Dinosaur Soft Tissues, Preservation, and Bad Science
When dinosaur soft tissues were discovered, long-agers stampeded to come up with reasons to cling to their paradigms. Further discoveries gave them even more consternation, such as finding red blood cells, carbon-14 in dinosaur bone, and whatnot. Some of the excuses by these owlhoots include outright denial (I've even received comments that the whole thing came from lying biblical creationists!), downplaying the whole thing, and weird extrapolations of science to explain away the inconvenient truths.
The problem for dedicated Darwinoids is that the evidence supports a young earth, global Noachian Flood — and that most dinosaurs have been dead for thousands of years, not millions. But that doesn't stop some people from Making Stuff Up™ as well as doing shoddy research. Worse, this is presented to gullible people who accept it as scientific truth.
The problem for dedicated Darwinoids is that the evidence supports a young earth, global Noachian Flood — and that most dinosaurs have been dead for thousands of years, not millions. But that doesn't stop some people from Making Stuff Up™ as well as doing shoddy research. Worse, this is presented to gullible people who accept it as scientific truth.
News reports around the world tell of red-blood-cell-like and collagen-like structures found in 75 million year-old dinosaur bones long stored in the British Museum. This news coincides with the release of the film Jurassic World, in which fictional scientists resurrect dinosaurs using dino DNA that "iron chelators" somehow preserved for millions of years. Though the movie is fiction, it does refer to a real study involving blood and bone. However, a closer look at the relevant chemistry shows that the iron-as-preservative story may be just as fictional as Jurassic World.You can finish reading the article by clicking on "Can Iron Preserve Fossil Proteins for Eons?".
The University College London research team published their new finds in the journal Nature Communications. Scientists collected the bones and bone fragments from Alberta, then deposited them in drawers decades ago. New techniques now reveal unexpected proteins and cell-like features. Microscopic filaments spaced at about 67nm were tell-tale signs of bone collagen. In living creatures, bone-building cells deposit these protein fibers in rows to give bone its nearly optimal balance between rigidity and flexibility.