
So Ya Wanna Celebrate Earth Day

Evolutionary "Stasis" is Unscientific

The Bad-Mouth Brigade

Praising Margaret Sanger?

Why are Biology Teachers Unsure About Teaching Evolution?

Noah's Ark and Biblical "Kinds"

Where Did That Deep Gulf of Mexico Sand Come From?

Limiting the Evolved Brain

Animal Rights — a "Non-Human Person"

Mosquitoes, Malaria, and Evolution

Do Creation Scientists Need to be in Lockstep?

Another Amazing Example of No Evolution

Evolutionary Altruism Studies Off-Target?

Evolution and Peacock Feathers

Hot Times on Jupiter's Moon Io

The Schizophrenia Diagnosis Gamble

Evolutionary Ghost Stories?

The Star of Bethlehem?

Evolution, Environmentalism, Extermination

Quasar Alignment and Other Spooky Cosmic Stuff

Isn't Evolution Just a Biological Theory and Nothing Else?

Using Evolutionary Pseudoscience in Cancer Research