Darwinist Hall of Shame - Eugenicists Wing Part Three - H.G. Wells, famed writer and murderous-hearted racist.
H.G. Wells was an important figure to me as a child, teen and young man, for I was a book vacuum and read everything I could get my hands on by people like Wells and Jules Verne, Robert Heinlein, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick and other such writers. At the time I had no idea that he had become an advocate for such monstrous thinking as to be perhaps more radical than the Nazis...ah, the innocence of youth!
You may notice that, typically, the people being inducted into the Darwinist Hall of Shame wind up being depressed and/or destitute late in life. The lives of the champions of regurgitated Pantheism and pseudo-scientifically approved racism tend to end poorly.
For those who suppose that evolution and Christianity are compatible, those who hold to theistic evolution or Old Earth Creationism, this quote from the post by Jerry Bergman below should hopefully cause you to reconsider:
Precisely. Logically you cannot have both, you MUST choose one or the other!
You may notice that, typically, the people being inducted into the Darwinist Hall of Shame wind up being depressed and/or destitute late in life. The lives of the champions of regurgitated Pantheism and pseudo-scientifically approved racism tend to end poorly.
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H.G. Wells by Beresford, colorized at Palette.fm |
For those who suppose that evolution and Christianity are compatible, those who hold to theistic evolution or Old Earth Creationism, this quote from the post by Jerry Bergman below should hopefully cause you to reconsider:
"...One important reason the devout believer became an atheist was that he had a difficult time accepting both theism and Christianity because, as he stated, when he believed in evolution, he could no longer accept Genesis. He deduced that if evolution were true, the basis of Christianity, including the Fall and the sacrificial death of Christ to redeem fallen humans, were impossible..."
Precisely. Logically you cannot have both, you MUST choose one or the other!
H.G. Wells: Darwin’s disciple and eugenicist extraordinaire
After being exposed to Darwinism in school, H.G. Wells converted from devout Christian
to devout Darwinist and spent the rest of his life proselytizing for Darwin and
eugenics. Wells advocated a level of eugenics that was even more extreme than Hitler’s.
The weak should be killed by the strong, having ‘no pity and less benevolence’.
The diseased, deformed and insane, together with ‘those swarms of blacks,
and brown, and dirty-white, and yellow people … will have to go’ in
order to create a scientific utopia. He envisioned a time when all crime would be
punished by death because ‘People who cannot live happily and freely in the
world without spoiling the lives of others are better out of it.’ He was hailed
as an ‘apostle of optimism’ but died an ‘infinitely frustrated’
and broken man, concluding that ‘mankind was ultimately doomed and that its
prospect is not salvation, but extinction. Despite all the hopes in science, the
end must be “darkness still”.’ Wells’ life abundantly illustrates
the bankruptcy of consistently applied Darwinism.
To finish reading, see "H.G. Wells: Darwin’s disciple and eugenicist extraordinaire."
I remember being taught how ice was formed in junior high science class and finding out years later that the explanation of the teacher was incorrect. Ice does tend to incorporate air in glaciers and large ice floes and formations, but it does not bond with oxygen when being formed. It was a bit embarrassing when it was pointed out to me that I was wrong about why ice floats (which is critical to the sustenance of life on Earth) but, then again, I was taught evolution in junior high school as well and THAT is an idiotic proposition all around. I've audited my belief system over the years and it has changed radically over the years. Is it not something you should do yourself? You are willing to do more than play Angry Birds, text and watch television when you aren't working, yes?
The belief in evolution is critical to Atheism and makes a great excuse for sexual sins of every kind. However, the more we learn about the Universe from the most macro to the most micro point of view, the more that random chance created ANYTHING we consider significant becomes ludicrous in the extreme. Those who actually believe in evolution have no explanation for where the Universe came from, where life and information came from and cannot deal with the fundamental questions of existence. The true believers in Darwinism tend to be rancorous, argumentative and unable to comprehend the serious problems with their pet belief system. They adhere to explanations that do not withstand scrutiny. I take no delight in their plight, and I do try to be patient with them and frankly I write to them, the very people who often react to me with malice. While there is life, there is hope.
You are responsible for your life and your beliefs. If you blindly accept what is told to you in public school, you may well have a successful life in terms of the amount of money you make and perhaps even have a reasonably happy family. However, are you willing to trust the people who taught you without investigating the claims made to you? Are you willing to audit your worldview? Or are you going to simply follow the herd? Hey, the herd might be heading for a nice pasture and sunny days OR it may be about to be led into a corral and then into a factory where they convert cattle into steaks and hamburgers and that would tend to be pretty bad for you. Who was more likely to be right, Jesus Christ or Charles Darwin? Hmmm?
The idea that, if God was not accepted by society, there would be an increase in interest in spirits, ghosts, Eastern mysticism and witchcraft was spot on! As it happens, the human spirit has an inbred sense that God is the creator and, if you take God out of the equation, it will substitute something else. Thus, we have the increasing popularity of the idea of aliens as well as the fascination with the supernatural other than God and the paranormal.
H.G. Wells became a serial adulterer and among his paramours was one Margaret Sanger. You may have heard the name before? She was the founder of Planned Parenthood. There is far more to tell about Margaret Sanger as well as the founding of the organization charged with the mass murder of multiple millions of innocent babies, but we'll save that for a subsequent post.
H.G. Wells, famous writer or human monster? You decide...but he has a bust in my Darwinist Hall of Shame!