The End of Global Warming- C3 spanks the Climate Alarmists and Dan Pangburn spells it all out!

Based on the sum total of the recent climate posts, here is the situation:

We still have a LOT to learn about how the climate works.  Linking CO2 and temperature?  No!
The globe is not actually warming currently (last few years) but we are in a warm period.
CO2 does not drive the climate.  It is a tiny fraction of the atmosphere and it is plant food.
The climate varies greatly over time and has done so long before mankind's industrial age.
Warmer temperatures are better for mankind than cooler temperatures.

Certain individuals conspired to make money via carbon offsets by promoting a fake crisis.
Surface weather reporting stations have been deliberately changed to give warmer readings.
So ideologues and profiteers and radical green-nuts have played Chicken Little, but...

You can ignore every global alarmist, they are promoting unscientific nonsense.

So here is one of Dan's blogposts and his "about" information...
HADcrut3 (Met office Hadley Centre, UK)
 GISS (Goddard Institute of Space Studies)
 UAH (University of Alabama at Huntsville)
 RSS (Remote Sensing Systems)

The first three all draw from the same data base of surface measurement data. The last two draw from the data base of satellite measurements. Each agency processes the data slightly differently from the others. Each believes that their way is most accurate. To avoid bias, I average all five.

The averages since 2001 are listed here.