Giraffidae Genome and Evolution
Some Darwinists have managed to get themselves all agitated again, this time over the giraffidae genome. They figure that comparing okapi, cattle, and giraffe genomes, they can come up with how things evolved. There are a few similarities, so there must be an evolutionary process involved, right?
Not hardly! Many living things have genetic similarities, but even the most desperate evolutionist won't consider us closely related. (Cats, dogs, and other critters have a high genetic similarity with humans, but never mind about that now.) Giraffes are more than spotted cow-like things with long necks and horns on top (they use the necks and horns in fighting for dominance, as this video shows, and you don't want to get a front or a back kick). They needed to have a special system in place so that when they bring their heads down for food, water, or in combat, they don't have problems from the sudden change in blood pressure, for instance. No, evolutionists are just speculating from their paradigms again, and committing logical fallacies like affirming the consequent, circular reasoning, and ignoring pertinent data. The specified complexity demonstrates the genius of the Creator, and does not support goo-to-giraffe evolution.
Evolutionists are presenting speculation, guesswork, and bad reasoning as science again. This time, some unsupportable ideas involving the giraffe genome.
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Image credit: Pixabay /mrslorettarsmith0 |
Parading across many an African skyline is the iconic giraffe with its long neck, a sturdy extension that lets it munch on treetop foliage. Despite the extraordinary length of its neck, the giraffe has only seven vertebrae in its neck, the same number as other mammals. The giraffe’s cervical vertebrae articulate with ball-and-socket joints, making the giraffe’s neck extraordinarily flexible. In the giraffe each cervical vertebra is supersized—10–11 inches long in an adult. The whole bony chain of huge cervical vertebrae is anchored by extra-thick ligaments to bony extensions on the thoracic vertebrae near the shoulders. That ligamentous support and the fact that the front legs are taller than the rear enable a giraffe to effortlessly balance an 8-foot tall, 500-pound neck and hold its head high.To read the rest, click on "Genes Hold the Giraffe’s Head Up High". Also, I recommend that you read "Giraffe Genome Too Distinct for Evolution".
The giraffe’s comparably supersized heart generates a blood pressure 2.5 times that of humans to push blood all the way up to the animal’s brain. Yet when the giraffe dips its neck to drink or graze on groundcover, the sudden onrush of high-pressure blood is diverted into a marvelous network of vessels to keep it from flooding the giraffe’s head. Meanwhile, tight skin around the legs and thickened vasculature throughout the giraffe’s body prevents its high blood pressure from damaging structures below the neck. Everything about the giraffe is designed to work together to support its high-flying head.
Evolutionists are presenting speculation, guesswork, and bad reasoning as science again. This time, some unsupportable ideas involving the giraffe genome.