Back to the Noahic Flood...with videos from Ian Juby and a couple of grins!
So, now we can get back to the Noahic Flood at last?!
Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence! But what we have observed in the rocks is a complete refutation of the Darwinist mythology that the rocks and fossils are sequential. Anything but! The rock layers are evidence of a world-wide flood. Funny thing, the Bible states emphatically that God caused a world-wide flood and instructed Noah and his family to build an ark that would be big enough to hold all the creatures and food needed for a bit over a year of life on the boat AND the instructions, if followed today, will result in a vessel that is optimal for an open ocean with storms and cargo. God was designing large ships that would be made with different materials today, but would certainly be seaworthy even so.
Ian does a good job of covering some features of the surface of the Earth that support the Noahic Flood. Planation surfaces are found around the world, as are the commonplace canyons-driven-through-mountains such as the Grand Canyon. Also the evidence of runoff canyons similar to the Grand Canyon can be explained by the Flood but not by long ages...Cue Ian.
As it happens, we just got a surprise, the planet has been keeping a canyon on ice (bad pun, yeah) that is buried under, well, here is the information from a non-Creationist source:
Hope for a random chunk of sea ice? Polar Bears like 'em!
Now, do asteroids or aliens have anything at all to do with the fossil rock layers? How about the extinction of the dinosaurs?
We have to have some levity sometimes. We can discuss why there were still dinosaurs found living after the Flood and usually called dragons at that time later. Or you could search the archives here on this blog. Simple answer? They were taken on the Ark with all the other land-dwelling vertebrates and were eventually hunted to extinction by mankind because they had this bad habit of eating domesticated stock and even people!
Ian does a good job of covering some features of the surface of the Earth that support the Noahic Flood. Planation surfaces are found around the world, as are the commonplace canyons-driven-through-mountains such as the Grand Canyon. Also the evidence of runoff canyons similar to the Grand Canyon can be explained by the Flood but not by long ages...Cue Ian.
Scientists Discover Giant Canyon beneath Greenland Ice Sheet
It is at least 460 miles (750 km) long and in places as much as 800m deep and is on the same scale as parts of the Grand Canyon in Arizona, USA.
This remarkable feature is thought to predate the ice sheet that has covered Greenland for the last few million years and has the characteristics of a meandering river channel.
The scientists used thousands of miles of airborne radar data, collected mainly by NASA and researchers from the UK and Germany over several decades, to piece together the landscape lying beneath the ice sheet that covers most of Greenland and obscures it from view.They believe the canyon plays an important role in transporting sub-glacial meltwater produced at the bed from the interior to the edge of the ice sheet and ultimately into the ocean.
Well, now...seems like that Flood I was telling you about would have easily made said canyon and then the ONE ice age that followed covered Greenland with glaciation. During the Medieval Warming Period a good deal of Greenland was suitable for farming and herd animals, but then when temperatures went back down the area was colder and the farms and cattle ranches had to be abandoned. People think of Vikings as dashing sea raiders, but they were also pioneers who established farms and communities in Iceland, Greenland and North America during the MWP. It would be interesting to find out if they were aware of the canyon, perhaps not, as it is located at the North end of Greenland and the Vikings settled in the South.
Such a huge canyon had to have formed between the recession period of the Flood runoff and the formation of the ice age glaciers, probably formed primarily during the runoff. Since it has just been discovered under the ice, not a great deal of information is available about the canyon yet. Be ready for more long ages rhetoric unsupported by evidence to come out about it. Remember, these are the same folks who claim that the Colorado River carved the Grand Canyon, which is about as likely as the ice pack at the North Pole being melted by global warming by 2013? Oh, one of them said something like that? Oh, THAT guy!!! It is hard to keep the Darwinists and Alarmists separated out, since they are often one and the same? So a kiss goodbye to Global Dumbing:
Junk scientist Al Gore predicted in 2009 that the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice free in five years.
From the video:
From the video:
Former Vice President Al Gore references computer modeling to suggest that the north polar ice cap may lose virtually all of its ice within the next seven years. “Some of the models suggest that there is a 75 percent chance that the entire north polar ice cap, during some of the summer months, could be completely ice-free within the next five to seven years,” says Gore.
The Goracle made the same prediction to a German audience in 2008. He told them that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years.”
This wasn’t the first time Gore made his ice-free prediction. Gore’s been predicting this since 2007. That means that this year the North Pole should be completely melted.
Yeah. and he didn't actually invent the internet, either. Now almost everybody knows his bogus claims and also of the faked evidence used for his movie...but he is a millionaire with more houses that most people have cars. So he may be a fraud, but he probably doesn't give a rip. Same thing with Darwinists - they control the money and influence so they do not have to worry as long as they do not rock the boat. Wonder what they'll do when the boat begins to sink?![]() |
Credit: US Arctic Research Commission (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) |