Reviewing The Age of the Universe Part Two
When the evidence is what you care about, you abandon long ages and realize that God actually must have created the Universe and all things and all life as well. But do you really care about the evidence or are you satisfied being spoon-fed lies and mythology instead? You see, there are so many new discoveries being made that have begun to pile up the evidence against long ages. When we measure various processes to try to come up with an age of the Universe it is pretty obvious that we cannot hop in a time machine and travel back until we come to the beginning. Yesterday's post was in fact part one of this Jason Lisle online treatise.
Creationists believe that God is real and has told us approximately how old the Universe is via the Bible. While we cannot be sure of the exact age due to some possible places age could be added, as sometimes a grandfather would be credited as a father if the son in between was not a notable person. We figure somewhere between 6,000 and 7,000 years old is about right. The Hebrew scholar who was featured in this earlier post thinks he can be relatively precise. Darwinists will say something between 13.7 and 15 billion years. But in fact both can be right, depending on your point of view. Taking Back Astonomy by Dr. Lisle is the online book from which these last two posts were taken. You might be surprised if you were to go and read the entire book.
Now that we have begun to carefully study our Solar System with various space missions, it has become pretty obvious that the long-age assumptions of Darwinists were unfounded. All of the planets studied thus far have shown signs of being quite young. While Darwinists strive to use the least reliable age measurements, that is, elements with extremely long half-lifes that make it difficult to be sure they are valid...especially when they measure recent formations as many thousands or even millions of years old! Darwinists also use improperly calibrated C-14 measurements. Since we find C-14 in every single layer of fossils, and since C-14 should not be present at all in anything that is 100,000 years old, that tells us all fossils are less than 100,000 years old. But then the measurement of the magnetic field of the Earth puts us at probably less than 25,000 years old, as does the imbalance of C-12/14 in the atmosphere of the Earth. The age of the Earth cannot exceed the shortest possible age.
How could the Earth be 6,000 years old if the Universe is billions of years old? Time is relative depending upon the point of view and other factors specified by General Relativity. An expanding Universe (which the Bible tells us, by the way) could explain this quandary. There are too many aspects of the Universe which defy the standard Big Bang model to take it seriously. It really is time for the world of science to grow up! Dr. Humphreys came up with a model that makes testable predictions and his predictions have turned out to be true. Meanwhile the Hawkings of this world give us equations missing 96% of the components. Creationists came up with the scientific method and established most fields of study in science...basically you'd say that Creationists invented modern science. Natural Selection? Identified by a Creationist as part of the Creation model. Genetics? Invented by a Creationist. Astronomy? Electrical Theory? Physics? Thermodynamics? It is hard to find a basic science field NOT begun by a Creationist.
Now we know that all organisms have all the hallmarks of design. Organisms are molecular machines with hardware, software, operating systems and information that directs processes and repairs and reproduction. Organisms have redundancy and organisms have libraries of genetic information from which to select so that as conditions vary, the organism will produce wide varieties of each kind so that the most fit for the situation will survive and reproduce. There is absolutely nothing about organisms that hints at some beginning involving random collisions of atoms bonking around somehow creating sophisticated systems that organisms possess. Mankind is continually learning from organisms and studying them has led us to advances in flight, in producing energy, in attachment mechanisms, friction reduction...entire fields of study are devoted to simply studying organisms and trying to copy their superior designs. In computer technology we are babies compared to the sophisticated DNA-RNA coding mechanisms used by organisms. One human cell has more systems and operations and processes going than an automobile manufacturing plant. Only propaganda and censorship and brute force keeps the lid on the truth.
Look up Biomimetics and Biomimicry. Check out how Nanotechnology depends on nature and learns from organisms. God created a molecular motor that resembles the standard electric motor, only far more sophisticated and advanced and it is the flagellum motility system of the e.coli bacteria! Organisms use radar and sonar and can navigate by the magnetic field of the Earth. There are organisms that navigate in ways we still cannot understand AND can solve navigation problems faster than human computers. Obviously organisms did not figure out how to do sophisticated and instant calibrations of the speed and direction of their fellow fish or birds when schooling or flocking and yet they can move together in an intricate balletic way that defies anything man can devise. We are impressed when five jets fly in formation and do tricks in unison. Imagine the calculations required by a school of two thousand fish all managing to move away from predators and obstacles without colliding at full speed as if they were one creature?
No, random bonking of atoms together (and where do they get the atoms?) can never explain the creation of the Universe or the Solar System or the Earth or certainly not life and information. No.
Creationists believe that God is real and has told us approximately how old the Universe is via the Bible. While we cannot be sure of the exact age due to some possible places age could be added, as sometimes a grandfather would be credited as a father if the son in between was not a notable person. We figure somewhere between 6,000 and 7,000 years old is about right. The Hebrew scholar who was featured in this earlier post thinks he can be relatively precise. Darwinists will say something between 13.7 and 15 billion years. But in fact both can be right, depending on your point of view. Taking Back Astonomy by Dr. Lisle is the online book from which these last two posts were taken. You might be surprised if you were to go and read the entire book.
Now that we have begun to carefully study our Solar System with various space missions, it has become pretty obvious that the long-age assumptions of Darwinists were unfounded. All of the planets studied thus far have shown signs of being quite young. While Darwinists strive to use the least reliable age measurements, that is, elements with extremely long half-lifes that make it difficult to be sure they are valid...especially when they measure recent formations as many thousands or even millions of years old! Darwinists also use improperly calibrated C-14 measurements. Since we find C-14 in every single layer of fossils, and since C-14 should not be present at all in anything that is 100,000 years old, that tells us all fossils are less than 100,000 years old. But then the measurement of the magnetic field of the Earth puts us at probably less than 25,000 years old, as does the imbalance of C-12/14 in the atmosphere of the Earth. The age of the Earth cannot exceed the shortest possible age.
How could the Earth be 6,000 years old if the Universe is billions of years old? Time is relative depending upon the point of view and other factors specified by General Relativity. An expanding Universe (which the Bible tells us, by the way) could explain this quandary. There are too many aspects of the Universe which defy the standard Big Bang model to take it seriously. It really is time for the world of science to grow up! Dr. Humphreys came up with a model that makes testable predictions and his predictions have turned out to be true. Meanwhile the Hawkings of this world give us equations missing 96% of the components. Creationists came up with the scientific method and established most fields of study in science...basically you'd say that Creationists invented modern science. Natural Selection? Identified by a Creationist as part of the Creation model. Genetics? Invented by a Creationist. Astronomy? Electrical Theory? Physics? Thermodynamics? It is hard to find a basic science field NOT begun by a Creationist.
Now we know that all organisms have all the hallmarks of design. Organisms are molecular machines with hardware, software, operating systems and information that directs processes and repairs and reproduction. Organisms have redundancy and organisms have libraries of genetic information from which to select so that as conditions vary, the organism will produce wide varieties of each kind so that the most fit for the situation will survive and reproduce. There is absolutely nothing about organisms that hints at some beginning involving random collisions of atoms bonking around somehow creating sophisticated systems that organisms possess. Mankind is continually learning from organisms and studying them has led us to advances in flight, in producing energy, in attachment mechanisms, friction reduction...entire fields of study are devoted to simply studying organisms and trying to copy their superior designs. In computer technology we are babies compared to the sophisticated DNA-RNA coding mechanisms used by organisms. One human cell has more systems and operations and processes going than an automobile manufacturing plant. Only propaganda and censorship and brute force keeps the lid on the truth.
Look up Biomimetics and Biomimicry. Check out how Nanotechnology depends on nature and learns from organisms. God created a molecular motor that resembles the standard electric motor, only far more sophisticated and advanced and it is the flagellum motility system of the e.coli bacteria! Organisms use radar and sonar and can navigate by the magnetic field of the Earth. There are organisms that navigate in ways we still cannot understand AND can solve navigation problems faster than human computers. Obviously organisms did not figure out how to do sophisticated and instant calibrations of the speed and direction of their fellow fish or birds when schooling or flocking and yet they can move together in an intricate balletic way that defies anything man can devise. We are impressed when five jets fly in formation and do tricks in unison. Imagine the calculations required by a school of two thousand fish all managing to move away from predators and obstacles without colliding at full speed as if they were one creature?
No, random bonking of atoms together (and where do they get the atoms?) can never explain the creation of the Universe or the Solar System or the Earth or certainly not life and information. No.
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Unsplash / Benjamin Voros |
Recession of the Moon
As the moon orbits the earth, its gravity pulls on the earth’s oceans, causing tides. Since the earth rotates faster than the moon orbits, the tidal bulges induced by the moon are always “ahead” of the moon. For this reason the tides actually “pull forward” on the moon, which causes the moon to gain energy and gradually spiral outward. The moon moves about an inch and a half farther away from the earth every year due to this tidal interaction. Thus, the moon would have been closer to the earth in the past.