Fundamentally Flawed Scientific Research
Despite the protestations of Darwin's Cheerleaders, scientists are not free of bias. Everyone has a worldview, and we interpret information according to this and the underlying presuppositions. Have you ever seen a scientist going around accumulating data about various things, then going back and coming up with laws, theories, and so forth? It doesn't work that way. Scientists are human, with desires, agendas, greed, pride, altruism, faith, and everything else that "regular" people have. They are also prone to cheating and even fraud.
Reports have been galloping in about bad peer review, tests that cannot be replicated, plagiarism, and more. This is prominent in common-ancestor origins research (after all, they're living according to their "survival of the fittest" worldview). When scientists operate from a realm of naturalism and deny the Creator, a whole heap of bad stuff comes out of them. This is alarming when they cheat on research in healthcare, psychology, and other areas.
Scientists work from their worldviews, and many have an atheistic materialism worldview. This naturally leads to serious flaws in research, affecting healthcare, psychology, and origins research.
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We tend to think of science as a dispassionate (impartial, neutral) search for truth and certainty. But is it possible that we are facing a situation in which there is a massive production of wrong information or distortion of information? Is it possible that certain scientific disciplines are facing a crisis of credibility? Mounting evidence suggests this is indeed the case, which raises two questions: How serious is the problem? And what could explain this?To read more about the darkness in science, click on "Is Scientific Research Flawed?"
How Serious Is the Problem?
Recent articles in First Things, The Week, and New Scientist present evidence that warrants the conclusion that flawed scientific research results are widespread.
The title of an editorial in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet, dated April 6, 2002, asks the question, “Just How Tainted Has Medicine Become?” The article states, “Heavily, and damagingly so, is the answer.” Among other things, in 2001, researchers completed experiments with biotechnology products in which they had a direct financial interest and doctors did not tell their patients that others had died using these products when safer alternatives were available. In the same journal, dated April 11, 2015, Dr. Richard Horton stated the gravity of the problem as follows: “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue . . . science has taken a turn towards darkness.”
Scientists work from their worldviews, and many have an atheistic materialism worldview. This naturally leads to serious flaws in research, affecting healthcare, psychology, and origins research.