Education, Propaganda and the Erosion of Freedoms

Posted by Cowboy Bob Sorensen

There is a radio show called "Stand Up for the Truththat I am going to discuss. Specifically, the second of two episodes. The first one is "The Eroding of the Freedoms We Knew". One of the topics that Mike LeMay and Amy Spreeman discuss is rather alarming, based on an article called "25 Signs That America Is Rapidly Becoming More Like Nazi Germany" by Michael Snyder. This episode sets up the second one, which is a the focus of this post. You can download or listen to the first one here.

In the second broadcast, Mike LeMay interviews Dave Drake from Freedom Project Education and JD King, the director of the film, "Blue Beats Green". There is some political content (although "Stand Up for the Truth" is not necessarily a political show, it is intended to inform and encourage Christians). There are comments about a conference that is over, just wait them out. 

Leftist environmentalism is prominent in American education, but kids are behind the rest of the world in many aspects of what should be taught. Environmentalism goes hand-in-hand with evolutionary indoctrination, since both reject that mankind is a special creation of God. This should not be surprising, since secular science often has a leftist political bias. Indeed, many environmentalist extremists see humanity as the enemy, and Earth worship has its own sin and redemption dogmas. (For that matter, sound the alarm, we only have five years left! See this article that was published almost five years ago.) Kids are being educated (read: indoctrinated) in evolutionism, but seldom understand it or the nature of science itself. The government is an ally in all this, too. After all, if you can dislodge the true God of the Bible, then the state can prop up its own god for the citizens to worship. Nebuchadnezzar tried that, and Darius tried something similar.

It is fashionable under a humanist worldview to mock Christians, especially creationists and those who doubt global warming (how very "human" and "tolerant" of them). Theistic evolutionists, old-earth creationists and atheists work together to attack biblical creationists. (Strange bedfellows should make people suspicious right there.) Freedoms of speech, expression and religion are being whittled away. From a governmental perspective, why not? In addition to removing God, controlling those things helps in the process of controlling thought. For that matter, the UK has banned teaching creation science from government-run schools

But enough of my nattering on. This is an interesting interview, and Mike has some hard truths for Christians. It is well worth your time to listen to "
Who's Filling the Brains of Our Next Generation".