No Race Any More
NRAM...mabye I should start a new blog...No Race Any More.
I am sick to death of the race card. I am sick and tired of people talking about it, trying to make political hay with it, keeping racial hatreds on artificial life support.
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Credit: Unsplash / Alexander Grigoryev |
Maggie's Notebook makes a good point:
Cleaver Story Changing: Emanuel Cleaver Hit with Spit or Not?
Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) has been in the news for being spat upon during the Tea Party protests outside the Capitol on the day of the health care vote. In an interview this week, FOX4News asked Cleaver if he is claiming that he was deliberately spit upon. Cleaver would not answer the question, and said he just wanted to put the incident behind him.
Read the rest of the article at the big link just above.
I think people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan and John Lewis and Jeremiah Wright have careers built on the idea that race relations need them as spokesmen and champions when, in fact, they keep fanning the flames of hatreds that should be doused for good.
They are hate mongers, the kind of people who should be shunned by normal Americans. Worse, they are part of the problem for the very people they claim to represent. You think if we incented inner city kids to do well at school and aspire to accomplish things it might do more for them than just throwing them a pittance and walking away?
A stark reminder that the Democrats don't really care - charter schools are especially useful in poor school districts but the Obama Administration's awards for school performance seemed linked to connections to teacher's unions.
Breitbart has offered 100, 000 dollars for anyone that can prove somebody called John Lewis the "N word." Hundreds of cell phones and television and radio and video feeds were combed through and nothing. Nancy Pelosi took that big gavel and a bunch of black lawmakers right past the Tea Party types trying to provoke an incident and, when the incident didn't happen they just made it up.
Race is a fake useless designation
There is no reason to even use the term "race" at all. Do we sort people by height or weight or have you ever heard of a drinking fountain labeled "no left-handers allowed?" Is there a reason to sort us by skin color rather than hair color or eye color or wrist circumference? Should we separate out ectomorphs and mesomorphs?
I do not believe in black pride or white pride. How about human? Darwinists of the 19th and early 20th century taught that some "races" including Aborigines and Africans and Asians were less evolved and therefore inferior human beings. Look up Eugenics for yourself.
The very idea of labeling humans by race is simply wrong.
The very idea of convincing people they are entitled to a living is also wrong. Our country was not built on welfare checks and gangstas. We were made of farmers and businessmen and soldiers and small businessmen. We are formed to have the liberty to pursue happiness, not to be given a stipend!
Democrats have promoted and created a nation of inner-city serfs who do not marry. Women have children out of wedlock and collect welfare checks. Men move from home to home and a cash-only underground economy encourages drug dealing and theft and etc. Children grow up believing they are entitled to a low-level living from good old Uncle Sam and had better vote Democrat or else!
Far too many of these people are people of color. Most ghetto areas in the USA are made up of minorities. So often gangs wind up fighting other gangs over territory and simple testosterone on speed. Abortion mills are often located at the periphery of ghetto areas. By killing each other and their babies, the poor "weed themselves out." By growing up in bad neighborhoods and broken homes young people from the inner cities wind up badly educated and not prepared to go out and make a good living. Great talents are wasted in this way.
Not all kids fall through the cracks. Athletes and musicians and artists and a lot of people with ambition and brains get out of the ghetto.
Debra Dickerson was interviewed in Atlantic and I think it is well worth reading:
Getting Over Race
Debra Dickerson, the author of The End of Blackness, on why she thinks the African-American community needs to "grow up"
By Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts
In discussions of race and politics in America—especially common during an election year—such phrases as "The Power of the Black Vote" and "The Crisis in Black Leadership" are repeated again and again. These phrases reveal long-held assumptions about the tendency of American blacks to act as a group, voting in concert and hearkening to the voices of a small number of racial spokespeople. But in her controversial new book, The End of Blackness: Returning the Souls of Black Folks to Their Rightful Owners, the author and commentator Debra Dickerson seeks to explode such beliefs, arguing instead that "the concept of 'blackness,' as it has come to be understood, is rapidly losing its ability to describe, let alone predict or manipulate, the political and social behavior of African Americans."
As before, so again: you can read the rest at the big link just above.