Vigil for the Space Alien Arrival

As regular readers here and at Piltdown Superman may know, I have watched and read science fiction (even getting some inspiration for articles). It is popular and profitable in print, movies, and television. Many people have taken notions from this and New Age teachings about aliens coming to Earth.

Accounts of UFO sightings are becoming more numerous, and government officials are discussing space aliens. There is activity that needs monitoring.
Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos / Jolee G

People have many presuppositions about UFOs. The first thing that comes to mind when those letters are uttered (or pronounced as "yoo-foe") are extraterrestrial visitors. It may be a good thing that the US Navy has changed the term to "Unidentified Aerial Phenomena". Think about it. Among the possibilities are frauds, hoaxes, honest mistakes, military test aircraft, atmospheric anomalies, and more. Some things in the sky are genuinely unexplainable, but there is no rational reason to assume that alien spacecraft are the cause.

Other biblical creationists and I have tried to encourage people to use critical thinking skills. While these are extremely useful in apologetics and dealing with universal common ancestry evolution, such skills apply to many areas of life. (Insert lament about the lack of rational thinking in political matters right here.) Something very noticeable is the way people tend to ignore other possible explanations for what has been observed.

For a long time after UFOs gained notoriety, people were afraid of alien invasions. Nowadays, folks are thinking in the opposite direction. This is despite people like Stephen Hawking, who thought we should keep a low profile. Many people believe extraterrestrials exist, but have no actual evidence supporting their claims. Not only that, quite a few are assuming that they are not only superior to us, but benevolent. 

On the 1979 Blue Öyster Cult album Mirrors, "The Vigil" is a musically exciting song with astronomically stupid lyrics. These include:

I know they're out there
We see them coming
Faster than the speed of light
They greet us in the dead of the night

We run in circles
Our days are numbered
Every night I look away
To the heavens and I pray

Come to us

No, Don and Sandy. You wrote a catchy tune, but praying to the imaginary invisible friends of atheists for salvation is ridiculous. There is a Father we cannot see, and he is the one who made us and has the plan of salvation.

Conspiracy theories abound regarding government involvement and cover-ups. "UFOs were seen over nuclear missile silos. I can't find out more because they say it's national security!" No kidding, Kenneth. Things are classified (including the atomic bomb research of the 1940s) because people do stupid things, and because there are governments who do not have each others' best interests at heart. You savvy that?

As we have seen, the search for alien life way out yonder as well as on Earth is based on atheistic naturalism. The spiritual aspect of humanity is rejected a priori, except when evolutionists elevate natural selection and even evolution itself to some kind of demigods or pantheistic forces. People should get up on the hill and examine the evidence by considering the spiritual aspect of UFOs/UAPs.

We have two articles submitted for your consideration, but I am only going to emphasize the most recent one because the recent article can stand alone. However, the first one (which was written about ten years before) has some interesting material. If you want to get the full impact from the pair, you can start with "Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming!"

The article that is receiving our focus discusses recent events and news. (For that matter, I rearranged my posting schedule to get this in sooner than usual.) There is an emphasis on the Alien Intrusion movie and book in the article, but that is obviously because it is an excellent resource. I have read the book and recommend it, and here is my review of the Alien Intrusion movie. Quite a bit of work was put into both the book and movie, and it shows.

What is commonly called ‘the UFO phenomenon’ is nothing new. Even the relatively uninterested would be aware that millions have claimed to have seen UFOs and even abductions by alleged aliens. Some of these include high profile people such as former US presidents and government officials in other countries. Towards the end of the last century, claims of UFO sightings by air force pilots, military personnel and alleged alien abductions of individuals, were hyped up in the media due to the sensationalist nature of them. Then after a while, such claims became rather passé or ‘old hat’, even though sightings and abduction claims continued unabated. This led to many informed UFOlogists, military personnel and government officials becoming frustrated at what they perceived as an ignoring of the facts and, even worse, deliberate coverups.

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A key article I wrote in 2011 called "Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming! Popular fantasy becomes cultural ‘fact’" cited numerous examples of how various government authorities (both federally and locally) seemed to be taking actions to prepare us for an imminent contact with extraterrestrials. I wondered why this shift was happening but felt much of it had to do with the growing weight of evidence of strange phenomena which in an age of social media sharing has only accelerated. The groundswell of public opinion and pressure has led to movements such as The Disclosure Project. This is a campaign that, through public pressure and petitions, is trying to get governments to ‘disclose’ their true findings about UFO sightings and alleged alien technology that they are ‘covering up’.

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I’ve had a sense for some time that something has been brewing, and had been intending to write an article like this. But I am glad I waited. Towards of the end of his Presidency in December 2020, Donald Trump signed a $2.3 trillion COVID-19 relief and government funding bill. But this health-related legislation contained many other things, including a requirement for all Federal agencies to disclose their findings about UFOs and whether they pose a threat to US security. This must be done within 180 days/6 months of the Bill and is to be forwarded to The Senate Intelligence Committee, which is chaired by Republican Senator Marco Rubio.

You can read the entire article by jetting over to "Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming! Part two — Are we on the verge of a humanity-shaping announcement?" Also, the following 12-1/2 minute video is a bit entertaining but also gives us an opportunity to use our critical thinking skills. Note that there is a great deal of assuming going on, and Kallan the narrator has some leading commentary. He also included legends and the opinions of uninformed people. I have to go home now. The chevrons are locked and the Stargate will close soon.