Debunking the Morganucodon Transitional Fossil

One of the fastest ways to get a Darwinist to go haywire is to state that there are no transitional fossils. More precisely, there are no clear, undisputed fossils of transitional forms. Think about it: If deep time and evolution were true, there would be an uncountable number.

Tinhorns on teh interwebs ignore quotes from experts as well as Darwin himself supporting our claim, including documentation by Luther Sunderland (prompting attempted damage control). Evolutionists trot out material from those unbiased scientific peer-reviewed publications known as Wikipedia and Unhelpful. A favorite "transitional form" of theirs is Morganucodon.

When creationists correctly say there are no undisputed fossils of transitional forms, evolutionists often trot out Morganucodon. This is debunked.
Morganucodon watsoni image by Nobumichi Tamura via Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0) (background color added)
The logic of those with Atheism Spectrum Disorder is such that even if this critter was an undisputable transitional form, it would negate creation, and all of creation science. Hail Darwin! Blessed be! The exception makes the rule? Not hardly! It would not prove Darwin right, it would only support the evolution of this creature. There are still billions of fossilized transitional forms still missing. You savvy that, Sebastian?

Those who insist that Lucy is a transitional form between an apelike thing and humans gloss over the numerous problems refuting that idea. In the same way, Morganucodon has a passel of problems that are not discussed, including fragmented and incomplete bones. Evolutionists also confirm their biases by ignoring other possible interpretations other than their own. As the prize pig at the state fair, this one has a blue ribbon it doesn't deserve, and is thoroughly debunked. Yippie ky yay, secularists!

Evolutionists claim to have good fossil evidence for the transition of synapsids to modern mammals. This includes the key evolutionary transition from creatures with one ear ossicle and a quadrate-articular jaw joint to mammals with three ear ossicles and a dentary-squamosal jaw joint. The evolution of the mammalian jaw joint and middle ear is said to be well-documented and includes Morganucodon, which is believed to show a key step in this transition. This review re-examines Morganucodon and the claim that it had a transitional double jaw joint and a mandibular middle ear. This claim is essentially guesswork, driven by a prior commitment to evolutionary thinking and is not well supported by the evidence. An alternative view of the evidence is that Morganucodon was a mammal and not transitional.

To read the rest of this rather technical piece, hop on over to "Is Morganucodon a transitional fossil?" Also, the Luther Sunderland book Darwin's Enigma can be purchased (a digital copy is here, for one) and can be read online here