Fundamentalist Evolutionists and their Religious Icons
Believers in particles-to-priest evolutionism put on airs of being more interested in science than "religion", but are blind to the religious nature of evolution. They have their icons, whether it is Charles Darwin who attained a kind of secular sainthood, sacred writ such as Origin of Species and other books, and even symbols.
Insult the Bearded Buddha or doubt his credentials (even though he had no formal scientific training), have the unmitigated gall to question the "fact" of evolution, be audacious and think for yourself, promote biblical creation science — then you've called down the thunder! Instead of being tolerant of our views and the ancient fish symbol used by many Christians, they mock them.
It was not all that long ago that people were screaming about tolerance. In this increasingly pagan and secular culture, there is no room for tolerance of biblical Christianity or creation science. Release the images!
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The back end of one of my previous cars |
One of the early versions was a fish with legs that has "Darwin" written on it. Clearly ridicule and also a promotion of a worldview based on atheistic naturalism. I thought it was clever to have an emblem of a "Truth" fish eating the Darwin fish. Atheists and evolutionists are increasingly mean-spirited and aggressive in promoting their fundamentally flawed worldview and unleash malisons upon us. For claiming not to have a religion, they sure do act like sensitive religious zealots, don't they?
It is all rather trite, really, but it does reflect the underlying cultural war that is going on between secularists and Christians. Christianity in general is the real target of the Darwin fish, demonstrated by horned or flaming ‘Satan’ fish, pitchfork wielding ‘Devil’ fish or the ‘Reality bites’ fish where the ‘Darwin fish’ swallows the Christian symbol. ‘In several respects, displaying the Darwin fish is the symbolic equivalent of capturing and desecrating an enemy’s flag, an act of ritual aggression,’ says Dr Thomas M Lessl, an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Communication at the University of Georgia.
To chew on the rest of the article, swim on over to "Jesus Fish/Darwin Fish". Note the spelling and factual errors of feral atheists. Also submitted for your approval, a response to a mocking but uninformed letter, "Is science more true than the Bible?"