It's the economy, stupid!!!
One compelling reason to vote Republican is for economic reasons. Democrats intend to repeal the tax cuts that have stimulated the economy so that:
unemployment is at an all-time low
federal tax revenues now being received are higher than expenditures
factories are humming, small businesses are thriving
I am a small businessman and not only did the Bush tax cuts help me survive, I have seen the spending in the business world grow in recent months. I sell network security solutions to businesses and organizations. This is to an extent a form of insurance. Companies skimp on my products, on hiring, on wages, and so on, when things get tight. Now that the economy is buzzing along despite high fuel costs, people are buying from me. On the other hand, if taxes go up then spending will go down and the entire economy will decline.
Trust me, if the Dems get in office and repeal the tax cuts we will all suffer. Cutting taxes for businesses means layoffs. CEOs cut anything and everything before they cut their own salaries, right or wrong. Human nature. Tax cuts to middle-income people like myself help us to buy more "stuff" and grow the economy. The Democrats want to take the money from us and spend it (badly) for us. Government is never as efficient as the private sector. The Republican plan to leave more money in the hands of the people has worked.
Republicans want to fight the terrorists overseas. Dems want to wait until they attack us over here again.
Republicans stand for traditional value systems. Democrats want to bring about gay marriage and make sex with minors acceptable.
Republicans want to make schools better by measuring performance and rewarding good schools, thus promoting better teaching and learning. The Dems are slaves to the teachers unions and fight for the status quo.
Republicans wish to make the killing of babies a rarity, done only to save the life of the mother. Democrats want to slaughter the innocent up to the very second before they would be naturally born. How long before euthanasia for age, for disability, for any reason, becomes part of their platforms????
Republicans want America to be a place where all people may worship as they choose. Democrats want to put an end to the worship of anything other than pleasure.
Am I going a bit overboard? In some instances, slightly. Some Democrats are more moderate than others and there are Republicans who slant liberal. But I am thematically correct.
A second death in the family and the short leave taken by my oldest son caused me to have priorities above that of a blog posting. I will be back to normal soon.
Two notes: Please pray for my godson, Cecil, who is a commander of a unit stationed in Baghdad. They hunt for IEDs and I don't think I need to tell you how dangerous that is. Cecil is a fine young man, officer in the military and city official in civilian life. He signs his emails: World Changer/IED Hunter!
I wish to thank and congratulate a poster to this site, xiangtao, who has enlisted in the military in a yet-unnamed capacity. Thanks for loving your country, my friend! May God keep you safe and may your heart be valiant and true!
unemployment is at an all-time low
federal tax revenues now being received are higher than expenditures
factories are humming, small businesses are thriving
I am a small businessman and not only did the Bush tax cuts help me survive, I have seen the spending in the business world grow in recent months. I sell network security solutions to businesses and organizations. This is to an extent a form of insurance. Companies skimp on my products, on hiring, on wages, and so on, when things get tight. Now that the economy is buzzing along despite high fuel costs, people are buying from me. On the other hand, if taxes go up then spending will go down and the entire economy will decline.
Trust me, if the Dems get in office and repeal the tax cuts we will all suffer. Cutting taxes for businesses means layoffs. CEOs cut anything and everything before they cut their own salaries, right or wrong. Human nature. Tax cuts to middle-income people like myself help us to buy more "stuff" and grow the economy. The Democrats want to take the money from us and spend it (badly) for us. Government is never as efficient as the private sector. The Republican plan to leave more money in the hands of the people has worked.
Republicans want to fight the terrorists overseas. Dems want to wait until they attack us over here again.
Republicans stand for traditional value systems. Democrats want to bring about gay marriage and make sex with minors acceptable.
Republicans want to make schools better by measuring performance and rewarding good schools, thus promoting better teaching and learning. The Dems are slaves to the teachers unions and fight for the status quo.
Republicans wish to make the killing of babies a rarity, done only to save the life of the mother. Democrats want to slaughter the innocent up to the very second before they would be naturally born. How long before euthanasia for age, for disability, for any reason, becomes part of their platforms????
Republicans want America to be a place where all people may worship as they choose. Democrats want to put an end to the worship of anything other than pleasure.
Am I going a bit overboard? In some instances, slightly. Some Democrats are more moderate than others and there are Republicans who slant liberal. But I am thematically correct.
A second death in the family and the short leave taken by my oldest son caused me to have priorities above that of a blog posting. I will be back to normal soon.
Two notes: Please pray for my godson, Cecil, who is a commander of a unit stationed in Baghdad. They hunt for IEDs and I don't think I need to tell you how dangerous that is. Cecil is a fine young man, officer in the military and city official in civilian life. He signs his emails: World Changer/IED Hunter!
I wish to thank and congratulate a poster to this site, xiangtao, who has enlisted in the military in a yet-unnamed capacity. Thanks for loving your country, my friend! May God keep you safe and may your heart be valiant and true!