New Darwinism Movie, starring Darwinist Scientists!!!
NEW MOVIE - Science Fiction genre.
Creative Consultant: Jon Woolf - "Creationism is religion, not science. Evolutionary theory is science, not religion. Any other viewpoint is nonsense."
As inspired by Jon, a few scenes from the new movie with the working title; "YUPYUPYUPYUP - Darwinists Doing Research Like REAL Scientists!"
Opening scene:
Excerpts from movie:
Darwinist scientists doing research. "yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup"
Close up of two co-stars before make-up:
The most comedic moment:
The watershed moment of the movie. Darwinist Scientists becoming Creationists!!!
Alternate title: "Darwinism Will Be Science When Pigs Fly." You are very welcome!
Coming to a theater near you!!!
Now for the actual truth. Lots of scientists believe in Young Earth Creation and many, many more at least believe that the Universe was designed by a Creator, even if they have not settled into the YEC camp.
A list of creation scientists who are/have contributed to science
1) Dr. Raymond Damadian - inventor of MRI device
2) Dr. Raymond Jones - CSIRO Gold Medal, detoxified Leucaena for livestock
3) Dr. Keith Wanser - 48 published papers, seven U.S. patents
(Professor of Physics, Cal State Fullerton)
4) Dr. Russell Humphreys - successful planetary magnetic predictions
(nuclear physicist, Sandia National Laboratories )
5) Dr. Kurt Wise - Ph.D. in paleontology under Stephen J. Gould at Harvard
6) Jules H. Poirier - designer of radar FM altimeter on Apollo Lunar
Landing Module
7) Dr. Sinaseli Tshibwabwa - discovered 7 new species of fish in the Congo
8) Dr. Saami Shaibani - "International Expert" by the US Depts of Labor and
Justice. 100 published articles (B.A. (Hons), M.A., M.Sc., D.Phil, a
physics professor and researcher)
1) (ID) Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III - five-time Nobel nominee
(professor of chemistry at the University of Georgia)
2) (ID) Dr. William S. Harris - $3.5 million in research grants, over 70
scientific papers, Director of the Lipoprotein Research Laboratory at Saint
Luke’s Hospital. Chair in Metabolism and Vascular Biology and is a
Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri.
Dr. Emmett L. Williams, Ph.D. Materials Engineering
Dr. David A. Kaufmann, Ph.D. Anatomy
Dr. Glen W. Wolfrom, Ph.D. Ruminant Nutrition
Dr. Theodore P. Aufdemberge, Ph.D. Physical Geography,
Dr. Eugene F. Chaffin, Ph.D. Physics
Dr. George F. Howe, Ph.D. Botany
Dr. Wayne F. Frair, Ph.D. Serology
Dr. John R. Meyer, Ph.D. Zoology
Dr. Robert Goette, Ph.D. Chemistry
Dr. Lane Lester -- Ph.D. in genetics from Purdue University
Dr. Andrew Snelling -- Ph.D. in geology, U. of Sydney
Dr. Don Batten, consultant plant physiologist
Dr. Gary Parker, Ed.D. in Biology/Geology, Ball State University
Dr. John Baumgardner, Los Alamos Laboratories
Dr. Donald B. DeYoung, Ph.D., Physics, Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana
Dr. Eric Norman, Ph.D, Biochemistry, Texas A&M University
Dr. Clifford A. Wilson - Archaeologist, Author of "Crash go the Chariots"
Michael Oard, MS, Atmospheric Science, U. of Washington, meteorologist
Keyoshi Takahashi, Ph.D., Botany - has had research published in Nature.
Dr. Andy McIntosh, Reader in Combustion Theory at Leeds U., U.K.
Dr. George Marshall, Ph.D., Ophthalmic Science, U of Glasgow, Scotland
chartered biologist, member of the Institute of Biology
Dr. Danny Faulkner -- Ph.D. Astronomy, Indiana University, Associate
Professor, U. of South Carolina, Lancaster
Dr. David Menton, Associate Professor of Anatomy, Washington University
School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
Prof. Maciej Giertych, Ph.D.(Toronto), D.Sc.(Poznan), head of the Genetics
Dept. of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Dendrology, Kornik,
Dr. James Allan, M.Sc.Agric., PhD., retired senior lecturer in the Dept. of
Genetics, Univ. of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Dr. Andre Eggen, Ph.D. in animal genetics from the Federal Institute of
Technology in Switzerland, research scientist for the French government
Dr. Brian Stone, Ph.D., Head of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
U. of Western Australia
Dr. Donald Chittick, Ph.D. in physical chemistry, Oregon State U.,
Associate Professor of Chemistry , U. of Puget Sound
Dr. Giuseppe Sermonti, Ph.D., geneticist and microbiologist, has served as
Professor of Genetics at U. of Palermo & U. of Perugia
Dr. Andre Eggen, Institute Nationale de la Agrinomique of France, working
on genetic defect in cows known as the Bulldog gene defect.
Dave Phillips, M.S., physical anthropology, California State U., working on
Ph.D. in paleontology
Jonathan D. Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M. -- Ph.D. in Chemistry from Victoria
univeristy of Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand chess champion.
Dr. Jack Cuozzo, orthodontist (DDS, University of Pennsylvania and MS in
Oral Biology, Loyola University of Chicago) and an original researcher of
Neanderthals, is the author of Buried Alive. This book sets forth the
thesis that human craniofacial structures continue to change with aging and
that Neanderthals were humans who lived to be hundreds of years old
(post-flood). If anything, humans are devolving.
Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo, physiologist for the human engine of the Gossamer
Condor and Gossamer Albatross man-powered flight projects (reported in the
National Geographic), received his doctorate from the University of Iowa.
Dr. Mastropaolo does not believe evolution qualifies as science.
Dr. Robert A. Herrmann -- Professor of Mathematics, U. S. Naval Academy
Dr. Ian Macreadie -- molecular biology and microbiology researcher,
Principal Research Scientist at the Biomolecular Research Institute of
Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Dr. Felix Konotey-Ahulu, M.D., FRCP, DTMH, world authority on sickle-cell
disease, 25 years' experience as physician, clinical geneticist and
consultant in Ghana and subsequently in London. Visiting professor at
Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, and honorary
consultant to its Centre for Sickle Cell Disease. Author of 643-page
monograph "The Sickle Cell Disease Patient", Macmillan, 1991.
Dr. AwSwee-Eng, Ph.D., former Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Univ. of
Singapore, head of Dept. of Nuclear Medicine & Director of Clinical
Research , Singapore General Hospital, Author of about 30 technical papers
in biochemistry and nuclear medicine.
John K. Reed ¨ Principal Engineer, Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
(1999-present) ¨ degrees - B.S. geology (Furman Univ.), M.S. geology (Univ.
of Georgia), Ph.D. geology (Univ. of South Carolina) ¨ other qualifications
- Senior Production Geologist (Sun Exploration and Production Co., Houston,
1982-1988); Research Asst. Prof. (Earth Sciences and Resources Institute,
Univ. of South Carolina, 1988-1991); Exploration Manager (PetraTex, Dallas,
1991-1992) Partner (Strata Consulting Services, Dallas, 1992); Sr.
Scientist (Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1992-1999); ten articles in
CRS Quarterly; 14 articles in secular scientific journals, Associate Editor
for Geology for CRS Quarterly.
From the past:
Kepler -- Laws of planetary motion.
Francis Bacon -- contributed to formalization of scientific method
Linnaeus -- classification
John Ray -- Founder of biological science
Robert Boyle -- Founder of modern chemistry
Sir Isaac Newton -- gravity, optics, calculus
Blaise Pascal -- mathematics, calculating machine, air pressure
Charles Babbage -- invented "difference engine," designed computer
Gregor Mendel -- first studies of heredity
James Joule -- physics, inc. beginning of thermodynamics
William Thomson, Lord Kelvin -- Physics
Michael Faraday -- Physics
John Dalton -- chemistry
Louis Pasteur -- immunization, disproof of spontaneous generation
Sir John Herschel -- mathematician and astronomer, called the theory "the
law of higgledy-pigglety"
James Clerk Maxwell -- physicist, developed theory of electromagnetism
Adam Sedgwick -- geologist
Andrew Murray -- entomologist
Richard Owen -- coined the term "dinosaur"
Louis Agassiz, founder of modern glacial geology
Werner von Braun -- Leader of early US space program (Creation 16(2))
James Irwin -- astronaut, walked on the moon
A.E. Wilder-Smith (deceased)- 3 earned doctorates, master of seven
languages, UN advisor
More on Humphreys (taken from "Starlight and Time" p4 'About the Author'):
2 US patents;
Co-inventor of laser-triggered "Rimfire" high-voltage switches;
Winner of one of Industrial Research Magazine's IR-100 award;s
Winner of 2 awards from Sandia, including an Award for Excellence for
contributions to light ion-fusion target theory.
More on Raymond Jones:
Urrbrae Award in recognition of practical significance of his work for the
grazing industry. Described by CSIRO chief as "one of the top few CSIRO
scientists in Australia". Source: Creation Mag 21#1 p20ff
John Baumgardner's 3-D supercomputer model of plate tectonic model, reported
in New Scientist 16/1/93 p19.
Len Cram Ph.D. discovered way to 'grow' opals in a matter of months
(Creation Mag. 17#1 pp14-17). CSIRO scientists "can't distinguish Len's opal
from natural opal even under an electron microscope - they look identical!".
The motivation for his research was "to find out how opals form so as to
discredit uniformitarian (slow and gradual) geological theories."
Dr David Pennington, plastic surgeon. The first to have successfully
reattached a human ear. Creation Mag. 22#3 pp17-19.
Eric Norman, Ph.D. Biochemistry, Director of Norman Clinical Laboratory,
Inc. Pioneer researcher in Vit B12. (Creation Mag. 17#3 p28)
Forrest Mims, inventor of atmospheric haze sensor (Scientific American May97
Angela Meyer, Ph.D., Horticultural Science. Awarded New Zealand Science &
Technology bronze medal for excellence in Kiwi fruit research & service to
science, 1994. Source: "In Six Days" p130
John Mann, awarded M.B.E. for scientific work on controlling the spread of
the prickly pear cactus in Australia. State representative on the Australian
Weeds Committee, chairman of the Noxious Weeds Committe, member of the
Interdepartmental Committee for Woody Plant Control. Source: AiG
Ian Macreadie, Ph.D. Molecular biologist. Winner of Australian Society for
Microbiology's top award for outstanding contributions to research, 1995.
(Creation Mag. 21#2 p17)
Lammerts, Walter, 1904-1996. Ph.D. genetics. Winner of 12 All-American rose
selection awards. (CRSQ33#2 p79)
John K G. Kramer, Ph.D., biochemistry, has identified, characterised and
synthesised the structure of numerous food, bacterial and biological
components. He was one of the core scientists who evaluated the
toxicological, nutritional and biochemical properties of canola oil and
demonstrated its safety. Associate Editor of the journal LIPIDS. Source:
"In Six Days" p34.
Dr. Koop, C. Everett. Surgeon General of the United States. Awarded the Ladd
Medal by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Dennis Brown Gold Medal
by the British Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Source: "Scientists Who
Believe", ed. by Barrett & Fisher, Moody Press, 1984. pp153, 158.
[The following quote is taken from a CRSnet posting 28/12/99 by Paul Humber:
"C. Everett Koop, while Surgeon General of the United States, said (in a
private letter to me) that he thought evolution was impossible on the basis
of mathematics alone."]
Konotey-Ahulu, Felix. M.D. FRCP, DTMH. Clinical geneticist & consultant
physician. World authority on sickle-cell anaemia. Author of "The Sickle
Cell Disease Patient" Macmillan, 1991, 643pp. (Creation Mag. 16:2 p40)
Terry Hamblin, MB, ChB, DM, FRCP, FRCPath. Professor at Southampton
University. Described in Radio Times as "one of Britain's leading leukaemia
specialists". (Radio Times entry 8 April 98 about programme 'Counterblast')
John Grebe, 1900-1984. D.Sc. Case Inst. of Technology. "In 1943 he was the
youngest man ever to receive the Chemical Industry Medal for his outstanding
contributions." (CRSQ 21#4 p199)
Charles W. Harrison, Jr. Ph.D. Former Faculty member at Harvard & Princeton,
followed by 16 years research in electromagnetics at Sandia National
Laboratories. Co-author of 'Antennas and Waves: A Modern Approach.' MIT
Press, 1969. Source: "Creation: Acts, Facts, Impacts". Edited by Morris,
Gish & Hillestad. Creation-Life Publishers, 1974. p178.
Fliermans, Carl B. PhD Microbial Ecologist, Dupont Company. "In the mid 80'
s, Dr. Fliermans led a research team of scientists in a U.S. Department of
Energy program called 'The Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface', where
microbiologists looked for microbial life hundreds and thousands of feet
below the earth's surface. Thousands of microorganisms previously unknown to
the scientific world were discovered. Dr. Fliermans cochaired and coedited
the First International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology and received an
'Outstanding Leadership in Science' award (only four in the nation had been
given) from the U.S. Department of Energy for his work." Sources:
Acts&Facts 10#1 p3 and A&F ICR Faculty Profile.
Malcolm Cutchins, Ph.D. Prof of Aerospace Engineering, Auburn. Twice winner
of Auburn's Outstanding Faculty Award. Recognized by the journal 'Industrial
Research' for "developing one of the 100 most significant new technical
products of 1973." Source: Impact86.
Stuart Burgess, Ph.D. Lecturer in Engineering Design at Bristol U.
Recipient of Worshipful Company of Turners Engineering Design Gold Medal.
Source: 'Hallmarks of Design' by Stuart Burgess, DayOne publications, 2000.
Ker C. Thomson, D.Sc., Geophysics. Former Director of Terrestrial Sciences
Division, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, in charge of Air Force research
programs in seismology, geodesy, gravity and geology. Sources: Act&Facts.
W R. Thompson (deceased), FRS. Professor, Director, Commonwealth Inst. of
Biological Control, Ottawa. Listed in Who's Who.
Dr. Ben Aaron, Prof & Chief of cardio-thoracic surgery at George Washington
U. Medical Centre, Washington D.C. Operated on President Reagan after he was
shot by assisin. Sources: Impact86; 'Operation Raw Hide' by Paul Thomsen,
PS: you could also mention creation scientists who have been listed in
American Men of Science, Who's Who ... etc. E.g. Gish was (still is?) listed
in American Men of Science, Gentry in Who's Who in America. There are quite
a few more.
Click here to see the list of scientists (many others listed)
I could go on and on and does NOT belong to naturalists and the scientific method is NOT limited only to naturalistic conclusions/causes. That is simply Darwinist propaganda. To repeat what I posted way back early in 2006:
Creative Consultant: Jon Woolf - "Creationism is religion, not science. Evolutionary theory is science, not religion. Any other viewpoint is nonsense."
As inspired by Jon, a few scenes from the new movie with the working title; "YUPYUPYUPYUP - Darwinists Doing Research Like REAL Scientists!"
Opening scene:
Excerpts from movie:
Darwinist scientists doing research. "yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup"
Close up of two co-stars before make-up:
The most comedic moment:
The watershed moment of the movie. Darwinist Scientists becoming Creationists!!!
Alternate title: "Darwinism Will Be Science When Pigs Fly." You are very welcome!
Coming to a theater near you!!!
Now for the actual truth. Lots of scientists believe in Young Earth Creation and many, many more at least believe that the Universe was designed by a Creator, even if they have not settled into the YEC camp.
A list of creation scientists who are/have contributed to science
1) Dr. Raymond Damadian - inventor of MRI device
2) Dr. Raymond Jones - CSIRO Gold Medal, detoxified Leucaena for livestock
3) Dr. Keith Wanser - 48 published papers, seven U.S. patents
(Professor of Physics, Cal State Fullerton)
4) Dr. Russell Humphreys - successful planetary magnetic predictions
(nuclear physicist, Sandia National Laboratories )
5) Dr. Kurt Wise - Ph.D. in paleontology under Stephen J. Gould at Harvard
6) Jules H. Poirier - designer of radar FM altimeter on Apollo Lunar
Landing Module
7) Dr. Sinaseli Tshibwabwa - discovered 7 new species of fish in the Congo
8) Dr. Saami Shaibani - "International Expert" by the US Depts of Labor and
Justice. 100 published articles (B.A. (Hons), M.A., M.Sc., D.Phil, a
physics professor and researcher)
1) (ID) Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III - five-time Nobel nominee
(professor of chemistry at the University of Georgia)
2) (ID) Dr. William S. Harris - $3.5 million in research grants, over 70
scientific papers, Director of the Lipoprotein Research Laboratory at Saint
Luke’s Hospital. Chair in Metabolism and Vascular Biology and is a
Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri.
Dr. Emmett L. Williams, Ph.D. Materials Engineering
Dr. David A. Kaufmann, Ph.D. Anatomy
Dr. Glen W. Wolfrom, Ph.D. Ruminant Nutrition
Dr. Theodore P. Aufdemberge, Ph.D. Physical Geography,
Dr. Eugene F. Chaffin, Ph.D. Physics
Dr. George F. Howe, Ph.D. Botany
Dr. Wayne F. Frair, Ph.D. Serology
Dr. John R. Meyer, Ph.D. Zoology
Dr. Robert Goette, Ph.D. Chemistry
Dr. Lane Lester -- Ph.D. in genetics from Purdue University
Dr. Andrew Snelling -- Ph.D. in geology, U. of Sydney
Dr. Don Batten, consultant plant physiologist
Dr. Gary Parker, Ed.D. in Biology/Geology, Ball State University
Dr. John Baumgardner, Los Alamos Laboratories
Dr. Donald B. DeYoung, Ph.D., Physics, Grace College, Winona Lake, Indiana
Dr. Eric Norman, Ph.D, Biochemistry, Texas A&M University
Dr. Clifford A. Wilson - Archaeologist, Author of "Crash go the Chariots"
Michael Oard, MS, Atmospheric Science, U. of Washington, meteorologist
Keyoshi Takahashi, Ph.D., Botany - has had research published in Nature.
Dr. Andy McIntosh, Reader in Combustion Theory at Leeds U., U.K.
Dr. George Marshall, Ph.D., Ophthalmic Science, U of Glasgow, Scotland
chartered biologist, member of the Institute of Biology
Dr. Danny Faulkner -- Ph.D. Astronomy, Indiana University, Associate
Professor, U. of South Carolina, Lancaster
Dr. David Menton, Associate Professor of Anatomy, Washington University
School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri
Prof. Maciej Giertych, Ph.D.(Toronto), D.Sc.(Poznan), head of the Genetics
Dept. of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Dendrology, Kornik,
Dr. James Allan, M.Sc.Agric., PhD., retired senior lecturer in the Dept. of
Genetics, Univ. of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Dr. Andre Eggen, Ph.D. in animal genetics from the Federal Institute of
Technology in Switzerland, research scientist for the French government
Dr. Brian Stone, Ph.D., Head of the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering,
U. of Western Australia
Dr. Donald Chittick, Ph.D. in physical chemistry, Oregon State U.,
Associate Professor of Chemistry , U. of Puget Sound
Dr. Giuseppe Sermonti, Ph.D., geneticist and microbiologist, has served as
Professor of Genetics at U. of Palermo & U. of Perugia
Dr. Andre Eggen, Institute Nationale de la Agrinomique of France, working
on genetic defect in cows known as the Bulldog gene defect.
Dave Phillips, M.S., physical anthropology, California State U., working on
Ph.D. in paleontology
Jonathan D. Sarfati, Ph.D., F.M. -- Ph.D. in Chemistry from Victoria
univeristy of Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand chess champion.
Dr. Jack Cuozzo, orthodontist (DDS, University of Pennsylvania and MS in
Oral Biology, Loyola University of Chicago) and an original researcher of
Neanderthals, is the author of Buried Alive. This book sets forth the
thesis that human craniofacial structures continue to change with aging and
that Neanderthals were humans who lived to be hundreds of years old
(post-flood). If anything, humans are devolving.
Dr. Joseph Mastropaolo, physiologist for the human engine of the Gossamer
Condor and Gossamer Albatross man-powered flight projects (reported in the
National Geographic), received his doctorate from the University of Iowa.
Dr. Mastropaolo does not believe evolution qualifies as science.
Dr. Robert A. Herrmann -- Professor of Mathematics, U. S. Naval Academy
Dr. Ian Macreadie -- molecular biology and microbiology researcher,
Principal Research Scientist at the Biomolecular Research Institute of
Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Dr. Felix Konotey-Ahulu, M.D., FRCP, DTMH, world authority on sickle-cell
disease, 25 years' experience as physician, clinical geneticist and
consultant in Ghana and subsequently in London. Visiting professor at
Howard University College of Medicine in Washington, and honorary
consultant to its Centre for Sickle Cell Disease. Author of 643-page
monograph "The Sickle Cell Disease Patient", Macmillan, 1991.
Dr. AwSwee-Eng, Ph.D., former Associate Professor of Biochemistry, Univ. of
Singapore, head of Dept. of Nuclear Medicine & Director of Clinical
Research , Singapore General Hospital, Author of about 30 technical papers
in biochemistry and nuclear medicine.
John K. Reed ¨ Principal Engineer, Westinghouse Savannah River Company,
(1999-present) ¨ degrees - B.S. geology (Furman Univ.), M.S. geology (Univ.
of Georgia), Ph.D. geology (Univ. of South Carolina) ¨ other qualifications
- Senior Production Geologist (Sun Exploration and Production Co., Houston,
1982-1988); Research Asst. Prof. (Earth Sciences and Resources Institute,
Univ. of South Carolina, 1988-1991); Exploration Manager (PetraTex, Dallas,
1991-1992) Partner (Strata Consulting Services, Dallas, 1992); Sr.
Scientist (Westinghouse Savannah River Company, 1992-1999); ten articles in
CRS Quarterly; 14 articles in secular scientific journals, Associate Editor
for Geology for CRS Quarterly.
From the past:
Kepler -- Laws of planetary motion.
Francis Bacon -- contributed to formalization of scientific method
Linnaeus -- classification
John Ray -- Founder of biological science
Robert Boyle -- Founder of modern chemistry
Sir Isaac Newton -- gravity, optics, calculus
Blaise Pascal -- mathematics, calculating machine, air pressure
Charles Babbage -- invented "difference engine," designed computer
Gregor Mendel -- first studies of heredity
James Joule -- physics, inc. beginning of thermodynamics
William Thomson, Lord Kelvin -- Physics
Michael Faraday -- Physics
John Dalton -- chemistry
Louis Pasteur -- immunization, disproof of spontaneous generation
Sir John Herschel -- mathematician and astronomer, called the theory "the
law of higgledy-pigglety"
James Clerk Maxwell -- physicist, developed theory of electromagnetism
Adam Sedgwick -- geologist
Andrew Murray -- entomologist
Richard Owen -- coined the term "dinosaur"
Louis Agassiz, founder of modern glacial geology
Werner von Braun -- Leader of early US space program (Creation 16(2))
James Irwin -- astronaut, walked on the moon
A.E. Wilder-Smith (deceased)- 3 earned doctorates, master of seven
languages, UN advisor
More on Humphreys (taken from "Starlight and Time" p4 'About the Author'):
2 US patents;
Co-inventor of laser-triggered "Rimfire" high-voltage switches;
Winner of one of Industrial Research Magazine's IR-100 award;s
Winner of 2 awards from Sandia, including an Award for Excellence for
contributions to light ion-fusion target theory.
More on Raymond Jones:
Urrbrae Award in recognition of practical significance of his work for the
grazing industry. Described by CSIRO chief as "one of the top few CSIRO
scientists in Australia". Source: Creation Mag 21#1 p20ff
John Baumgardner's 3-D supercomputer model of plate tectonic model, reported
in New Scientist 16/1/93 p19.
Len Cram Ph.D. discovered way to 'grow' opals in a matter of months
(Creation Mag. 17#1 pp14-17). CSIRO scientists "can't distinguish Len's opal
from natural opal even under an electron microscope - they look identical!".
The motivation for his research was "to find out how opals form so as to
discredit uniformitarian (slow and gradual) geological theories."
Dr David Pennington, plastic surgeon. The first to have successfully
reattached a human ear. Creation Mag. 22#3 pp17-19.
Eric Norman, Ph.D. Biochemistry, Director of Norman Clinical Laboratory,
Inc. Pioneer researcher in Vit B12. (Creation Mag. 17#3 p28)
Forrest Mims, inventor of atmospheric haze sensor (Scientific American May97
Angela Meyer, Ph.D., Horticultural Science. Awarded New Zealand Science &
Technology bronze medal for excellence in Kiwi fruit research & service to
science, 1994. Source: "In Six Days" p130
John Mann, awarded M.B.E. for scientific work on controlling the spread of
the prickly pear cactus in Australia. State representative on the Australian
Weeds Committee, chairman of the Noxious Weeds Committe, member of the
Interdepartmental Committee for Woody Plant Control. Source: AiG
Ian Macreadie, Ph.D. Molecular biologist. Winner of Australian Society for
Microbiology's top award for outstanding contributions to research, 1995.
(Creation Mag. 21#2 p17)
Lammerts, Walter, 1904-1996. Ph.D. genetics. Winner of 12 All-American rose
selection awards. (CRSQ33#2 p79)
John K G. Kramer, Ph.D., biochemistry, has identified, characterised and
synthesised the structure of numerous food, bacterial and biological
components. He was one of the core scientists who evaluated the
toxicological, nutritional and biochemical properties of canola oil and
demonstrated its safety. Associate Editor of the journal LIPIDS. Source:
"In Six Days" p34.
Dr. Koop, C. Everett. Surgeon General of the United States. Awarded the Ladd
Medal by the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Dennis Brown Gold Medal
by the British Association of Pediatric Surgeons. Source: "Scientists Who
Believe", ed. by Barrett & Fisher, Moody Press, 1984. pp153, 158.
[The following quote is taken from a CRSnet posting 28/12/99 by Paul Humber:
"C. Everett Koop, while Surgeon General of the United States, said (in a
private letter to me) that he thought evolution was impossible on the basis
of mathematics alone."]
Konotey-Ahulu, Felix. M.D. FRCP, DTMH. Clinical geneticist & consultant
physician. World authority on sickle-cell anaemia. Author of "The Sickle
Cell Disease Patient" Macmillan, 1991, 643pp. (Creation Mag. 16:2 p40)
Terry Hamblin, MB, ChB, DM, FRCP, FRCPath. Professor at Southampton
University. Described in Radio Times as "one of Britain's leading leukaemia
specialists". (Radio Times entry 8 April 98 about programme 'Counterblast')
John Grebe, 1900-1984. D.Sc. Case Inst. of Technology. "In 1943 he was the
youngest man ever to receive the Chemical Industry Medal for his outstanding
contributions." (CRSQ 21#4 p199)
Charles W. Harrison, Jr. Ph.D. Former Faculty member at Harvard & Princeton,
followed by 16 years research in electromagnetics at Sandia National
Laboratories. Co-author of 'Antennas and Waves: A Modern Approach.' MIT
Press, 1969. Source: "Creation: Acts, Facts, Impacts". Edited by Morris,
Gish & Hillestad. Creation-Life Publishers, 1974. p178.
Fliermans, Carl B. PhD Microbial Ecologist, Dupont Company. "In the mid 80'
s, Dr. Fliermans led a research team of scientists in a U.S. Department of
Energy program called 'The Microbiology of the Deep Subsurface', where
microbiologists looked for microbial life hundreds and thousands of feet
below the earth's surface. Thousands of microorganisms previously unknown to
the scientific world were discovered. Dr. Fliermans cochaired and coedited
the First International Symposium on Subsurface Microbiology and received an
'Outstanding Leadership in Science' award (only four in the nation had been
given) from the U.S. Department of Energy for his work." Sources:
Acts&Facts 10#1 p3 and A&F ICR Faculty Profile.
Malcolm Cutchins, Ph.D. Prof of Aerospace Engineering, Auburn. Twice winner
of Auburn's Outstanding Faculty Award. Recognized by the journal 'Industrial
Research' for "developing one of the 100 most significant new technical
products of 1973." Source: Impact86.
Stuart Burgess, Ph.D. Lecturer in Engineering Design at Bristol U.
Recipient of Worshipful Company of Turners Engineering Design Gold Medal.
Source: 'Hallmarks of Design' by Stuart Burgess, DayOne publications, 2000.
Ker C. Thomson, D.Sc., Geophysics. Former Director of Terrestrial Sciences
Division, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, in charge of Air Force research
programs in seismology, geodesy, gravity and geology. Sources: Act&Facts.
W R. Thompson (deceased), FRS. Professor, Director, Commonwealth Inst. of
Biological Control, Ottawa. Listed in Who's Who.
Dr. Ben Aaron, Prof & Chief of cardio-thoracic surgery at George Washington
U. Medical Centre, Washington D.C. Operated on President Reagan after he was
shot by assisin. Sources: Impact86; 'Operation Raw Hide' by Paul Thomsen,
PS: you could also mention creation scientists who have been listed in
American Men of Science, Who's Who ... etc. E.g. Gish was (still is?) listed
in American Men of Science, Gentry in Who's Who in America. There are quite
a few more.
Click here to see the list of scientists (many others listed)
Creationists holding DOCTORATES IN SCIENCE
(partial list, in alphabetical order)
(partial list, in alphabetical order)
Do real scientists believe in Creation? Answer…
Why do so many scientists endorse Evolution? Answer
How is it possible for reasonable, intelligent, well-educated people to hold such diametrically opposite views as Evolutionism and Creationism? Answer…
Why do so many scientists endorse Evolution? Answer
How is it possible for reasonable, intelligent, well-educated people to hold such diametrically opposite views as Evolutionism and Creationism? Answer…
Recommended Resource:
Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation
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Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation
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- Agard, E. Theo
- Allan, James
- Anderson, Kevin
- Armstrong, Harold
- Arndt, Alexander
- Austin, Steven
- Barnes, Thomas
- Batten, Don
- Baumgardner, John
- Bergman, Jerry
- Boudreaux, Edward
- Byl, John
- Catchpoole, David
- Chadwick, Arthur
- Chaffin, Eugene
- Chittick, Donald
- Cimbala, John
- Clausen, Ben
- Cole, Sid
- Cook, Melvin
- Cumming, Ken
- Cuozzo, Jack
- Darrall, Nancy
- Dewitt, David
- DeYoung, Donald
- Downes, Geoff
- Eckel, Robert
- Faulkner, Danny
- Ford, Dwain
- Frair, Wayne
- Gentry, Robert
- Giem, Paul
- Gillen, Alan
- Gish, Duane
- Gitt, Werner
- Gower, D.B.
- Grebe, John
- Grocott, Stephen
- Harrub, Brad
- Hawke, George
- Hollowell, Kelly
- Holroyd, Edmond
- Hosken, Bob
- Howe, George
- Humphreys, D. Russell
- Javor, George
- Jones, Arthur
- Kaufmann, David
- Kennedy, Elaine
- Klotz, John
- Koop, C. Everett
- Korochkin, Leonid
- Kramer, John
- Lammerts, Walter
- Lester, Lane
- Livingston, David
- Lopez, Raul
- Marcus, John
- Marsh, Frank
- Mastropaolo, Joseph
- McCombs, Charles
- McIntosh, Andrew
- McMullen, Tom
- Meyer, Angela
- Meyer, John
- Mitchell, Colin
- Morris, Henry
- Morris, John
- Mumma, Stanley
- Parker, Gary
- Peet, J. H. John
- Rankin, John
- Rosevear, David
- Roth, Ariel
- Rusch, Wilbert
- Sarfati, Jonathan
- Snelling, Andrew
- Standish, Timothy
- Taylor, Stephen
- Thaxton, Charles
- Thompson, Bert
- Thomson, Ker
- Vardiman, Larry
- Veith, Walter
- Walter, Jeremy
- Wanser, Keith
- Whitcomb, John
- White, A.J.(Monty)
- Wilder-Smith, Arthur Ernest
- Wile, Jay
- Williams, Emmett
- Wise, Kurt
- Wolfrom, Glen
- Zuill, Henry
I could go on and on and does NOT belong to naturalists and the scientific method is NOT limited only to naturalistic conclusions/causes. That is simply Darwinist propaganda. To repeat what I posted way back early in 2006: