Surprised by Venus Volcanoes
Secular astronomers, geologists, and others are constantly being surprised when what is observed does not meet their expectations. They also have a lackluster track record for successful predictions. The consensus was that Venus is geologically stagnant, but evidence indicates otherwise. It is not going well for them.
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Computer-generated image of Sapas Mons on Venus / Image credit: NASA/JPL |
Secularists also believe (because their models require it) that the solar system was bombarded by meteorites. But Venus isn't pockmarked, so scientists speculated using catastrophism (rapid activity): volcanoes erupted and repaved the surface. Then it went quiet.
Except now it looks like there's been recent activity. It does not have plate tectonics like Earth has, so what's happening up over there is (you guessed it) surprising. Of course, it's not surprising to biblical creationists, because this is yet another example of the solar system being recalcitrant and defying naturalistic paradigms. It also indicates recent creation.
In June 2021, researchers used radar images from the Magellan spacecraft to show that crustal blocks on the Venusian surface jostle against one another like blocks of pack ice on a lake. This is just one of multiple lines of evidence that Venus is geologically active, and thus looks younger than expected., , , uniformitarian astronomers have long believed (despite their general aversion to catastrophism in geology) that a catastrophe re-paved the Venusian surface 500-700 million years ago. One of the main arguments for this view is the small number of craters on Venus, as well as the fact that these craters seem relatively pristine. . . .Based on this belief, secular scientists concluded that Venus should now be geologically dead. . . . But without plate tectonics on Venus, heat would theoretically continue building up until within the mantle until large sections of the mantle quickly melted, causing global lava flows one to three kilometers deep.6 Afterward, the planet would be geologically stagnant, so much so that such a catastrophic event might never happen again. Hence, secular scientists were expecting Venus to be geologically inactive. Except that it apparently isn’t!
To read the entire article, blast off to "Venus Likely Geologically Active".