Manipulation through Choice Architecture

There was a time when, ideally, people would present facts and reasoning to persuade others to come around to their way of thinking. That did seem to happen long ago, but nowadays many people prefer devious manipulation instead of persuasion.

Those who view themselves as intellectually or morally superior do not respect the rights of others to make their own decisions. Since reasoning is not taught (or used very much anymore), the public is easily fooled by sidewinders who want to control them.

Pixabay / Donna Kirby
Once again, political things are infringing on science because the secular science industry is advocating leftist causes; I would prefer to leave political things for separate articles. Elitists take the Darwinian view that we are not created in the image of God, but are simply evolved animals. Those tinhorns are enlightened and "know" what is best for the world. So, everyone else needs to be told what to think, not how to think.

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Fakebook forces people to accept their changes. When they roll out new layouts that people loathe, some have tried to make workarounds to keep the old layouts. Fakebook thwarts their efforts. The Question Evolution Project was given a "choice", and Admin had to take it or do nothing, and all Admins are affected. Everything is far, far worse. Are an elitist attitude coupled with incompetence part of the reason that FB and Zuckerberg have lost billons of US dollars recently?

Keep in mind that there is a difference between persuasion and manipulation (or coercion).

Since blatant efforts for control are too obvious, bring in choice architecture. There is always a choice. Or so it seems. To use the software, agree to the terms or conditions or you can't use it. That smartphone app wants all sorts of permissions, agree or go without. Take the vaccine and wear a mask or your movements (and in many cases, freedoms) are restricted. Big Tech opposes misinformation and eliminates that which runs contrary to leftist viewpoints, so they present things that have been "fact checked" that are often false. Many people have reasons for their rejection of leftist causes, but those reasons are downplayed, suppressed, and even made to go away.

Being aware of  such manipulation and choice architecture is mighty helpful in many areas of life, not just in spotting politically-motivated malarkey.

Presenting false choices is a manner of manipulation and thought control. Here are some important things to keep in mind for Question Evolution Day.
Other "choices" seem less restrictive but are still limited and confining. The choice architecture proponents try to modify the behaviors of people, but "nudge" us toward making choices that they consider correct. That is not persuasion, it is thought control. That's right, I said it!

We are coming up on Question Evolution Day, and this would be an excellent time for people who support creation science to become involved — no charge, no sign-up.

Atheists and other evolutionists use disinformation, emotionally-provocative rhetoric, poor research, terrible logic, ridicule, outright lies, and more in their efforts to combat both the Intelligent Design movement and especially biblical creation science. Other detractors will be more subtle, using choice architecture and nudging to dissuade people from learning inconvenient truths about molecules-to-misotheist evolution. One reason Question Evolution Day exists is to make information available to thinking Darwinists so they will, well, question evolution. Ultimately, we hope they will learn that God is their Creator and Redeemer.

We need your help.

In addition to reading books and articles, watching videos, and so forth, the easiest way you can participate on February 12 is to simply share a creation science post on social(ist) media and add a #questionevolutionday hash tag. There are other ways to participate described in the link.

Let's get back to that important article that I want to show y'all.
The kids are excited as the delivery truck shows up with the big new Smart TV dad ordered for Christmas. After the crew sets it up and leaves, the family turns it on and watches some of the built-in demos of things the family can do with this dazzling new toy. . . . requires a login account, and will monitor everything they watch, collect personal data on the family’s habits, their connections and app accounts, their location and a dozen other things, and will sell it to third-party companies (“partners”) that are not disclosed, which might include even far-East governments. “Eeuw, that’s creepy; we don’t want that,” he mutters, then tries to skip to the next screen. There is no next screen. He must hit “Accept” to proceed. The kids are waiting impatiently, so he submits and lets them fight for the remote to see all the things they can watch and do.

This is known as “Choice Architecture,” and Big Science loves it. As advisors to Big Government, the National Academy of Sciences just told them more about how to psychologically manipulate the populace with “the nudge.” It’s not a recent idea; four psychologists from the University of Geneva in Switzerland already knew about the 2008 “breakthrough” that taught scientists how to get people to willingly cooperate with authorities. Now it’s in the refinement stage, researching which nudging techniques are most effective.

I'd be much obliged if you'd read the entire article, but I'll respect your choice. If yes, then click on "Psychopolitics Is Back."