Evolutionary Non-Science in Powered Flight

Fossils have yielded not only excellent detail, but often soft tissues. Believers in dust-to-dinosaur evolution have been studying pterosaur flight, marveling at the intricate work and design skill of the Master Engineer.

Just kidding. Those evolutionist owlhoots were bowing down and praising Evolution as if it were a deity that had creative powers and the ability to make choices. In addition, they have the risible habit of chanting, "It evolved!" without giving the slightest bit of information on how something allegedly evolved.

Some ridiculous evoporn claims from Darwinists regarding powered flight in pterosaurs of dinosaur times as well as in other creatures. Unsatisfying.
Pixabay / Efraimstochter
If you study on it a spell, simply saying that something evolved is a science stopper. While atheopaths and other anti-creationists falsely accuse biblical creationists of saying, "GodDidIt" and not bothering to do actual science stuff (creationists want to see how God did something), "It evolved" really does pull back on the reins and holler, "Whoa!" to real scientific investigation.

These overpaid owlhoots keep getting grant money (which comes from our taxes) for blowing smoke and scribbling evoporn. Not only are they doing it with pterosaurs (those flying reptiles of dinosaur times), but powered flight in other critters as well. Somehow, according to Darwinian magic (or global warming), this ability evolved with all of its intricacies separately — but they have no evidence. In the buffet of science, Darwinism is a rancid sauerkraut and toadstool casserole, lovingly smothered with arsenic sauce. I want my money back!

As we shall see momentarily, “evolved” has become a magic word of no scientific value. It is a placeholder for ignorance. . . .

A new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences claims that “Pterosaurs evolved a muscular wing–body junction providing multifaceted flight performance benefits: Advanced aerodynamic smoothing, sophisticated wing root control, and wing force generation.”

Think of the burdens the authors placed on that word “evolved.” Pterosaurs (of which there are numerous and diverse species) somehow came up with a “muscular wing-body junction” that just happened to confer “multifaceted flight performance benefits” on those extinct flying marvels. Three of the benefits are listed in the subtitle, but there would have to be many more:

To read the entire article, flap your way over to "Pterosaur Flight Design Confounds Evolutionary Theory."