
Showing posts with the label Age of the Earth

Just So Stories and Mass Extinctions

Laminae in Shales and Flood Deposits

Continental Plates and the Genesis Flood

Geological Activity on Pluto Continues to Surprise Secular Planetologists

Creationists Contesting Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Feathered Dancing Dragon Folly

Climate Change Alarmism vs God

Deep-Time Geology Losing its Impact

Fish School Fossil — Anything but the Flood

Climate Change Hysteria and Old Earth Beliefs

Sea Pens and other Living Fossils Embarrass Evolutionists

Fossilization Experiment Supports Genesis Flood

Geologists Rescuing Deep Time Conflicts

A Numerical Model for Genesis Flood Processes

Planetary Defense is Failing

Antarctica's Fossil Forest Amazes Evolutionists

Australian Aborigines and Dinosaurs

Velocious Changes Perplex Secular Scientists

Proteins in Rock Trouble Old Earth Beliefs