”
She continues, “Haven’t you heard? Words of disagreement with the homosexual agenda are now illegal. Just ask more than 100 kids who were suspended for wearing T-shirts that expressed their biblical views on the topic. Shirts with Bible verses and such sayings as ‘Don’t touch God’s rainbow’ threw San Juan High School students in California out of school.”
These hate crime bills simply spell the end of freedom of speech, and a direct attack on biblical Christianity. Concludes Folger, “The alternative is 16-year-old girls imprisoned and ministers’ graves desecrated. It’s Catholic mothers murdered, and the thought police in schools. What do you want the future to look like?”
The Hebrew Scriptures long ago spoke of such a situation. The prophet Isaiah perfectly describes the moral freefall we are in where good and evil are trading places: “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.” (Isaiah 5:20) Hate crime laws will simply accelerate our descent into the Brave New World of persecution and tyranny.
Yes, the hate is actually coming from the leftist radicals. Econuts. Fascists. Homosexual Activists. Islamic Terrorists. Omni-sexuals. There should be no "hate speech" but, if there is, the comments by the Homo-terrorists above would fit the bill.
People determined to complete destroy this nation and the morality thereof. Why do such people choose to live here and destroy it? Probably for the same reason little kids in bad neighborhoods wind up joining together to break windows, swear a lot and engage in petty theft. They do not have the sense to do something worthwhile nor the common decency to even consider anyone other than themselves. How many of these people even understand the problems associated with promiscuity? More to the point, how many of them care for anyone other than themselves?
Allow me to yield the floor to Al Mohler:
The church’s engagement with the culture involves a host of issues, controversies, and decisions – but no issue defines our current cultural crisis as clearly as homosexuality. Some churches and denominations have capitulated to the demands of the homosexual rights movement, and now accept homosexuality as a fully valid lifestyle.
Other denominations are tottering on the brink, and without a massive conservative resistance, they are almost certain to abandon biblical truth and bless what the Bible condemns. Within a few short years, a major dividing line has become evident – with those churches endorsing homosexuality on one side, and those stubbornly resisting the cultural tide on the other.
The homosexual rights movement understands that the evangelical church is one of the last resistance movements committed to a biblical morality. Because of this, the movement has adopted a strategy of isolating Christian opposition, and forcing change through political action and cultural pressure.
Can we count on evangelicals to remain steadfastly biblical on this issue? Not hardly. Scientific surveys and informal observation reveal that we have experienced a significant loss of conviction among youth and young adults. No moral revolution can succeed without shaping and changing the minds of young people and children.
Inevitably, the schools have become crucial battlegrounds for the culture war. The Christian worldview has been undermined by pervasive curricula that teach moral relativism, reduce moral commandments to personal values, and promote homosexuality as a legitimate and attractive lifestyle option.
Our churches must teach the basics of biblical morality to Christians who will otherwise never know that the Bible prescribes a model for sexual relationships. Young people must be told the truth about homosexuality – and taught to esteem marriage as God’s intention for human sexual relatedness.
The times demand Christian courage. These days, courage means that preachers and Christian leaders must set an agenda for biblical confrontation, and not shrink from dealing with the full range of issues related to homosexuality. We must talk about what the Bible teaches about gender–what it means to be a man or a woman. We must talk about God’s gift of sex and the covenant of marriage. And we must talk honestly about what homosexuality is, and why God has condemned this sin as an abomination in His sight.
Courage is far too rare in many Christian circles. This explains the surrender of so many denominations, seminaries, and churches to the homosexual agenda. But no surrender on this issue would have been possible, if the authority of Scripture had not already been undermined. And yet, even as courage is required, the times call for another Christian virtue as well – compassion.
The tragic fact is that every congregation is almost certain to include persons struggling with homosexual desire or even involved in homosexual acts. Outside the walls of the church, homosexuals are waiting to see if the Christian church has anything more to say, after we declare that homosexuality is a sin. Liberal churches have redefined compassion to mean that the church changes its message to meet modern demands.
They argue that to tell a homosexual he is a sinner is uncompassionate and intolerant. This is like arguing that a physician is intolerant because he tells a patient she has cancer. But, in the culture of political correctness, this argument holds a powerful attraction. Biblical Christians know that compassion requires telling the truth, and refusing to call sin something sinless. To hide or deny the sinfulness of sin is to lie, and there is no compassion in such a deadly deception.
True compassion demands speaking the truth in love – and there is the problem. Far too often, our courage is more evident than our compassion. In far too many cases, the options seem reduced to these – liberal churches preaching love without truth, and conservative churches preaching truth without love.
Evangelical Christians must ask ourselves some very hard questions, but the hardest may be this: Why is it that we have been so ineffective in reaching persons trapped in this particular pattern of sin? The Gospel is for sinners – and for homosexual sinners just as much as for heterosexual sinners. As Paul explained to the Corinthian church, “Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God” (1 Corinthians 5:11).
I believe that we are failing the test of compassion. If the first requirement of compassion is that we tell the truth, the second requirement must surely be that we reach out to homosexuals with the Gospel. This means that we must develop caring ministries to make that concern concrete, and learn how to help homosexuals escape the powerful bonds of that sin – even as we help others to escape their own bonds by grace.
If we are really a Gospel people; if we really love homosexuals as other sinners; then we must reach out to them with a sincerity that makes that love tangible. We have not even approached that requirement until we are ready to say to homosexuals, “We want you to know the fullness of God’s plan for you, to know the forgiveness of sins and the mercy of God, to receive the salvation that comes by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, to know the healing God works in sinners saved by grace, and to join us as fellow disciples of Jesus Christ, living out our obedience and growing in grace together.”
Such were some of you ... The church is not a place where sinners are welcomed to remain in their sin. To the contrary, it is the Body of Christ, made up of sinners transformed by grace. Not one of us deserves to be accepted within the beloved. It is all of grace, and each one of us has come out of sin.
We sin if we call homosexuality something other than sin. We also sin if we act as if this sin cannot be forgiven. We cannot settle for truth without love nor love without truth. The Gospel settles the issue once and for all. This great moral crisis is a Gospel crisis.
The genuine Body of Christ will reveal itself by courageous compassion, and compassionate courage. We will see this realized only when men and women freed by God’s grace from bondage to homosexuality feel free to stand up in our churches and declare their testimony – and when we are ready to welcome them as fellow disciples. Millions of hurting people are waiting to see if we mean what we preach.
I am always glad to hear from readers. Write me at mail@albertmohler.com. Follow regular updates on Twitter at www.twitter.com/albertmohler.
Publication date: May 30, 2013
Perhaps you have heard of the unfortunately cancelled science fiction series, Firefly? It is a wonderful gem of a series, with a fantastic cast and great character development. Later a movie entiteled Serenity was made as both an exclamation point to the series and an introduction to those who never watched Firefly. Created by Joss Whedon and starring Nathan Filion and Gina Torres and many other fine actors, it was cancelled after just 15 episodes (14 if you count Serenity part one and part two as just one) even though it was far superior in plot and language and character development to any sci-fi television series I can remember. No one-dimensional characters in the ensemble of players and that includes Ron Glass as Shepherd Book, the preacher with reasons to wander and some mystery to his past. At one point he says to River Tam (a girl apparently tormented by the powers-that-be and a fugitive sought throughout the galaxy), "You don't fix faith, River. It fixes you!"
I was a sinner and, when I did suddenly believe in Jesus Christ, I immediately accepted the gift of forgiveness. I looked the same on the outside. But on the inside, I was already being changed. When Christians try to fix themselves on the outside (how you look, where you go, what you say, etc.) they miss the idea. God comes to live on the inside and changes you from the inside out. Homosexuals are sinners, heterosexuals are sinners, every man, woman and child old enough to comprehend sin fully are sinners and we all need redemption. But we should not be pushing homosexuality any more than we should be pushing crack cocaine usage or street drag racing or bank robbery. We humans are supposed to do our best to overcome the urges to do what we should not do. Without Christ within it is a far more difficult task. With Christ we still will fail at times, but we are forgiven.
Bottom line...homosexual acts are wrong, homosexuals are sinners, sinners need Jesus Christ as Savior. We are all sinners and we ALL need forgiveness and transformation. Christians should not be attacking homosexuals, but what we have now is homosexuals attacking everybody else and the Federal government supporting these attacks. By positioning statements of faith as "bullying" and standing up for marriage and morality as "hate" the lunatics have taken over the facility!
Hitler locked up people with disfigured features and folks with obvious mental issues, and the Nazis locked up Jews and communists and pretty soon, if the Christians stood up to complain, they were locked up as well. How long will you wait before you stand up and speak and have some backbone??! Homosexuals, you are legally able to live together, so quit trying to steal marriage and quit trying to proselytize children! Quit supporting baby murdering! Quit trying to make the USA into one big San Francisco! Sin wrecks lives, let's not celebrate it!
No surprise that a soldier would have the guts to stand up for his beliefs, right? I recommend reading this story:
A soldier being told what NOT to read, what bumper stickers NOT to put on his civilian vehicle, what food NOT to serve at a promotion party...
Excerpt from the above: "A veteran member of the U.S. Army Band said he is facing retribution and punishment from the military for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his car, reading books written by conservative authors like Mark Levin and David Limbaugh, and serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at his promotion party.
Master Sgt. Nathan Sommers, a 25-year Army veteran and conservative Christian based at Fort Myer in Washington, believes his outspoken opposition to gay marriage prompted higher-ups to take a closer look at his beliefs. The recipient of an Army Commendation Medal and a soloist at the funeral of former First Lady Betty Ford, Sommers said his core beliefs are enough to mark a soldier for persecution in today’s military.
“It seems like with the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell – that the Christians have been the ones who’ve had to go underground and in the closet – for fear of retaliation and reprisals,” Sommers told me.
“Christians feel like they can’t be forthright with their faith. They have to hide.”
Ret. Navy Commander John Bennett Wells is representing the master sergeant. He said there is no doubt in his mind that the U.S. military is discriminating against Christians – and specifically his client.
“There’s no question about it,“ Wells tells me. “Because he is religious, because he feels that homosexual conduct is wrong for religious reasons, he is basically being persecuted.”...continues here.
How about a high school student? Excerpt from the story:
"Valedictorian Roy Costner IV of Liberty High School — note the name — tore up his “pre-approved speech,” dismissed legal threats from the ACLU and Freedom From Religion Foundation, thanked God, and recited the Lord's Prayer before the graduating class.
The school district was under pressure to keep prayer out of meetings and gatherings, but this did not stop Costner from saying what he wanted to say. He thanked his parents who led him to Christ at an early age.
He went on to say, “I think most of you will understand when I say, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven. . . .’” as he began to recite the Lord's Prayer in defiance of the school censors and the threats from the anti-Christian bullying organizations.
“Brian Hoover, who is from Liberty and attended the graduation, said, ‘You couldn't even hear him doing the prayer anymore because everybody was clapping and cheering.’ “Costner finished, pointing his finger in the air for emphasis, saying, ‘For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen,’ followed by more cheers and applause.”
Read more: http://godfatherpolitics.com/11151/student-obeys-god-rather-than-men-in-graduation-speech/#ixzz2VfpGhxn3
There are even NFL players who have backbone. It is hard to take a stand when the whole world is watching. But..Matt Birk refused to go meet the President because...
Super Bowl champ Matt Birk skips meeting with Obama over ‘God bless Planned Parenthood’ remark
BALTIMORE, June 6, 2016 (LifeSiteNews.com) – For many athletes the chance to meet the president of the United States of America is a once-in-a-lifetime, never-to-be-missed opportunity. But not for Ravens Super Bowl champ Matt Birk.
Birk, who earned his Super Bowl ring earlier this year as a center with the Baltimore Ravens, told KFAN-FM this morning that he decided to skip a meet-and-greet with President Obama over the president’s support for Planned Parenthood.
“About five or six weeks ago, our president made a comment in a speech and he said, ‘God bless Planned Parenthood,’” Birk told the radio station. “Planned Parenthood performs about 330,000 abortions a year. I am Catholic, I am active in the pro-life movement, and I just felt like I couldn’t deal with that."
Ravens Super Bowl champ Matt Birk
The football star said that while he has "great respect for the office of the president," he "couldn't endorse" the president's support for the country's top abortion organization "in any way."
"I'm very confused by [the president's] statement," said Birk. "For God to bless a place where they're ending 330,000 lives a year? I just chose not to attend."
Obama made the "God bless Planned Parenthood remark" at the conclusion of his speech to a Planned Parenthood conference in April. The speech put Obama in the books as the first sitting president to address the abortion organization.
This is not the first time that Birk has been outspoken on social issues, standing up for traditional values.
In a previous interview he described holding his daughter for the first time. “It was unbelievable the love that I felt for her,” he said, “and any parent knows exactly what I’m talking about. At that point, you know it’s not a choice. Life is a gift that’s given to us. We are supposed to accept it. It’s not our choice whether we decide a baby lives or not.”
He told Catholic Review that participating in the March for Life in Washington is "one of the coolest things I’ve done.”
“It seems like our society and media want to push pro-lifers to the side and hope that we would shut our mouths and go away quietly,” he added. “Let’s not do that.”
Last October Matt Birk made headlines when he weighed in on the gay marriage debate, defending traditional marriage.
“My hope is that, by adding my voice to this discussion, I encourage the majority of Americans who do agree that it’s not the state’s place to redefine marriage to speak up with truth and respect,” he said at the time. “Bonding one man and one woman together through marriage helps connect both moms and dads to their kids; that’s why the state cares about marriage in the first place. Society should always be looking for ways to strengthen marriage, rather than redefine it.”
He also addressed his pro-life views in an interview with The National Catholic Register, saying:
You may not be able to save thousands of lives on your own, but the one life you can save today does mean a lot.
Whether it’s teaching our own children to be pro-life, contacting our elected representatives or working at crisis-pregnancy centers, we can all do something. These examples are in addition to prayer, which everyone can do and which everyone should do. Prayer is the basis of any good action. Each little effort helps to bring about a culture of life, a culture in which children are appreciated rather than disposed of.
I spoke at a pro-life rally in Maryland a couple years ago, and it was a life-changing experience. I heard other speakers, including women who deeply regretted their own abortions. Their work, carried out through the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, was very persuasive. It wasn’t just a theoretical discussion; it was real women who had experienced the trauma of losing a child through abortion. They wanted to prevent other women from going through that same thing.
If people were told the truth about abortion, no one would ever seek out the procedure. We hear about “choice” and “reproductive rights,” but no one is ever told by an abortionist, “I will kill your baby by ripping off its arms and legs.” The women from Silent No More let people know the facts so that better decisions will be made. It’s very admirable work.
Watch the video, think on the issues and ask yourself this: Are YOU going to stand up or stand back? “Adversity does not build character, it reveals it.” American novelist James Lane Allen
Who are you? The one who yawns and shrugs or the one who takes action? Vote. Teach. Support family values. Save lives and save the culture, thereby saving your nation.