Atheists Know That God Exists!
by Cowboy Bob Sorensen
From a biblical perspective, professing atheists know that God exists, but suppress the truth (Rom. 1:18-23). They obviously deny this. Atheism meant the disbelief in God (Webster, 1913 and Chambers, 1908), but the word has been disingenuously redefined to mean "lack of belief."
That is reflected in current online dictionaries. Interestingly, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy changed from "...denial of the existence of God" in this 2008 entry to what exists now, and it seems that they were none too kind to the redefinition. Even so, lacking belief is still a positive affirmation that if God exists, he is incapable of providing evidence for that which is sufficient for each atheist's subjective approval.
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RGBStock / ilan.keren |
Although modern misotheists claim that they have no interest in the existence of God and "lack belief," it is interesting that so many define their identities by attacking God, the Bible, and Christians. Indeed, atheism is a lazy, subjective religion where someone can just sit back, say, "Prove it!", then reject evidence. What evidence would they like? If it is scientific, then that is the logical fallacy of the category error, because one cannot use material things to test for God, who is a spirit.
I have encountered atheists who claim that atheists are unlike Christians because atheists carefully examine all evidence for the existence of God. That is clearly false, as seen in people like Michael Shermer and Lewis Wolpert, who prayed and did not get what they wanted, therefore, there is no God. Also, they exhibit only a superficial knowledge of what Christians and biblical creationists believe and teach.
There are some who call themselves atheists, but are not really committed to it. Those people are not militant and are more open to reason.
Atheists claim to be driven by reason and science, they often reveal lack of knowledge of logic, science, and evolutionary mythology — which is a foundation for atheism. (A discussion with an atheist may be civil, but if one expresses doubt about evolution, they are ready to defend it, red in tooth and claw.) They frequently use logical errors, including a fallacy of irrelevance called a Bulverism. This is an ad hominem and circular reasoning mix: Assume the other person is wrong and use their personal traits as an excuse to avoid dealing with the argument.
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Answers in Genesis / Dan Lietha |
Christians often make a mistake of trying to reason atheists (and others) into the Kingdom through facts and argumentation, working from neutral ground. There is no such thing as being neutral in this area — they aren't, and you shouldn't be. We must never "leave God out of it", nor should we think that their salvation is dependent on our arguments (1 Cor. 2:1-4). That's the Holy Spirit's job.
Unbelief is not based on facts or reason. It is a choice to rebel against the God they know exists, and there are several ways where they show this is true.
Notice how atheists spend a great deal of time attacking Christianity. They know why, and we do too: they know it's true. Sometimes they use a sweeping generalization by finding a genuine flaw in a religious person or fanatical group, then say all religion is bad (ignoring the fact that atheism is a religion), but primarily focus on the God of the Bible. Sometimes they say that they don't hate God like they don't hate Santa Claus because both are fictional, but "Jesus and Santa-Ism" shows why such comparisons are ridiculous.
In addition, atheists are generally materialists, claiming that the only things that exist are, well, material. It is impossible for an atheist to live consistently with his or her beliefs because there are things we all use every day that are invisible. These include the uniformity and consistency of nature, the laws of logic, love, and so on.
Interesting that they believe in space aliens despite a complete lack of evidence for their existence.
It gets mighty difficult to show Christian love to those who hate us and even seek to destroy us, but that is what God commands. Although they are enemies of God, we must still do good (Matt. 5:44, Rom. 12:20, 1 Peter 2:21-24). Hell is a real, terrible place. We cannot wish an eternity there on anyone, and should give them the gospel so they can repent and become children of God. They may scoff and ridicule (especially from the safety of the internet), but we can still plant seeds in their minds. Testimonies of former atheists often include how people and discussions have come to mind much later, and they eventually commit their lives to Jesus Christ.
Atheists claim to disbelieve in God. However, if one digs down deep, one finds that professing atheists can’t really escape the knowledge of God. And this is encouraging for Christians who want to share the good news with them. Here are three ways atheists cannot escape the knowledge of God.
To read that article, see "Three Ways Atheists Reveal They Actually Believe in God."