Ted Rall: Proof against Darwinism

Scientists (and unfortunately, everybody else) have discovered a man so primitive and backwards in his social development, character and basic human decency that Darwinists en masse have thrown up their hands and admitted their mistake. That this individual could be alive today totally discounts the idea of evolution because obviously DEVOLUTION is the operation that is observed.

That this particular noxious specimen has chosen to work as a cartoonist, of all things, is the only thing funny about him or his work. He is not funny, he is not smart, nor clever, witty, nor wise. He is simply offensive, prejudiced, stupid, inane and socially retarded.

Most cartoonists find a grain of truth and from this grain they grow a cartoon. Gary Larson, in The Far Side was amazing in his use of secret agent cows or bears or dogs or what have you, to illustrate and make fun of the human condition in an offbeat way. Scott Adam's Dilbert is so right about the corporate world that I have a colleague who swears Adams must work for his rather large company because he is always making fun of what is actually going on there. Bill Watterson's Calvin and Hobbes starred a small boy who not only made the best snowmen (or things) in the world but could transform into Tyrannosaurus Rex, fly to outer space or be flattened by a transmorgrified Tiger.

Even Political cartoonists are able to incorporate humor. Try Cox and Forkum, or Doonesbury, or Day by Day. A point of view expressed with wit brings a smile and gets the grey matter going. A well-drawn cartoon makes the point even better and all of the above cartoons have both wit and skill going for them.

But then there is Ted Rall. For those who are not familiar with Ted Rall, he is a political cartoonist who is found on, among other sites, the MSNBC site on the internet. He is well known for portraying George W. Bush, our President, in ways that border on treason. Rall depicts the President as a feral monster wearing an overdone military commander’s outfit in the style of Ghaddafi. President Bush is depicted as more crazed than Vlad the Impaler, more evil than Hitler and more ruthless than Machievelli.

The President of the United States always has detractors and there is always a small group of political cartoonists and commentators who exceed the bounds of good taste in their lust to bring down the current authority figure. But among cartoonists who do not openly express their allegiance to the enemies of our nation, none are as mean-spirited and evil in their portrayal of America's chief executive. Neither the actions nor the appearance of the character purported to be our President in Rall’s childishly scrawled cartoons resemble the man himself. BushChimpHitler, the hero of the Democratic Underground moron's club, is Rall's favorite character.

Once I classified Rall among the vermin that scurry at the feet of men like George W. Bush, an apparently necessary evil that is a part of having a free society and freedom of speech. That was before Pat Tillman stepped of the football field and into combat operations in Afghanistan.

Ted Rall produced a cartoon in which he defamed one Pat Tillman, a star football player for the Arizona Cardinals who walked away from a multi-million dollar contract to serve his country. Tillman, who was greatly moved by the events of 9/11, decided that his country needed him and he was going to answer the call. He was killed in action in Afghanistan while on a mission to rescue other soldiers. He has since been awarded the Silver Star. In this cartoon, Rall has one of the characters stating that Tillman "falsely believed Bush's wars against Iraq and Afghanistan had something to do with 9/11. Actually, he was a cog in a low-rent occupation Army that shot more innocent civilians than terrorists to prop up puppet rulers and exploit gas and oil resources. So when Tillman got killed by the Afghan resistance, one word naturally came to mind: 'Uh -- idiot?' [says one person in the cartoon's final panel]. 'Sap?' [says another]. 'Hero!' [says an editor]." (Quote courtesy of Editor & Publisher.com)

Pat Tillman was a brave and principled man who was universally admired by those who knew him. He was man enough to not only endure the vicious hits of the NFL but be one of those better known for being hitter rather than hittee. He could have continued his career, making his multi-millions, and no one would have thought a bit less of him. But Pat Tillman was an American and he took that seriously. He took it so seriously that he could not sit one the sidelines, as it were, while others of his generation risked their lives in his stead. Tillman took great pains to avoid any acclaim or personal gain from his enlistment in the military, seeking to be just another soldier serving his country. He died in the line of duty, yet another young man who was willing to risk his life in the service of his nation.

Every soldier who tugs on that uniform is, in my view, a hero. Whether they are sitting behind a desk in a motor pool in Kansas or engaged in a heavy firefight in Iraq, they are the ones who give of themselves that the rest of us could have the benefits of living free in the United States of America. Pat Tillman was one who went out on the firing line and he was one of those who fell. They are all heroes, most especially those who pay the ultimate price for their bravery. But Ted Rall says that Pat Tillman was a “Sap.” Ted Rall says that Pat Tillman was an “idiot.”

But Rall is not a one-trick pony. He is capable of being offensive at any time. Take for instance last summer when one of his racist and idiotic "cartoons" moved Michelle Malkin to write:

"Ted "Bottom-feeder" Rall is at it again. His latest crude-toon includes a frame depicting Condoleezza Rice proclaiming herself Bush's "HOUSE NIGGA." A black man demands that Rice "HAND OVER HER HAIR STRAIGHTENER." His t-shirt reads "YOU'RE NOT WHITE, STUPID." The caption below the frame reads "SENT TO INNER-CITY RACIAL RE-EDUCATION CAMP."

I am not going to call for a boycott of Rall's work. No. I want Universal Press Syndicate and the Washington Post and all his other "mainstream" media outlets to keep publishing his pathetic scrawls and scribbles.

Ted Rall, you see, is a very useful idiot. Whereas most on the Left attempt to conceal their liberal racism in the drapery of "diversity" and "multiculturalism," Ted Rall is an ideological streaker. His impulsive naked bigotry is so butt-ugly, you can't help but gawk. It is raw and it is real and it is, quite helpfully, all hanging out there for the world to see.

Show us more of your assininity, Ted. Keep dropping your rhetorical pants. Which other minority public figures do you want to mock for having straightened hair? Colin Powell's wife? Beyonce? Coretta Scott King? Which other independent-thinking, unorthodox minorities do you want to defame for not thinking "white" enough? You wanna send Bill Cosby to "racial re-education camp," too, huh? Which other minority conservatives are you just itching to tar as "HOUSE NIGGAS" or "HOUSE CHINKS" or "HOUSE SPICS?"

(It's also valuable, by the way, to see Rall's mainstream media clients such as the Washington Post continue to stand by him...while at the same time, moan about the lack of civility in public discourse.)

Rall is not the far Left fringe. He gets away with this pen-and-ink-stained excrement because he reflects the closet thinking of mainstream media editors across the country and their mainstream liberal audiences. His work is reportedly carried in 140 newspapers. He and his ilk are everywhere. I grew up with his kind. I went to school with his kind. I work in the media with his kind. I have been getting contempt-filled, profanity-laced, "You-are-a-traitor-to-your-race/You banana/coconut/Aunt Tomasina/white wannabe" diatribes from his kind in my mailbox for the past 12 years.

I'm just glad to see Rall's kind crawling out from under their rocks and exposing themselves to sunlight. Bask in the glow, miscreants. Ain't 21st century liberal bigotry liberating? It's soooo much easier to breathe without those hoods."

I say that were we a nation of Ted Ralls, we would never have broken free from England. We would never have helped save the world from totalitarian rule; we would never have taken the fight to the terrorists after 9/11. We would be under some form of despotic rule. The Ted Ralls would mutter under their breath but, like Gollum in the Lord of the Rings, be nothing but apologetic and sycophantic if challenged.

But I further declare that we are a nation more like Pat Tillman than Ted Rall. We are the people who stormed the beaches at Normandy and a hundred Pacific Islands during World War II though facing a hailstorm of bullets bearing death. We are the people who are the land of the free because we are also the home of the brave. Bravery does not exist unless in the presence of risk. Bravery is not the lack of fear; it is the courage to carry on in the face of fear. Thank God for Pat Tillman and the millions like him who now, and in the past, have stepped to the fore in times of need.

Recently we have seen a firestorm of controversy over the Danish Mohammed Cartoons and related cartoons that mildly parodied Mohammed. Islamofascists have rioted, killed, burned all because a few cartoonists parodied Mohammed. Yet Islamic publications publish much nastier cartoons picturing America and Jews especially as bloodthirsty killers without anyone over here so much as carrying a picket sign. Yes, here in the good old USA even an incredible low-life like Ted Rall can be despicable in print and not have his life endangered.

But I have free speech, too. So let me tell you what I think of Ted Rall (and keep in mind that I am not given to cursing):

It truly is hard to imagine the world that exists within the brain of Ted Rall. It is full of hatred and misery. It is jealous of heroes, hateful towards what is good and right and rejoices in evil and the doers thereof. It is, frankly, full of crap, for excrement to Rall is like idea to ordinary man.

I cannot speculate on his heart, for I see no evidence that he has one. I don't think he has any guts, either.

Therefore, I conclude that with no guts and no heart, the middle section of Rall is obsolete and since his mind only produces crap, he has a butt at both ends and therefore could be described in many colorful ways, most of which would be very profane. Allow your mind to think up the one you most prefer....