
Showing posts with the label Creation Ministries International

Evolution and Flightless Insects

Mathematics Cannot be Racist

Natural Selection and a Polka-Dotted Zebra

The Grand Dicynodont Defies Evolution

A Clinical Look at Creationism and Same-Sex Attraction

Vigil for the Space Alien Arrival

Ichthyosaur Soft Tissues Troublesome for Evolutionists

Bighorn Sheep and Devolution

Eye of the Sahara and Flood Geology

Darwin's Point and Non-Evolution

Wave Rock and the Genesis Flood

Biomimetics and False Evolution Claims

Genetics and Super-Archaic Humans

Misplaced Faith in Darwinism Provides Cancer Treatment

Laminae in Shales and Flood Deposits

Considering the Bizarre Oilbird

Creationists Contesting Catastrophic Plate Tectonics

Failed Sales Pitches for Evolution

Snake Legs and Evolution