What's it all about? Creation.com's introduction page. This is a portal into Creation Science and a chance to get intelligent evidence rather than propaganda!
Creation Ministries International aka Creation.com. Here is an organization consisting of fine men and women who could have made more money staying on the secular side of science and simply keeping their beliefs to themselves. But rather than do so, they scrape by on less in order to bring TRUTH to you and to me. In my dealings with anyone at this organization, in person or over the phone or any other means of communication, I have found them to be kind, personable and quite down-to-Earth. Jonathan Sarfati, for instance, is a mega-brain and a scientist and a chess grandmaster and yet he is both humble and charming and a wonderful person to simply spend time with and discuss anything. Gary Bates was willing to discuss an issue over the phone with me. I am a blogging nobody, he is a CEO of an international scientific organization! If you want to see real evidence that supports creation by God and see it well-documented and researched, here is where you should probably start!
What’s this all about?
(you'll have to go to the website to hear Gary Bates give his introduction)
Many today think that humans exist merely because of a freak cosmic accident that had no cause or purpose. Indeed, this belief now permeates educational institutions around the world. As Oxford (U.K.) Professor Peter Atkins said, ‘We are just a bit of slime on the planet’. Even many who say that they ‘believe in God’ have been ‘educated’ in this new ‘enlightened’ way of thinking. Thus they now think that the Bible, which claims to be the Word of God, is merely the words of fallible men. Consequently, they see themselves as free to invent their own ideas about God, rather than submitting to what God has revealed in the Bible.
This naturalistic philosophy (‘evolution’) removes any clear source of authority in our lives. If there is no Creator-God who rules over us, then there is no ultimate basis for morality, meaning or purpose. As Cornell University professor, atheist Dr Will Provine, pointed out regarding the consistent evolutionary view:
‘…there are no gods, no purposes, no goal-directed forces of any kind. There is no life after death. When I die, I am absolutely certain that I am going to be dead. That’s the end for me. There is no ultimate foundation for ethics, no ultimate meaning to life, and no free will for humans, either.’1
Or, putting it another way, how can meaning and morality come from random chemical reactions emanating from a cosmic accident? An admission by well-known British evolutionist and atheist Richard Dawkins underlines the problem:
Jaron Lanier: ‘There’s a large group of people who simply are uncomfortable with accepting evolution because it leads to what they perceive as a moral vacuum, in which their best impulses have no basis in nature.’
For Christians, trying to accept the prevailing evolutionary-long-age view undermines basic tenets of Christian belief. Consistent application of the evolutionary worldview to the Bible, bending the Bible’s teaching to make it fit, results in either atheism or a ‘religion’ indistinguishable from atheism, as professor Provine recognized:
‘… belief in modern evolution makes atheists of people. One can have a religious view that is compatible with evolution only if the religious view is indistinguishable from atheism.’3
The story of apostate former evangelist Charles Templeton sadly confirms the truth of Provine’s statement. Many other atheists have similar stories: they once believed, they say, but not once they learned the ‘truth’ of evolution at school or university.
Of course many duck the problem by just trying not to think about the matter. But it is not surprising that evolution makes atheists of many people who do think about it, because it undermines the basic foundations upon which Christian faith rests:
- That God created everything, so He is in charge and we as His creatures are answerable to Him. In evolutionary cosmology, geology and biology, everything made itself—the cosmos, the land and seas, and living things. Even ‘god’ evolved along with humans as we invented ‘him’, supposedly to help our survival.
- God created everything ‘very good’ in the beginning (Genesis 1:31). In contrast, evolutionary belief claims that there were many millions of years of ‘survival of the fittest’ and death of the unfit before mankind appeared on the scene near the end of the timeline.
- Suffering, dislocation and death in God’s very good creation came about because of the rebellion of our original ancestors, Adam and Eve (Genesis chapter 3). Death is an interloper, ushered in by sin (rebellion), ‘the last enemy’ to be destroyed; that is why Jesus Christ, the last Adam, came to earth to overcome death (Romans 5:12–21, 1 Corinthians 15:21,22,26), providing a way of escape for the lost sons and daughters of Adam. For more on this, see Good News. In contrast, evolution claims that suffering has been on the Earth for eons of time, ever since nerve cells and brains evolved—it has nothing to do with human sin; indeed ‘sin’ (anti-social behaviour) is just the outworking of our animal ancestry in this view. So any ‘god’ who is invented to fit such a long-age scenario (even in anti-evolutionist ‘progressive creation’ beliefs) must actually want and like death, cancer, etc., since this ‘god’ has clearly been content to let such suffering and bloodshed rule the world for eons from the beginning, well before any human sin.
Creation Ministries International exists to promote the reality that God has revealed ‘true truth’ to us in the Bible. This includes the Bible’s account of Creation-Fall-Flood in Genesis, which is real history and very important for the Christian faith, as should be obvious from the above. The global Flood is crucial to understanding why there are countless dead things (fossils) buried in water-laid rocks all over the world—fossil-bearing rocks are not the tape recording of any imagined long ages. We take seriously the example of the Apostle Paul in refuting arguments that stand against the knowledge of God (2 Corinthians 10:5) and the commandment of Jesus Christ that we have a duty to love God with all our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37). We must apply intellectual rigour to our faith if we are to be faithful to our Lord and Saviour’s instruction. See more about the basic tenets of belief in our About Us section, especially the Statement of faith.
From this website you can learn many things that show that there is a Creator who made us and that He has revealed important truths to us in the Bible.
Hope in an age of despair
Evolutionary/long-age thinking now permeates education systems at all levels as well as the mass media. This wholesale takeover has only happened in the last 30–80 years, depending on the country, with former Communist countries and Nazi Germany being first.
The dreadful consequences of evolutionary materialism face us everywhere: broken lives, families and communities. The ‘epidemic’ of suicides (especially among the young) in once-Christian countries logically follows from this nihilistic doctrine. See Darwin, Spurgeon and the ‘black dog’—Bad days, suicide, and the meaning of it all.
The work of those involved in founding Creation Ministries International has led many people to find their way out of the despair of our age because they have come to know the truth—we are not alone; God created us with a purpose—for relationship with Himself for eternity. This is possible because of what He has done through Jesus Christ; the Good News. See, for example, testimony of Christian Huls, Sonia’s Testimony, Faith shipwrecked by compromising ‘Christian’ colleges restored by creation ministry, and ‘No excuse not to believe’ by Lita Cosner.
“Put simply, if evolution is the way the world came to be, then there is no need for a God. If, however, the world/universe was created, then there must be a Creator. This is a very powerful witness ... which makes an impact on believer and non-believer alike.”—Dennis H.
From this website you can learn many things that show that there is a Creator who made us and that He has revealed important truths to us in the Bible—it is our Creator’s message to us. You can browse through the various topics using the Q&A section, or enter topics of interest into the search window to find articles on that subject. All this is free. You can also subscribe to Creation magazine (our number one recommended resource—without paid advertising—that goes to over 110 countries around the world) and the in-depth Journal of Creation. You can also get books, CDs and DVDs on our secure online bookstore. You will also find information about enlightening presentations scheduled with our speakers and up-coming seminars, conferences and camps in your area. You can also request a ministry event.
We hope that you will be blessed as you are equipped with the answers provided here—answers that will encourage you to be bold in witnessing and effective at tearing down strongholds of unbelief. Or maybe you will become a follower of Christ, if you are not already.
Welcome to our website!
- Provine, W.B., Origins Research 16(1), p.9, 1994. Return to text.
- Evolution: the dissent of Darwin, Psychology Today Jan/Feb 1997, p. 62. Return to text.
- Provine, W.B., ‘No free will’ in Catching up with the Vision, Margaret W Rossiter (Ed.), Chicago University Press, p. S123, 1999. Return to text.
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Manna from heaven? Because this site and the information it contains is free, you might think so. However, lots of hard work went into producing it. Your gifts help to produce this ‘manna’ for others. Support this site
Creation.com has both a fine magazine and a technical journal and I subscribe to both. Sometimes it will be a year or more before a great article is released to the internet and so I will have it in hand but not want to publish it until it is generally available. It can be hard to sit on really good information sometimes but it is best this way. Even though I usually publish complete articles so that the entire thought is presented to the reader, I also expect to send readers to that site to see what else is there. Thus I rotate sources quite a bit in hopes that readers will take advantage of the real science sites.
You could learn that there actually is a reason that we are here, a purpose for all of existence and as it happens also a purpose for you. You are not a random and accidental statistically and chemically impossible pointless temporary glitch inexplicably able to reason and think and choose to take actions or not to take them. You are a designed, created and purposefully intended to live your life at this time in history. You probably know it deep inside, the silly and unscientific Darwinist fairy tale that is continually thrown at you from all sides, it doesn't ring true down deep where you sense truth and falsehood. Why do you think they have to saturate all the media and movies and academia and everything with it? Why do they have to work so hard to censor creation science evidence, trying to keep young people from seeing the problems with evolution, trying to keep creationist evidence away from peer reviews, hiding "uncomfortable" fossils in basements or dumping them into the ocean? Why do they try SO HARD to silence the creation scientists?
It is easy to understand. If you are selling rotten fruit at a roadside stand, you don't want a stand with fresh fruit opening up next door. So you hire some muscle to chase the people who want to supply fresh fruit away. If they build a roadside stand, you burn it down. You post signs claiming that the other fruit vendors spray their fruit with poisons. You work to get legislators to require special fruit stand licenses and then pay them to make sure your rivals cannot get a license. Because once the public tastes fresh fruit instead of old nasty fruit, they'll leave your stand and you will go out of business. Right now Darwinists use every trick in the book to stop creation science evidence to get to students and parents and the public at large. They lie, cheat, perpetrate hoaxes, ruin careers, get people fired, physically alter evidence and spend lots of time and money to scream evolution over the reasoned voice of creation. You live and learn. They'll never change. But you? You can choose to educate yourself and investigate the other side of the story and the history and evidence rather than the propaganda and the pretense. Because you actually can choose...