Arguments over the Extinction of Human Males
When I took the buckboard into town for supplies, I noticed some of the hands at the Darwin Ranch were also there. Rusty Swingset, the ramrod, had a bandage on his hand. I asked his lady friend Jacqueline Hyde (who was not herself that day either) what happened, and she told me there was a big ruckus over the shrinking Y chromosome and the extinction of human males. Serving maids and children were alarmed over the events.
Actual photograph of the fuss at the Darwin Ranch Argument over a Card Game by Jan Steen |
Although some feminazis would be glad to see males extinct, it's not settled science. Not by a longshot. Besides, if genetic entropy didn't refute evolution, we would have more serious problems than the extinction of males or how humans will adapt through probable genetic switches.
Lots of speculation based on naturalistic presuppositions with precious little actual science. One paper says that the Y chromosome is shrinking and will be gone, another says ain't no way, lather, rinse repeat. There are critters that don't need X and Y chromosomes for reproduction, and some scientists are wondering if mayhaps these two have more functions than just determining sex. I reckon that it's mighty difficult to learn from bad experiences, as evolutionary scientists were humiliated by pronouncements of "junk" DNA and vestigial organs. No, the Master Engineer knew what he was doing, and his creation didn't get away from him.
A book published back in 2003 titled Adam’s Curse: A Future Without Men by Bryan Sykes predicted that in the future “the human race will reach the ultimate evolutionary crisis that has been millions of years in the making: The extinction of men.” His prediction is that the Y chromosome will disappear, resulting in the extinction of males as we know them. Is this what is happening really?
The Y chromosome is used in all primates, most mammals, and even in some insects and plants, to produce males. Some animals, such as alligators and turtles, use a complex system that enables the temperature in which embryos develop to determine the sex. Already, evolution faces a problem: a defining trait of primates—the Y chromosome—is found scattered in a wide variety of lifeforms including some plants and insects. Some strange exceptions exist. Birds are ZZ/ZW and the duck-billed platypus, a mammal, boasts ten sex chromosomes!
This is interesting. You can read the rest by traveling to "Is the Y Chromosome Disappearing? Update".