
Showing posts with the label Answers In Genesis

Distorting Linnaeus, Misrepresenting Creationists

Very Little Help Cleaning Up the Environment

Mysteries of Ice Age Animal Bigness

Living Fossils, a Persistent Evolutionary Problem

Skin Colors of Adam and Eve

Brain and Body are not the Soul

Louis Pasteur and Evolutionist Revisionism

Why the Genealogies of Jesus are Important

Now we have Superhabitable Planets?

Ancient Texts and Modern Translations

Evolutionists Misunderstanding Gregor Mendel

The Darwinian Flying Circus Side Show

Rusty Atheists Refuse to see the Evidence

Geological Activity on Pluto Continues to Surprise Secular Planetologists

Beholding Beauty in Culture

Earth's New, Temporary Moon

Climate Change Alarmism vs God