Archaeology, Same-Sex Relationships, and the Apostle Paul
In AD 79. an eruption of Mt. Vesuvius suddenly wiped out the inhabitants of the Roman town of Pompeii, among others. That bad boy has not remained silent, and could be devastating to the 3,000,000 people in the area, who ignored the idea of not living near an active volcano. Didn't work for people in 79. (Useless trivia: Pompeii is pronounced pom-PAY, but a small community in Gratiot County, Michigan has the same spelling, and locals pronounce it POM-pay-eye. I was laughed at for using that pronunciation because as a kid, I lived near there, and did not know the real way.) So anyway, the tons of ash that fell on Pompeii was an effective preservative, and archaeologists have made many interesting discoveries.
Apostate clergyman Steve Chalke, who denies original sin in Genesis 3 and affirms the Pelagian heresy, believes that "erotic art" excavated by archaeologists at Pompeii refutes established Christian understandings of Paul's teachings about homosexuality. How Chalke diagrams his logic on the blackboard is unknown. He is joining in with other owlhoots who say that in Romans 1, Paul was only speaking of sexual abuse, but thought that same-sex "marriage" was acceptable. Such a claim impugns the integrity of God, the establishment of marriage in Genesis, its affirmation by Jesus, and implies that God is willing to let people misunderstand his word for 2,000 years.
Excavated items from Pompeii are being used to justify same-sex relationships. Not only is the logic poor, but the theology in play is outrageous.
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The Last Day of Pompeii / Karl Bryullov, 1833 |
To finish reading, click on "Does Ancient Art from Pompeii Prove the Bible Supports Gay 'Marriage'?"In a recent lecture, a professing evangelical pastor in the UK, Steve Chalke argued1 that ancient erotic art from Pompeii, an ancient Roman town buried by a volcanic eruption in AD 79, shows that “New Testament verses that are used routinely to label same-sex activity as sinful were, in fact” not doing so.Christians “Throw Bible Verses Around Without . . . Context”Chalke reportedly asserted that “because of widespread ignorance of the ancient world and Graeco-Roman culture in churches across the West, we throw Bible verses around without understanding their context.” These pieces of explicit artwork supposedly provide the context to show that the New Testament is “condemning the abusive and exploitative sexual activity common in the world that Paul’s recipients lived in” rather than forbidding “faithful gay relationships” among Christians.
Excavated items from Pompeii are being used to justify same-sex relationships. Not only is the logic poor, but the theology in play is outrageous.