Still Unclear on the Evolution Concept

There's a great deal of confusion about the meaning of the word evolution, and Darwin's Disciples use it to their advantage. Several different definitions exist, but the usual perception is that it means particles-to-poet common-ancestor evolution, which is supposed to be purposeless. Proponents of this kind of evolution often conflate evolution with natural selection or variation, and then mislead people (perhaps even misleading themselves) by presenting something that is not evolution as evolution. Then these sidewinders can say that they have "proof" of their brand of evolution. This also enables the blatant lie that creationists who deny evolution are "science deniers".

But do they even know what it means? We expect people to say societal, cultural, linguistic, and other things as evolution, and that seldom invokes Darwinian principles. There are often presentations of evolution that are animistic and pantheistic, giving evolution a kind of intelligence and teleology, which makes evolution a deity with the ability to choose. But they deny the Creator who gave them life and a nice planet to live on. So evolution is an intelligent designer? Can't have it both ways, kids.

More obfuscation occurs when Darwinian ideas as used in an intelligently designed program in meteorology. Yes, you heard me right. Evolutionary thinking is becoming increasingly fatuous, especially when applied to social systems and technology. To read some really wacky material on deranged Darwinism, click on "Pretending Intelligent Design Is Like Evolution".

Evolutionists confuse people on the meaning of the word "evolution" to improve their ability for deception, but they are confused themselves. Programming for meteorology using Darwinian ideas? Spare us.